Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Jelena Karleuša - Pucaj u ljubav versuri traducere în engleză


Shoot our love

It's a shame, six-foot man,
That I set you free like a begging child
Arguments 'for' and 'against'
Doesn't matter, it always hurts the same
Don't fight it, let me in closer
So I can shake you by the shoulders
You can't leave me, you love me madly
No other woman exists besides me
It's no use, it's no use, it's no use
Everything of yours is bigger than your heart
Shoot our love, shoot me
As you're already running away from the scene

I have teeth to bite you with
Nails to scratch you with, to make you bleed
And the most beautiful words in the world
To make you feel as small as a worm
How has it come to this?
You don't know what you're doing, you're lost
You walk blinded in darkness
You don't know who you are, who you're with, where you are
I'm begging you
Do you really want this turmoil?
You'll win the war, but you won't have peace

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Jelena Karleuša

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