Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery - Кондак: Застапништво на Христијаните Потоа кондакот, глас 6 (Kondak: Zastapništvo na Hristijanite Potoa kondakot, glas 6) versuri traducere în engleză


Kondakion: Protection and Intercessor for Christians Then the kondakion, tone 6

Unfailing protection and intercessor for Christians, and for us the warmest prayer-maker, do not look down on the prayerful voices of sinners, but Forerunner, hear us, and help us, who warmly cry unto thee: hurry, O Baptist, and hurry to help us, preacher of Christ. John all-glorified.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery

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