Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 58


Lands Without Rain

Mankind , my brother/sister, my comrade, my lover
Get up and take your life
Re-create to live together and free
Bring the land to your children
And the love that creates life,
The nature and nice person
When the violence inside us turns into love
The most beautiful world begins to green up
If human left without love, will thrown away
Bow down to the endless darkness
Weasels don't succumb to a hurricane
The snowdrop blooming in the snow reaches for the light
Stand up against the storm
Stand up!
Embrace your love, not your anger
multiply with love
I need your love
Stand up!
I need your strength
Stand up!
Waiting for you
Mothers of lost children
And the dreams of young girls
Unborn children
And lands without rain
Stand up!

As long as we believe in love

Maybe I'd have never thought about it, but today
The morning light rejuvenated my thoughts
I remember how we dreamed of growing up and being loved
Today we stand here, tell me, do you feel it?
What could sound better than time?
That what I hear ticking when only us two are listening
only we two know
Maybe I'd have never thought about it, but you
open my eyes, so many meanings
Again in the new light I see, how we, both of us
became what we are now, me and you
What could sound better than time?
That what I hear ticking when only us two are listening
What could be stronger than a feeling?
Everything will be easy as long as we believe in love
We live only once
But I know with you
What I am, where I'm going, my shore
What could sound better than time?
That what I hear ticking when only us two are listening
What could be stronger than a feeling?
Everything will be easy as long as we believe in love
As long as we believe in love

Love crime

We came home when parents were asleep
You were giving kisses, we were drinking.
I’m giving you my love
But now you want more
You turn off your phone
It won’t interrupt our criminal ecstasy
You are asking for more
Pulse is getting faster
Let’s get down on the floor right away
Before someone comes in.
I’m reading your mind
Cast away your worries
Fire in your eyes, you are so beautiful
I’m following you through the hallway,
Seeing everything you hide inside
In this little town
I will give you love

Noi suntem aromâni

Noi suntem aromâni, aromâni din toate timpurile
Și tot aromâni o să fim de-acum înainte
Noi limba noastra s-n-o uităm
Nu ne e rușine s-o vorbim
Și de cei ce fug de ea ne batem joc!
Oh, măi, bunicule, eu vreau să te-ntreb ceva
În Pind, aromânimea, cum trăia?
Feciorii când se însurau
Fetele, nu le cunoșteau
Nu știm dacă era mai bine așa
Dar bunicu' zise 'Oh, of-of-of'
Cum o să ne omoare, măi, Dumnezeu
După atâtea rele făcute neamului
De nu s-a mai auzit niciodată
De ce trăii ca să văd, amărâtul de mine, așa ceva?'
Noi suntem aromâni, aromâni din toate timpurile
Și tot aromâni o să fim de-acum înainte
Noi limba noastra s-n-o uităm
Nu ne e rușine s-o vorbim
Și de cei ce fug de ea ne batem joc!

Welcome us coming, village

1.All of us mates of same class
We look like buds of a rose plant
‘My children best wishes
We were accompanied and greeted
Oh this land of ours, sweet
Like honey.
Our sweat
Makes it prosperous.
Open armed you welcome us
We come to you
With cheerful heart.
2.Boys and girls we set to work
Like once in school we are all together
Every single soil lump from our land
Warms our heart like fire.
- Refrain

Sleepy night, honey filled moon

Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all
Far away, very far away, on the other bank of the river
Who's yearning for you along the tunes of the flute
Losing myself along those tunes, getting soaked in the moon
Today I look for you all alone
You're a distant star, you couldn't understand
The heartbreak of Kumudini [feminine moon],The heartbreak of Kumudini
You're the blue waves, I'm the sea-beacj
You just touch me and receede fast into the seas
If you're close, I can't tell you anything
If you're far away, I miss you a lot
If I catch you this time, I'll finally tell you, this is what I always think
But I can't muster up the strength for it, can't muster up the strength
Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all

Either Karabakh or death!

[Verse 1]
My heart cries with the weeping ones
With those mourning in Karabakh
Karabakh can't erase its tears for 70 years
Freedom has come but Karabakh couldn't smile yet
Let the world hear this voice!
This voice is the voice of the East
The voice of the honorable race praised by the Prophet
This voice is the voice of Azerbaijan
This voice is the voice of Turks
These armenians encroached and still encroaching on our lives
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 2]
There's blood in Karabakh, Azerbaijan's crying
Azerbaijan's bleeding in Karabakh
The snow melts from the spilled blood, Azerbaijan's crying
Hey, cruel world! Turn and look at us!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 3]
World! Enough! Don't turn a blind eye to this crime of humanity
Look at the blood thirsty armenian villain
Which said 'It's mine' and invaded my land
Either finish this or get out of the way
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 4]
If Azerbaijan was an eye Karabakh would be its pupil
The very middle of Azerbaijan, its navel
Is it my eye that this armenian bastard covets?
Take him away from our door, world, this bastard is yours
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 5]
I already know well the peculiarity of the armenians
I've known this since 1918
I know them by their hands which were covered in my blood
It's time to cut off those hands
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 6]
While a black saga was being written in Karabakh
While those innocent people were being pushed under the bullets
While babies' heads were being smashed by stones
No one can say to me now grit your teeth
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 7]
Young, elder, women, girls perish endless
Arms cut eyes gouged out
Their cries spreading around like waves
The grave of a martyr is now more than one
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 8]
Where are you Muslims?
Tell me, don't you see this torments, this savagery?
Today is the day of Unity, be united
Say 'Allahu Akbar!' and become one
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 9]
The friend of turks - is Allah, we believe in Islam
Islam says 'Loving the Motherland is part of faith'
World, don't tell me it doesn't
Say 'Jihad' to me already!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 10]
Why is the world silent? Let your voice be heard!
Make up a truce, where's your truce?!
If they want, don't let this fire stop
Now shove this truce up your ass - World!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
[Verse 11]
The armenians will drink our blood like a vampire
And will a truce make our pain go away?
Those who sow this wind will reap the storm
Ozan Arif says that, the arrow has already left the bow!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!
Either Karabakh or death, there's no other way now!

The orange song

Versions: #1
I've been drawing for two days in a row already,
There are a lot of colors in the palette, choose, whatever you want,
I'll paint the whole world
My favorite color.
The orange sky, the orange sea,
The orange leaves, the orange camel,
The orange mothers sing the orange children
The orange songs.
Then very grown uncle has come to our house,
He looked at the drawing, shook his head,
And said to me: It's nonsense,
There's never such thing.
But at this moment the sun was shining in the sky
And has painted the whole world the color I wanted.
Uncle looked around
And that's what he saw with surprise:
Since that time I sing this song everywhere,
When I become an adult, I'll sing it anyway,
Even if you are a big,
It's very good to see:

No Sleep Tonight

I was desperate at the first,
I was lost at the second,
Then I passed out at the third bottle...
I was hopeless at the first,
I was pale at the second,
Then I forgot at the third bottle...
No sleep to me again, let's go gentlemen, to drink!
I have no relation with sleep, fill 'em up, let's drink all night!
I was desperate at the first,
I was lost at the second,
Then I passed out at the third bottle...
I was hopeless at the first,
I was pale at the second,
Then I forgot at the third bottle...
No sleep to me again, let's go gentlemen, to drink!
I have no relation with sleep, fill 'em up, let's drink all night!

You, Aromanian Village

Since the begining of time
The longing for your village is intense,
No matter where the Aromanians are,
It's something that God gave us.
Hey, i love you so much, i love you so much
Aromanian village,
No matter where the Aromanians go
They will never forget about you.
I always remember
That when i was kid
We used to keep inside our home
The sheep with the newborn lamb.
I always remember
About the village life,
That the sheep's milk
Was a staple food.
Wearing wool socks
And thick hats,
We were warm
Even during freezing cold weather.
From Wednesday to Wednesday
A wedding would take place,
Such a loud party
With lots of music.
Hey, i love you so much, i love you so much
Aromanian village,
No matter where the Aromanians go
They will never forget about you.

It Will Be My End

I admit I'm defeated
I am exiled for the sake of your eyes
I've never denied, but
Without knowing whether he return or not
I've waited for years
Life has made me hankering for him
Please help me!
Otherwise, my heart will be devastated
Is there another way?
This love will be my end
You'll learn when you're alone
You'll learn when you're in trouble
Have you ever asked yourself?
Is your heart solely blind to me?

Engine Republic

We are the children of the engine republic...
Guilty lights in the new city
and forgotten groans the cement
and you collect feelings like nuggets of gold
the otherness did you have already
Here is your time and here is your place
Here is your future, your bed
and if and whereto an why you run
you don't know and you also can't go
We are kids of the engine republic...
Teethed in the city do you never fall down
You stand with your ass at the wall
Your teeth, glitter in white as pearls
Your sorrows, they hang in the wardrobe
In red wine or firewater is a genie in a bottle,
Your fellow for one night
And new wave is out, let's go free jazz now
And it was fun again.
We are kids of the engine republic...
The micro gutter of the city pongs
And it humms from the poles...I feel love
The healthy (one) screems 'Build it!'
And the german(s) screems 'Build it!'
And we all screem 'Build it!'
'I feel love, I feel love, I feel love, I feel pleasure...'
We are kids of the engine republic...
We are kids of the engine republic... (french)


I'm not crying anymore, my love

Impatient, I am

The way you looked at me, the way you touched me
Hurt, I was, Hurt, I was
Sleepless, for you, I'm impatient
Sleepless, for you, I'm impatient
The way you came, the way you smiled
Defeated, I was, Defeated, I was
Shattered, for you, I'm impatient
Shattered, for you, I'm impatient
The nights pass by, the sleep returns back
Only comes the dreams
Because with the wave of the same dream, slowly slowly, you
Come back and forth
The days pass by, the evenings pass by
Your thoughts don't end
No matter how much I think, the cute face of yours
Appears again and again
The way you looked at me, the way you called me
Bloodied, I was, bloodied, I was
Impatient, for you, I'm impatient
Impatient, for you, I'm impatient
In the heart of mine, your breathings are there
My life, is for you
In the dreams of mine, slowly slowly
You've made yourself a home
Your lips are like a butterfly
The same butterfly sits on my lips
And colors up the whole night
The way you came, the way you stayed in my heart
Bloodied, I was, bloodied, I was
Longing for your return, I'm impatient
Longing for your return, I'm impatient

Blue airmail

A blue airmail fell on the postbox
In a hurry I take it out without letting it soak in the rain
Pressing the umbrella against my cheek, I can't wait to open it
And I can't walk of how painful is your quirky writing
I wonder if even these news
That sometimes reach will stop coming
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time
Winter will come earlier to your town
Are you wearing the coat of when we met the last time?
If I visited you 5, no, 8 years ago
I want you to shine so much that I can't call you
If I lose you for not choosing you
Sad affections will pierce my chest
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time
But I still like you
I don't give up to the passing of time