Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Akademia Pana Kleksa - Jak Rozmawiać Trzeba z Psem versuri traducere în engleză


How a Dog Should Be Talked To

You do not know, but i do
How a dog should be talked to
Because I learned the language of dogs
When I lived in a village of sorts
And so I call out: 'Come here dog'
And the dog is already calling back
Then I call out: 'Hippity-hop'
And by my side is already my dog
And when I say: 'lay down quietly'
I lay down and so does my dog
When I hold out my hand towards him
He politely licks my palm
And funnily bares his teeth
Even though he never gets mad
When I give my dog a bone, he sucks on it
Because those are dogs' habits
While I was writing this poem
My dog fell asleep at my feet
Then he stood up, stretched his back
So I would go on a walk with him!
We walked together, he and I
The dog spooked a flock of crows
He barked, but I did not
My dog understands me either way
The dog understands, because I know
How a dog should be talked to.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Akademia Pana Kleksa

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