Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Antonis Remos - Χίλια Σπίρτα (Khília Spírta) versuri traducere în engleză


Thousand Matches

If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself
If you were a rainstorm
you'd have dried by now
you'd have dried by now
and I would be walking outside
I would be able to live
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I have been waking up for years
but (the scar) is still there
I try to hide it
I try yo conceal it
but it is still there
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I fight to erase you
to love you again
I pretend to be in love, I go out
but you are still there
If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself
If only you would come here from your paradise
for a minute
just to see how I get through
whilst I love you
in strangers' bodies
and you are not here to tell you this
If you were a century
you'd have ended already
you'd have ended already
time would have nullify you
and I would have started over
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I have been waking up for years
but (the scar) is still there
I try to hide it
I try yo conceal it
but it is still there
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I fight to erase you
to love you again
I pretend to be in love, I go out
but you are still there
If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Antonis Remos

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