Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

229 - Простите меня мужики за то, шо не был в АТО (Prostyte menya muzhyky za to, sho ne bыl v ATO) versuri traducere în engleză


Forgive me guys for not taking part in the ATO

Fighters of the unknown front
I lived in a shack
And was a trouble maker
The powers that be were thiefs that started
the war
And I was called to the ATO zone
Andrii Lysenko!
We lived in Kuchma's* days
Fat, bread, crackers were our food
We had smoked fish
and was in clover
And I ended up in the ATO * zone
Forgive me guys
for not taking part in the ATO
I played dominoes
while you shot there
But I prayed and fasted for your's sake
And a couple of times
I threw five in the box
Assholes repeatedly violated the silence
Shots were fired in the area of Popasnaya, Maryinka, Krasnohorivka
BMP-21 Grad
Come on
Andriy Lysenko!
Ay ay my führer, your wish is my command
Forgive me guys
For not not taking part in the ATO
I played dominoes
while you shot there
But I prayed and made a sign of cross for your's sake
And I threw fiver in the box a couple of times
Forgive me guys for not taking part in the ATO
While you shot there
I played dominoes
But I prayed and fasted for your's sake
I threw a fiver into the pot a couple of times

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: 229

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