Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery - Четврта, Петта и Шеста песна (Četvrta, Petta i Šesta pesna) versuri traducere în engleză


Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Odes or Songs

Melody: I heard it, Lord...
CD 9, Fourth Ode or Song To the childless, Forerunner, what do they ask of thee, thou blessest them with births, therefore thou art also glorified by them.
Thou hast called the sons of Adam to repentance, accept our contrition, although we have no worthy fruit. (See Luke 3:8 KJV)
Here the whole monastery calls out and speaks of thee, the miracles are countless, John, given to us through the icon.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
The helmsman gave birth to our salvation, Mariam, therefore the heavenly hosts watched the miracle with trepidation.
Fifth Ode or Song:
Melody: Enlighten us, Lord...
Pray for us for the forgiveness of sins, thou who received a heavenly blessing, to heal from us from all weaknesses.
Warmth abundant in thee we recognized, chanting, intoxicated by the graceful currents.
The one who received baptism for us, through thy reverend hand, made thee the greatest of those born.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
We praise thee loudly, Queen, because the Prophet greeted thee and danced in thy mother's womb.
Sixth Song or Ode
Melody: I will pour out a prayer unto the Lord...
Thy house has become right famous, great John, Forerunner of God, and it bears witness to thee faithfully, because it is built on a rock, always praising, with the icon called Bigorska.
Venerating the truthful icon, and in sorrow we ask for help. Baptist, look at us and encourage us soon, thee who showed thyself brave, scorning the sin of Herod.
The newlyweds sing to thee with joy, because they were given by thee, and they have spoken about thee faithfully, announcing the miracles. Oh. Most Blessed One, protect them from miseries too.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
A pillar of fire and the brightest star thou art Most Holy for us in the darkness. Thou gave birth to the everlasting Sun, who illuminated us with light, Lady Mary, we exalt thee with gladness.
Save thy servants from sorrow, Baptist, why through God, we resort to thee, as to an indestructible rampart and protection. Pure one, who through the word, inexplicably gave birth to the Word in the last days. Beseech Him, as the possessor of motherly boldness.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: The Monks of the Holy Bigorski Monastery

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