Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 23



Hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
Oh, oh-oh
Tayc zi de zi Tayc
Vreau sa fac, vreau sa, vreau sa, vreau sa, vreau sa, veau sa, vreau sa
Mami ooh, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh
Oh timpul, timpul m-a vindecat
Nimic nu mai e ca inainte, deja altcineva mi-a purtat de grija
Oh oh, timpul, s-a intors roata cu siguranta
Nu-mi irosi timpul, altcineva a stiut cum sa ma ingrijeasca (sa ma iubeasca, sa ma pretuiasca)
Tu, tu ai disparut fara sa-mi spui nimic
Ai ales sa fugi departe ca un copil
Ai plecat fara sa privesti in urma
Mi-am deschis inima iar tu mi-ai intors spatele
M-ai facut sa imi irosesc timpul
Nu mi-ai dat dreptul la replica
Iar acum
Vrei sa te intorci
Si ca inainte
Vrei sa il gasesti din nou pe cel pe care l-ai iubit
Pe cel cu care te-ai jucat, ah
Si acum, tu esti cea care vrea sa vorbim (sa stam de vorba)
Si vrei sa renunti la toate minciunile
Nu imi irosi timpul, da, da
Oh timpul, timpul m-a vindecat
Nimic nu mai e ca inainte, deja altcineva mi-a purtat de grija
Oh oh, timpul, s-a intors roata cu siguranta
Nu-mi irosi timpul, altcineva a stiut cum sa ma iubeasca
Nu ma face sa cred ca nu am facut ceea ce trebuia
Te-am pus pe primul loc
Mi-am pierdut capul
Fara nici-un regret, ai aruncat totul pe apa sambetei, oh-oh
Devenisem dependent de mirosul si de atingerea ta
De gustul veninului tau (eh, yeah)
Dar acum, da acum
Sunt bine
Cu tine (cu tine) am avut impresia ca trebuie sa cersesc
Pentru ceva ce-mi datorai, nu
Si acum, in cele din urma, vrei sa asculti (sa auzi ce am de zis)
Ne-am despartit, vrei sa te impaci din nou
Pleaca, nu imi irosi timpul, nu nu
Oh timpul, timpul, vremea m-a vindecat (oh, zilele)
Nimic nu mai e ca inainte, deja altcineva mi-a purtat de grija
Oh oh, roata, s-a intors cu siguranta
Nu-mi irosi timpul, altcineva a stiut cum sa ma iubeasca
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mami ooh, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh
Ooh nu ma voi plia (supune) niciodata
Vreau sa fac, vreau sa, vreau sa, vreau sa, vreau sa, veau sa, vreau sa
Mami ooh, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh, mami, mami ooh
Tayc de Tayc

Mi-ai promis

Ei imi spuneau: ” - Pune-ti intrebarile potrivite”
Imi spuneau: ” - Frumusetea poate fi inselatoare”
Le-am raspuns: ” - Aici nu se pune problema”
Ea e singura care, la noapte
Stie cum sa ma faca sa rad
Vorbesti fara sa stii cu cine stai de vorba
Nu am nevoie de prelegerile tale
Am aruncat fiecare opinie de a ta
Cand iubesc nu mai vad defectele
Ea deja ma cheama ”sotul meu”, am platit deja pretul miresei
Stiu ca iti e teama de intuneric
Draga, sunt aici, e ok, stai linistita
Ei vorbesc despre noi
Si soptind atat de multe
Au plantat indoiala in mine
Vom vorbi despre iubire
Dar ei spun prea multe lucruri
Asta a alimentat neincrederea fata de tine in mine
(Frange-mi inima), ai promis, mi-ai promis
(Frange-mi inima), mi-ai promis, mi-ai promis
(Rupe-mi inima), ai promis, mi-ai promis
[Couplet 2]
Stiu ca ea e cea care ne tine impreuna
Stiu ca e ea cea care tine fraiele
Ea e cea care stabileste ritmul
Vocea ei resuna din nou si din nou
Spune adesea ” - Taykee tu ma iubesti, si ma vei iubi numai pe mine”
Depind de ea, trebuie sa recunosc
As muri pentru ea numai ca sa traiesc
Imi cunoaste toate slabiciunile
Toate indoielile, fara ea spiritu-mi e tulburat
Deja ma numeste marioneta ei
Deja am platit pretul
Stiu ca ei ii e teama de intuneric, draga sunt aici
Totul e bine, calmeaza-te
Ei vorbesc despre noi
Si soptind atat de multe
Au plantat indoiala in mine
Vom vorbi despre iubire
Dar ei spun prea multe lucruri
Asta a alimentat neincrederea fata de tine in mine
(Frange-mi inima), ai promis, mi-ai promis
(Frange-mi inima), mi-ai promis, mi-ai promis
(Rupe-mi inima), ai promis, mi-ai promis


Timpul se scurge băiete
Asta ar putea insemana bani pentru cineva
Știi că sunt foarte tare, nu mai pot aștepta, nu
Nu am răbdare, îmi place să fiu sinceră
Dar ar trebui să știi, yeah yeah
Urăsc când este prea dulce așa că ai grijă
Pot să îmi dau seama dintre bunele maniere și amabilitate, yeah
Chiar dacă ar fi să strălucesc doar pentru un moment, nici măcar nu voi încerca
Câteodată, eu cred că..
(Cred că sunt foarte mișto)
Cât mai repede posibil, tu ești jumătatea mea
În totalitate o copie
Cineva care e exact ca mine
Cineva care știe cum mă simt
Cât mai repede posibil, cineva care arată exact ca mine, decalcomania mea
Arătate acum în fața mea
Cât mai repede posibil
Cât mai repede posibil
Arătate în fața mea, in fața mea
Nu, nu sunt mofturoasă, dar ei spun că sunt așa câteodată
E-n regulă, dar îmi pasă
Ei spun că am standarde mari, nu, nu am
Vor înțelege ei odată și odată
Nu mai dacă vei apărea
Așa că dragă, grăbește-te, eu tot aștept
Urăsc când este prea dulce așa că ai grijă
Pot să îmi dau seama dacă este o inimă adevărată sau falsă, yeah
Dacă se arde prea rapid, îmi voi da seama foarte ușor
Câteodată, eu cred că..
(Cred că sunt foarte mișto)
Cât mai repede posibil, tu ești jumătatea mea
În totalitate o copie
Cineva care e exact ca mine
Cineva care știe cum mă simt
Cât mai repede posibil, cineva care arată exact ca mine, decalcomania mea
Arătate acum în fața mea
Cât mai repede posibil
Cât mai repede posibil
Vreau ca tu să apari în fața mea, in fața mea
Cum se simte cu adevărat, o frumoasă..
o frumoasă iubire
Nu am simțiț așa ceva înainte
Așa că unde ești, eu încă te astept
(Cât mai repede posibil)
Cât mai repede posibil, tu ești jumătatea mea
În totalitate o copie
Cineva care e exact ca mine
Cineva care știe cum mă simt
Cât mai repede posibil, cineva care arată exact ca mine, decalcomania mea
Arătate acum în fața mea
Cât mai repede posibil
Cât mai repede posibil
Vreau ca tu să apari în fața mea, în fața mea


STAYC girls it’s going down
Time is running boy, it's money for some
You know I'm so dope, I can't wait any longer
I'm naturally a little impatient
I like being honest but you gotta know,
yeah e yeah
I don't like being sweet, so check it
I can distinguish between good manners and good hearts, e yeah
But if it’s only momentary, I won't even bother to start it
Sometimes when I think about it
I think I'm really cool
ASAP my other half, not my complete copy
Someone who's the same as me, who knows my heart well
My decalcomanie that resembles me, ASAP
Please appear before me
whoo woo woo woo
whoo woo woo woo
Please appear before my eyes
No, I'm not picky, sometimes I'm a little difficult
It's okay, but I care,
I don't have high standards
You'll understand when you show up
So baby, hurry up, I'm just waiting on
I hate it just because it's sweet, so check it
I can tell if it's just the outside or the truth, ayy-yeah
If it burns quickly, it turns off easily
Sometimes when I think about it
I think I'm really cool
ASAP my other half, not my complete copy
Someone who's the same as me, who knows my heart well
My decalcomanie that resembles me, ASAP
Please appear before me
whoo woo woo woo
whoo woo woo woo
Please appear before my eyes
What does it actually feel like?
A beautiful, a beautiful love
I've never felt it before
So, where you at? I'm waiting
ASAP my other half, not my complete copy
Someone who's the same as me, who knows my heart well
My decalcomanie that resembles me, ASAP
Please appear before me
Whoo woo woo woo
Whoo woo woo woo
Please appear before my eyes

Do not think about him

Do not think anymore about him, you hurt yourself, please do not think anymore about him
He stained your soul, you, you are beaten
Your heart is more precious than the gold
Do not think about him anymore
For a guy you do not what to see during the day
Millions among them dream about making love to you
Your heart is as beautiful as the gold (as the gold)
C'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini
C'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini (Taykee day taykee)
C'est fini x5
You still cry for the shake of a love story
They will still say that Tayc only talks about love, oh love
But it's you that he asks to be consoled by, yeah
I am your friend and friends act always like this so we are going to talk
You fold yourself in four pieces for a jerk
And for you, you gave yourself without counting
He sticked the knife and watched your blood flowing
And since, you don't go out anymore
I asked, they told me ''you don't eat anymore'' ya
You wanted my opinion, oh
Do not think about him anymore, you hurt yourself, please do not think about him anymore
He stained your soul, you, you are beaten
Your heart is more precious than the gold
Do not think about him anymore
For a guy you do not what to see during the day
Millions among them dream about making love to you
Your heart is as beautiful as the gold (as the gold)
C'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini
C'est fini x 26
You want your own death, all this for a son of a, yeah yeah
I would have never imagined that a woman like you could get so low
You were loving him, he made you pay
Today you curse him, it's you that I curse and you will understand why
No one forced you to stay, no, no, no one forced you to stay
You were so proud of you, proud of you
No man could make you fall in love
No, no, no man could make you fall in love
You are momma's girl, your father's jewerly (do not think about him)
C'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini (who is he?)
C'est fini x 4 (who is he for making you cry?)
C'est fini x4
Do not think about him
C'est fini x4
C'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini, c'est fini (who is he for making you cry?)
C'est fini x4
C'est fini x31

Like you

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
Tayc de Tayc
(You love, yeah)
It's been months we moved on in our lifes, you wanted me to stay calm (yeah)
With you, I lost much time, this is what I was thinking before my new life, yeah (no, no-no)
I got with someone else, yeah (yeah, yeah)
The feelings are here but I need to let it go, yeah (ooh, ooh woah)
'Cause she is not like you, no (ohh, ohh)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not want to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
She does not touch me like you did, no
She is good but she is not like you, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
They told me : ''do not compare the woman that you are with now, to the one you had before'' (ohh, never)
They told me : ''do not rush to take a decision, Tayc do not do that, please take time'' (oh na, na, yeah)
If I am closed, it's because of you, yeah (it's not your fault, yeah)
You played me dirty but I would give anything to return back, yeah, ayy (ohh, ohh, ohh)
'Cause she is not like you, no, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh (ooh), she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not want to do anything like you did, no (ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah, ah-ah)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (hey)
She does not touch me as you did, no (hey)
She is good but she is not like you, no (understand me if I come back)
Ooh, na-na, na-na
Oh-oh, oh-oh (ooh, hey, woo)
Ooh, na-na, na-na
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ooh, na-na, na-na (ha, ha, ha)
Ooh, na-na, na-na (ooh, baby)
Ooh, na-na, na-na (ooh, ooh)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
Ooh, ooh-ooh (ohh na-na) she does not want to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
Ooh, ooh-ooh, she does not know how to do anything like you did, no (ooh, na-na, na-na)
She does not touch me like you did, no
She is good but she is not like you, no


STAYC girls it's going down
You stole my heart
You took my heart
I need your love
I need your patch of love
Beside you
Call me and I'll never go away
If you show me all that's in your heart
I get clumsy
Even if they say I'm immature I'm ok
I'm good with that
Baby, even if you push me away
I'm not going to change
It's fact that I like you
I can't do anything about it
For real I want you SO BAD
I need you yeah
My my my my my head head, inside my head
It's filled with you baby
From the beginning I want you SO BAD
I can't ever stop
My my my my my heart heart my heart hurts
Because of you
Never never never never never
I can't ever hide it
I'm nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
You're changing again, I'm saying that you're
Pushing and pulling again, please understand my feelings more
How do you think
How do you think yeah yeah
STAYC girls yeah it's going down
You can't know everything
Based on what you see
Even if you say you saw wrong I'm ok
I like you
Baby, even if you push me away
I'm not going to change
It's fact that I like you
I can't do anything about it
For real I want you SO BAD
I need you yeah
My my my my my head head, inside my head
It's filled with you baby
From the beginning I want you SO BAD
I can't ever stop
My my my my my heart heart my heart hurts
Because of you
Truthfully, I don't know about love
That's why I'm nervous, but I still like you
Please understand my clumsy heart baby
Don't pretend you don't understand, you've got a feeling
You know you've got that feeling
I want you SO BAD
You stole my heart
You took my heart
I need your love
I need your patch of love
Beside you
Call me and I'll never go away
For real I want you SO BAD
I need you yeah
My my my my my head head, inside my head
It's filled with you baby
From the beginning I want you SO BAD
I can't ever stop
My my my my my heart heart my heart hurts
Because of you
Never never never never never
I can't ever hide it
I'm nah nah nah nah nah nah nah


STAYC girls, it’s going down
I'm calling for you by humming
Oh, even when you're not by my side
Even when we're together
We're crowded with work
Oh, I won't be afraid of anything
Yeah, even when the mood isn't good, I'm okey dokey
I like when you look only at me, like puppy puppy
Everyday day
Everything thing
You're really sweet, you're so sweet like cake cake
Love may be like a sea, however
The deeper it gets, the more dangerous, however
It's only you
The person I think of all day, is only you
It's my first time
You feel the same way, right? Like this
Right, right? Same as me?
Don't you? Right? Like this
With delightful words,
I speak sulkily
Wanting to play jokes
Even if it's obvious
I'm also a bit strange, my babe
I can't drive but I'm a racer
Who likes to compete more? But ain't no danger
Never, never never one one ever
can take your place boy
Nothing can take our relationship away
Love may give me scars, however,
It will hurt me someday, however
It's only you
The person I think of all day, is only you
It's my first time
You feel the same way, right? Like this
Right, right? Same as me?
Don't you? Right? Like this
You’re my boy
and I’m yours for sure yeah
Let's promise each other
We'll never leave each other
It's only you
The person I think of all day, is only you
It's my first time
You feel the same way, right? Like this
Right, right? Same as me?
Don't you? Right? Like this

I prove it

Versions: #1
I'm hurting because of us
You never did as much
Every day, I prove it
I prove it yeah, I prove it
I can't sleep at night
I feel like I'm talking to the wind
I search for your love yeah
Love yeah, love
You're the one I chose
The only one who fascinates me
I chase after us
You spend your time cutting me out
I gave my whole life to you
I don't know what got into me
I speak every language
To make myself understand
I even mimed
You wanted us to talk, we did
But you realized you had nothing to say
You made big gestures but your arguments were lacking
You make love so well, that's true (that's true)
But what's the point of being faithful if you feel free?
I can sleep peacefully
Knowing I did no wrong
You're the one who messed up
You fucked all my friends
I can name
Johnny, Kevin, Warren, CJ
But I'll leave it at that
Yeah you're the one who messed up
We see your face on all over social media
In fact, speaking of
Johnny, Kevin, Warren, CJ
Which one was better?
I'm hurting because of us
You never did as much
Every day, I prove it
I prove it yeah, I prove it
I can't sleep at night
I feel like I'm talking to the wind
I search for your love yeah
Love yeah, love
You're the one I chose
The only one who fascinates me
I chase after us
You spend your time cutting me out
I gave my whole life to you
I don't know what got into me
I speak every language
To make myself understand
I even mimed


[Afro Love]
If I followed you since afro love
It's because my mind's finally made up, Camilla
I've finally laid my hands on the jackpot
That's what I came for
For a long time have I loved you
I think it's time you noticed me
I want our body heat to melt honey
I told you, you're all I want
Oh I'm an idiot, such a pinhead
I was checking you out but never had the guts, no
Twerp, dunce, such a nitwit
It's as if I was so much afraid of you
I have loved you for a long time
And you never, you never knew, no
And you never, you never saw
Oh Camilla, Camilla, Camilla
I want us so bad
I'm having imaginations already
I've been longing for it for so long
Oh I want the two of us, Camilla
If I've been feeling paranoid since afrolove
It's because I don't want to play anymore, Camilla
I know that with you the future looks brighter
That we won't go through heartbreak
I already know everything you like
I know all your doubts, I can tell when you're lying
Camilla I know each one of your lovers
Camilla oh, Camilla oh
Camilla oh, Camilla oh
I want us so bad
I'm already having imaginations of us
I've been longing for it for so long
Oh I want the two of us, Camilla
Oh I want us, us Camilla