Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Alban Skënderaj - Pranvera versuri traducere în engleză



One moment and nothing is the same anymore
A word that killed more than a stone
A year that I miss more and more every day
A life as if it were dead forever
Day and night I stand as a statue in front of the door
I wait in vain for the day when spring comes
Let it rain and wash away the memories
Come out, sun, come out and dry your tears
A promise of an “apology” that was never said
A wound that remained open under the skin
A year that I miss more and more every day
A life as if it were dead forever
Day and night I stand as a statue in front of the door
I wait in vain for the day when spring comes
Let it rain and wash away the memories
Come out, sun, come out and dry your tears

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Alban Skënderaj

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