Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery - Прва и Трета песна (Prva i Treta pesna) versuri traducere în engleză


First and Third Odes or Songs

CD 6, Choir: Glorious Forerunner, pray for us.
First Ode or Song
Melody: Crossing the water...
After thou appeared to John the hermit/ anchorite, glorious, through thine icon thou gave us a healing spring, that is why we sing to thee, Baptist of Christ.
The most honourable one, Prophet, Forerunner of Christ and a preacher in hell. Ever from the faithful children, through the icon thou art gloriously successful.
He lived in an angelic body, a brave servant of God was crowned with glory. Deliver us from our troubles, thou who called thyself great before the Lord.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Great is the mystery, most glorious, how a Virgin gives birth and remains incorruptible, standing before her with trepidation and may we glorify the Brideless.
Third Ode or Song
Melody: in the firmament (the heavens)...
Rushing towards thee joyfully, the hermit Jovan called: my fortress and protection, give me a blessing. Thus, the faithful come to thee now, Oh Lord, be our support.
Glorious John, thou wanted to teem out rivers of grace, that's why thou announced thy icon to us, Holy One. We always faithfully come towards it, comfort in having thee, Forerunner the greatest.
Looking at thy face/ icon, we sing songs of praise to thee, like unworthy children, we place our hope in thee. Baptist of Christ, who heals all kinds of infirmities, banish all mental torments from us.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Having motherly boldness towards the Lord. Virgin Mary, pray unceasingly for us, because we suffer from infirmities. Thou liftest us up and givest us a warm protection, Rejoicing Mother of God.
Save thy servants from misery, Baptist, because we all turn to thee for God's sake, as to an indestructible rampart and protection.
Look with kindness, Virgin Mary Mother of God, heal my angry bodily anguish and heal the sickness of my soul.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery

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