Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1


Let we delete it...

Maybe just will we delete it?
Both haven't any energies
Before we were like a flame, and now we're just kind of a smog
We accumulated everything and it hurts
The scream is insufferable
You know, in the core of a heart we won't forgive each other
A heart tears into the shreds, we fly to the bottom
This is clear, naked truth
It's so hard to part, so many 'buts'
This is a drama, each one is acquitted
I haven't any energy
I can't plea anybody
You're a toxin in my blood, please, don't yell, enough
But we can't find feelings, despite who will try to do it so much
After all, we can't fall in love, making bad things for the others
Maybe just will we delete it?
Both haven't any energies
Before we were like a flame, and now we're just kind of a smog
We accumulated everything and it hurts
The scream is insufferable
You know, in the core of a heart we won't forgive each other
How have we liked to shoot!?
All targets have been stricken, it's too late to begin from zero
We unlearned to shine together
Eventually, we lost the scenes since we started
Yes, now you're not the same, scroll it over
And do not fly in my clouds, there isn't enough room
Yes, the emptiness inside, I can't find the place for myself
Don't spend yourself, standing near the abyss
Maybe just will we delete it?
Both haven't any energies
Before we were like a flame, and now we're just kind of a smog
We accumulated everything and it hurts
The scream is insufferable
You know, in the core of a heart we won't forgive each other