Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

ARO - Наурыз (Nauryz) versuri traducere în engleză



Flames spread from the East and the earth moistened as the snow melted
Day balanced with night, that is the will of the God
The stone of Turkestan have melted, oh spring
The tears of my eyes, oh joy, my darling
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Warm winds have come, oh joy,
Golden butter, barley, and milk is in abundance
The pastures have turned white, oh joy!
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Nauryz, Nauryz!
A golden holiday has arrived and glare came from people
The earth is a green revelry and the golden steppe is radiant with song
The stone of Turkestan have melted, oh spring
The tears of my eyes, oh joy, my darling
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Warm winds have come, oh joy,
Golden butter, barley, and milk is in abundance
The pastures have turned white, oh joy!
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Nauryz, Nauryz!
Nauryz, Nauryz!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: ARO

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