Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Allu Rölli Tuppurainen - Käärmeen laulu versuri traducere în engleză


The song of a snake

I am a snake, always slithering
But also I have feelings
People always step on me
And the rain gets my skin wet
But I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
I am a snake and I like apples
But I'm not able to climb a tree
If someone shoke the tree
An apple would fall down for me
Because I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
If you just knew that I secretly cry sometimes
Because no-one likes snakes
All they do is throw a rock at me
Or push me aside with a stick
But I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
My true purpose is to look for a friend
But no-one would ever take a snake
Even though I don't lie, and I don't steal
And I owe nothing to anyone
Because I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Allu Rölli Tuppurainen

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