Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 105342



Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Ceasul se va opri.
Arabescul se va desena.
Pe un cer de abanos
zboară un şoim.
Este vânt în oraș
în momentul adevărului.
Bibelourile din trecut
fără nostalgie.
Scările arabe le vei coborî
și vei întâlni... Sevilla.
Diamante și lacrimi, ochii tăi
nu vei coborî... genele.
Un evantai, Africa.
O greșeală se uită.
În părul tău o floare,
tu nu te mai înroși.
O zăpăceală, închipuie-ți.
Mai încearcă, mergi mai departe.
Dacă un vis se întoarce,
tu nu-l mai părăsi.
Scările arabe le vei coborî
și vei întâlni... Sevilla.
Ceri un viitor care durează puțin,
nu va spune nu... Sevilla.
Vei uita
zilele tale negre!
Vei dansa
chiar și fără el!
Vei zâmbi, te vei îndrăgosti,
îți vei inventa... Sevilla.
Frica ta se termină aici
printre oglinzile din Sevilla.
Îți voi povesti în zorii zilei
ce mult te iubesc... Sevilla.
Banditule, of, mor pentru tine,
porumbel al tău am fost... Sevilla.
Vei zâmbi, te vei îndrăgosti,
îți vei inventa... Sevilla.
Frica ta se termină aici
printre oglinzile din Sevilla.


Soltanto un'ora

Soltanto un'ora
vorrei vicino a me,
e son sicura
non mi lasceresti
mai, mai, mai, mai, mai.
Soltanto un'ora
devi star vicino a me,
soltanto un'ora,
ti prego, amore!
Ma poi chissà
se durerà, se finirà...
Io davvero non so,
ma credo di no,
perché se tu
soltanto un'ora
resterai vicino a me,
un'ora sola,
ti prego, amore!
Ma poi chissà
se durerà, se finirà...
Io davvero non so,
ma credo di no,
perché se tu
soltanto un'ora
resterai accanto a me,
un'ora sola,
ti prego, amore!
Un'ora sola,
ti prego, un'ora!
Un'ora sola...


Se va prăpădi curând

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
El lasă în jos geamul unei mașini
În timp ce se coboară în jos
El zice, 'vi des pe aici?'
Mă bufnește râsul pentru că asta e așa de clișeu
Mă cunoaște mult prea bine
Așa că se parchează doar ca să mă conducă înăuntru
El spune, 'nu vrei să pleci deja?'
Doar dacă e cu el
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Nimic ce e vreodată bun nu ține mult la mine
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Ai ză vezi
Oh se va prăpădi curând
Nimic ce e vreodată bun nu ține mult la mine
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Ai să vezi
'Poftim, i-a o țigară'
El îmi oferă în mâna lui întinsă
Îi reamintesc, 'nu din acestea fumez eu'
El spune, 'știam asta'
Cineva deschide o fereastră
Muzica se revarsă peste țărână
Dar noi stam aici în gerul cumplit
Și ne întrebăm care va săruta primul pe care
E ceva aici
Eu trag de timp până va dispărea
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Nimic ce e vreodată bun nu ține mult la mine
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Ai să vezi
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Nimic ce e vreodată bun nu ține mult la mine
Oh, se va prăpădi încurând
Ai să vezi
Curând (curând...)
Oh, se va prăpădi curând (curănd...)
Ooh-ooh-ooh, se va prăpădi curând (curând..)
Oh, se va prăpădi curând
Se va prăpădi curând (curănd...)
Hm hm hm


Stea De Cinema

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sunt specială
El mă vede
El m-a ales pe mine dintre toată lumea
Mă simt ca o stea de cinema
Eu sunt rolul principal
Faimoasă pentru cineva
Pot să vin la tine?
O să fie prieteni tăi acolo?
Chiar dacă sunt nu îmi pasă
Îmi doresc ca cineva să mă oprească
Dar ei niciodată nu o fac
Din nou și din nou
Vreau să mă schimb
Vreau să cresc
Dar e fizic imposibil
Să stau aici
Și să nu spun că te iubesc
Chiar dacă nu o fac
Cine sunt eu pentru tine?
Cine sunt eu pentru mine?
Ce schimbi tu la mine?
Mă simt ca o stea de cinema
Dar devine plictisitor
Să fi faimos pentru cineva


Tu nu

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu,
Tu nu poți pleca departe,
Tu nu trebuie să pleci,
Tu nu, iubito, nu,
Chiar dacă te-am rănit
Chiar dacă te-am exasperat.
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu,
Sunt la dispoziția ta
Pe toată viața și cu toată inima.
Tu nu, tu nu...
Tu nu, iubito, tu nu...
Îți amintești strada Macrobio?
Uneori erai fericită.
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu...
Ne-am așezat în grădină,
M-ai ascultat cu dragoste.
Tu nu, iubito, nu,
Tu care știi totul despre mine
Tu care ai încrederea mea,
Tu nu, iubito, nu, tu nu...
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu,
Da, știu că nu am nimic,
Da, știu că te-am dezamăgit,
Dar tu, iubitu, tu
Ai iubit tăcerile mele,
Ai înțeles vorbele mele.
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu,
Milioanele de sacrificii,
Pe care te-am făcut să le înduri,
Le-am plătit scump.
Tu nu, iubito, nu...
E greu să ne înțelegem,
E greu să ne ajutăm,
Știu, e vina mea.
Nu am făcut niciodată nimic
Pentru a-ți conduce viața,
Dar trebuie să știi:
Nu știu ce să mai fac,
Nu înțeleg viața asta.
Tu nu, iubito, nu, tu nu...
Tu nu, așteaptă, nu...
Dacă nu știu să te fac fericită,
Chiar dacă beau în continuare,
Tu nu, iubito, nu,
Trebuie să-mi fii aproape,
Căci acum eu sunt afară.
Tu nu, iubito, nu...
Ți-am oferit câte ceva,
Dacă mă privești așa.
Tu nu, tu nu, tu nu...



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Aranjează-ți cravata
Nu suntem singuri
Voi spune o minciună doar ca să te aduc acasă
Noi dansăm împreună
Tu nu ești foarte priceput
Îți voi spune o minciună dar e de înțeles
Presupun că totul se rezumă la planificare
Presupun că totul e despre lucrurile pe care le vrei dar nu le primești
Presupun că totul e despre a încerca
Să iubești pe cineva pe care niciodată nu l-ai întâlnit
Noi luăm cina
Apoi ne dezbrăcăm
Acum suntem egali mai mult sau mai puțin
Acum sunt bolnavă și
Tu ești probabil beat
Tu spui chesti și ele sună a iubire
Presupun că totul se rezumă la planificare
Presupun că totul e despre lucrurile pe care le vrei dar nu le primești
Presupun că totul e despre a muri
Să iubești pe cineva
Îmi doresc să fie ușor
Îmi doresc să fi știut
Ce făceam dar niciodată nu o fac


Fugind, Beat

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ce ai vrut să spui când ai spus asta.
Tu ești nebăut acum
Te-am prins în pat cu votcă în Red Bull
Acum două săptămâni
Nimeni nu te-a oprit
Nimeni nu a luat-o din mâna ta
Nici când tu
Ți-ai rupt piciorul fugind, beat
Cineva ar face bine
Să te tragă la răspundere
Spui te iubesc
Și apoi le bei înapoi
Și ce dacă e doar vina mea
Și ce dacă eu te-am împins să o faci
Eu doar eram sinceră din când în când
Și cred că tu ai știut
Construiești o persoană din amintiri
Nu se vor ridica la măsura așteptărilor
Îmi pare așa de rău că am stat
Când nu a trebuit
Nimeni nu mă oprea
Nimeni nu mi te lua din mână
Nici când tu
Ți-ai rupt piciorul fugind, beat
Cineva ar face bine
Să mă tragă la răspundere
Spui te iubesc
Și apoi le bei înapoi
Spui te iubesc


Mai Bine De Atât

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
E cineva la ușa mea
Îl pot auzi cum bate
Dacă îl las înauntru
Totul va deveni adevărat
Nu știam că eu
Sunt capabilă de toate astea
Uită-te în ce m-am transformat
Și dacă nu sunt un om bun?
Tu mereu spui că sunt
Dar tu chiar nu mă cunoști deloc acum
Cred că nu sunt cine crezi tu că sunt
Dar îmi place să fiu văzută
Și îmi place să fiu dorită
Dar vreau să conteze la ceva totuși
Și noi niciodată nu am cam știu să fim sinceri
Mă jur pe dumnezeu, ar trebui să plec
Cineva mă va iubi
Mai bine de atât
Mai bine de atât
Cineva te va iubi
Mai bine de atât
Mai bine de atât
Și dacă nu sunt un om bun?
Tu mereu spui că sunt
Dar tu chiar nu mă cunoști deloc acum
Te am la degetul mic
Pentru că îmi place să fiu văzută
Pentru că îmi place să fiu văzută
Mereu m-am putut baza pe tine pentru asta
E probabil greșit că niciodată nu am fost onestă
Mă jur pe dumnezeu, mi-a fost frică
Că cineva mă va iubi
Mai bine de atât
Cineva te va iubi
Mai bine...


Sticlă Spartă

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sticlă spartă pe masă
Ridic-o, bagăți-o în gât
Pot să văd cine ești acum
Că ferestrele s-au spart
Picături de sânge le covor
Nu am crezut că se va ajunge așa departe
Nu știu de ce am suportat atâta timp
Dar uită-ne aici
Știu că ai fost rănit
Dar tu m-ai rănit primul pe mine
Noi am început cu sfârșitul
Sticlă spartă din nou
Poate că nu contează
Cui îi revine vina data viitoare
Nimic niciodată nu e așa
Cum îmi amintesc
Tu ști că am fost rănită
Ți-am făcut mai rău ție?
Noi am început cu sfârșitul
Sticlă spartă din nou
Din nou
Te vreau acum și apoi nu mai vreau
Și fiecare cuvânt e o mină de pământ
Apăs sticla în gâtul tău
Dar nu pot să o fac de data asta
Poate pare că te iubesc
Dar eu doar nu vreau să fiu singură
Noi am început cu sfârșitul
Sticlă spartă din nou
Noi am ajuns la sfârșit
Sticlă spartă


Tu m-ai obligat să o fac

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tu ești deasupra me
Și eu sub tine
Și nu se oprește niciodată
Sunt vinovată, tu nu?
Nimeni nu căștigă
Așa că amândoi vom pierde
Spune-mi de ce crezi că mă iubești
Eu sunt vinovată, tu ești un prost
Vreau ca tu să mă urăști
O merit pentru crimele mele
Știu că te-am iubit
Dar tu mai iubit mai intens
De fiecare dată
Nu sunt la cel ca atunci când m-ai cunoscut
M-am schimbat pentru că m-ai obligat să o fac
Vreau ca tu să mă urăști
O merit pentru crimele mele
Știu că te-am iubit
Dar tu mai iubit mai intens
De fiecare dată
Nu sunt la cel ca atunci când m-ai cunoscut
M-am schimbat pentru că m-ai obligat să o fac



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Din nou și din nou
O tură în carusel
Plătesc pentru biletul tău
Privesc cum luna roșie se ridică
Mi se intoarce stomacul pe dos
Nu pot să găsesc pământul
Prinsă într-o buclă
Vad cum cortina cade
Am crezut că se va termina de acum
Am crezut ca vei pleca
Am crezut că îmi voi veni în fire
Îmi doresc să fiu mai puternică cumva
Îmi doresc să fie ușor
Undeva m-am pierdut cu firea
Îmi doresc să fi știu ce era sfârșitul
Din nou și din nou
Mă uit cu toate trec
Mama îmbătrânește
Vreau să merg înapoi
Unde nimeni nu e pe moarte
Și nimeni nu e rănit
Și eu eram bună cu tine
În loc să o fac mai rău
Am crezut că se va termina de acum
Am crezut ca vei pleca
Am crezut că îmi voi veni în fire
Îmi doresc să fiu mai puternică cumva
Îmi doresc să fie ușor
Undeva m-am pierdut cu firea
Îmi doresc să fi știu ce era sfârșitul
Îmi doresc să fi știu ce era sfârșitul


¿Quién muere?

Muere lentamente quien no viaja,
quien no lee,
quien no oye música,
quien no encuentra gracia en sí mismo.
Muere lentamente
quien destruye su amor propio,
quien no se deja ayudar.
Muere lentamente quien se transforma
en esclavo del hábito repitiendo todos los
días los mismos trayectos,
quien no cambia de marca,
no se atreve a cambiar el color de su vestimenta
o bien no conversa con quien no conoce.
Muere lentamente quien evita
una pasión y su remolino de emociones

¡Quién, quién, naturaleza

¡Quién, quién, naturaleza,
levantando tu gran cuerpo desnudo,
como las piedras, cuando niños,
se encontrara debajo
tu secreto pequeño e infinito!


Falling Flower

Time becomes sharp, aiming at me every night
With my weary heart scattered in the cold wind like this
In my heart, only the name remains, rain falls all day long
Even if I cry and stumble once again, those clouds will come back again
When will the clear sky come into my heart?
Even if I try to wait, there's no time to rest
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Forgotten on a day in the endlessly spinning seasons
I'll fly away only with the scent following this blowing wind
When will the clear sky come into my heart?
Even if I try to wait, there's no time to rest
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Stumbling and dancing


A Butterfly Flew Away

Why are you so tired, as if everything's over?
Tell me the stories you've hidden deep in your heart
Even though this feeling is unfamiliar, still unfamiliar to me
As if I've known for a long time
As if I've been waiting for you
I find myself lingering by your side
Thinking of you again, dreaming
Why are you still sad, even though it's all in the past now?
Are the scars engraved in your heart still hurting?
Like scars deeply embedded in my trembling heart
Though nothing has changed
We're still just strangers
I find myself afraid that you,
who have settled in my heart, might leave, though I want to hold onto you
You're right in front of me like this
Though nothing has changed
We're still just strangers
I find myself afraid that you,
who have settled in my heart, might leave
Afraid you might spread your small wings and fly away


Would Be Better

Why did I meet you now?
Should I say I'm lucky to meet you now, even if it's late?
Even the hope I hold onto is just a lingering attachment
I hope this hellish day passes
Without seeing me at all
That was all I wished for, for you to pass by
After meeting you, I wait
And I hope for tomorrow
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
It would have been nice
Really nice
I'm afraid that one day I'll have to leave you alone
Even if you can leave me at any time
As long as it's a place that suits your smile
Even if I forget our memories together
I'm okay, just tell me I was happy
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
Even though sometimes
I feel like I have no one to trust in this world
When I look at you, it feels like a world worth living in
Because I'm here again
I fall asleep expecting a better tomorrow
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
It would have been nice
Really nice


The Tag Not Me

I wish I could count,
How many kisses are on your lips
Every time again
To pour everything into an empty glass 1
Long live obsession (Long live obsession)
The tag, not me 2
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Mm)
I searched for you every day in my dreams
I can't count how many times I lost myself
My heart aches, but love is a game for me
You're my best thrill, my new obsession
You and I are just cards
Unveil where the truth lies
Your love is the prize for me
I'm sick of playing
Please stay now
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek
  • 1. Not exactly clear, she may want to say that every time this game has been played, it (the love) has been in vain
  • 2. Love is likened to a game of chase, and she doesn't want to be a tag (Chaser) here


A hundred chains

A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
If you were not really my shadow
That, round and around, is always with me
Who knows how many jealous scenes
Because of our burning love
A hundred chains
A hundred chains
Are not stronger than this love
That chains our lives in this way
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live


A hundred chains

A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
If you were not really my shadow
That, round and around, is always with me
Who knows how many jealous scenes
Because of our burning love
A hundred chains
A hundred chains
Are not stronger than this love
That chains our lives in this way
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
But not this love
Which always wants to live


I come from the grassland

I'm standing on a thousand hills, listening to the wind sing the music of the sky.
The years have changed, and my heart is still at ease.
I'll sing a song from miles away and the moon will be with me.
The moon is with me, and I'm waiting in the distance, my heart is pounding.
I'm looking for my dreams, and they're here, and the future is blooming for me.
The sky's starting to turn white, and my feet are moving so fast.
When I want to love, I'll love, don't be lonely and dusty.
The flowers in my heart never fail to bloom.
The wind comes from the grassland and blows my heart
'Blowing my love, the sea of flowers
I come from the grassland to warm your heart
My love is the same, the blue love of the sky.
I'm standing on a thousand hills, listening to the wind sing the music of the sky.
The years have changed, and my heart is still at ease.
I'll sing a song from a thousand miles away, and the moon will be with me.
The moon is with me, and I'm waiting in the distance, my heart is pounding.
I'm searching for my dreams and they're here. The future is blooming for me.
The sky's starting to turn white, and my feet are moving so fast.
When I want to love, I'll love, don't be lonely and dusty.
The flowers in my heart never fail to bloom.
The wind comes from the grassland and blows my heart
'Blowing my love, the sea of flowers
I come from the grassland to warm your heart
My love is unchanged, my love for the blue sky.
The clouds are white, the felt houses are white.
The grass is green, as green as the sea.
The flowers are red, and the horses are red.
Drunk with wine, drunk with the love of my life.
White clouds, white felt roofs.
The grass is green, green as the sea.
The flowers are red, and the horses are red.
Drunk with wine, drunk with the love of my life.
The wind comes from the grassland and blows my heart.
It blows my love, the sea of flowers.
I come from the grassland to warm your heart.
My love is unchanged, that blue love.
The wind comes from the grassland and blows my heart.
The wind comes from the grassland and blows my love to the sea of fragrant flowers.
I come from the grassland to warm your heart
My love is the same, that blue love.
Translated with (free version)


The Ring

Why weren't you the chance of my life?
I can't accept
This broken heart beats in vain
I can't love
Do you miss? Are there memories?
I can not forget
I've been wearing the ring ever since
I can't give it back
We were through it all together, we saw it all together
'It's like this bond is ours alone - you said - no one else has it'
I always thought we wouldn't last much longer
You said, now you're gone again for nothing
Love without contempt, love without selfishness
Love is just me, love, you don't say
How can I love you on my own?
Memories are hostage and don't stop me
Go now, because you don't hear me, and how could you leave me alone without any pity?
And if time heals wounds
It seems to me that you stopped my time
My whole body shakes when I hear your name again
No matter how stubborn I am, I want to forgive you
And the ring you gave me
It doesn't shine anymore
The words you once said
It has no value anymore
Moreover, this beating heart
Now it only wants you
Once again, this time too
I'm staying alone
Why weren't you the chance of my life?
I can't accept
This broken heart beats in vain
I can't love
Do you miss? Are there memories?
I can not forget
I've been wearing the ring ever since
I can't give it back
I don't have feelings anymore, I'm drunk now
A little time has passed, I'm calmer now
You're not just a woman I touch, I'm sorry
Heart turned to ice, you burned everything together
Seconds pass tick-tock, heart beats tick-tock
Sounds like a bomb cracked from the inside to me, eshtnav
You were in a bad mood, only appeared on TikTok
And come with me when I sing at the disco
Gold ring in the drawer, since January, I'm not the first
And I miss you so much but somehow I can't say it
It's like drama business, real life, still not interesting
If I want to convince you, I'll transplant my heart
I knew, I missed you, I missed you, I missed you
Even if you don't say it, I still understand
And you blame me, ani, ani
You weren't my chance, there's nothing to do now
Why weren't you the chance of my life?
I can't accept
This broken heart beats in vain
I can't love
Do you miss? Are there memories?
I can not forget
I've been wearing the ring ever since
I can't give it back
Only you were the light of my eyes
Why did you move away? Why did you forget me?


It is only desire

Yes, we do not love each other
There is only physical attraction between us
Desire is not love
We are both wrong
It is only desire
That chains us
And when the desire ends
It laughs at us
We can no longer pretend
We have to break up
This truth
Does not give us peace
We must deflect
This desire
We must go our separate way
Because once the youth is over
There will be no more time
If it was a whim for you, tell me
Because it was a whim for me too
If anyone else wants your heart, give it to him
It’s much better if we say goodbye
It is only desire
That chains us
And when the desire ends
It laughs at us
We can no longer pretend
We have to break up
This truth
Does not give us peace
We must deflect
This desire
We must go our separate way
Because once the youth is over
There will be no more time
It's only desire for both of us


Ultimate Atom

The eyeball has finally come loose
You can feel the mush in your stomach
Its heat is slowly eating away at you
You feel the mask sticking to your nostrils
The air is damp in your epidermal suit
The acid has already etched it
Alone in your shelter, you’d heard it fall
Over your head, everything quaked
No more blood in the charred corpses
You’re picturing them curled up
Under the ruins of the ravaged world
Ultimate vision, fire, gangrene
The greenish and sticky pus oozing
From the red and swollen wounds
The bloody flesh
Squashed on the icy tiles
Of the deserted subway corridors
And you just stay there, listless
Feeling death rising along mucous burps
In your dry and swollen mouth
You know you’re the last of humans
You wanted to escape it
But piece by piece, you see yourself slipping
Before your eyes, a black veil, streaked with silver
She1 smiles at you, toothless, her hard hand with protruding bones
Is laid on your shoulder
You want to reject her, to dismiss her, but she has already taken you
The last human is done for
The last human is done for
The last human
Is done for, done for, done for...
  • 1. Likely a reference to death, which is feminine in French


Cherry Pie 🍒

With your endless studies
You can't set yourself free
You went away Cherry Pie
You went away Cherry Pie
The stars on the sky
Disappeared in one night,
I'm left alone as the moon
The only one that shines
People are dependent on each other
If you think...a little
You'll want to change
This youth... faster
I know, I see
you are the 'too busy woman'
You don't have time for me
now to come together and have a conversation
But do you remember?
The times that I supported you,
Now where are you?I looked for
I need your help...
With your endless studies
You can't set yourself free
You went away Cherry Pie
You went away Cherry Pie
The stars on the sky
Disappeared in one night,
I'm left alone as the moon
The only one that shines
We were sitting nicely
Without thinking about anything, you left
Saying that your lesson is started
'Now the problem isn't about you'
How can I not say it?
You got frozen due to jealousy
And sent me fake emoji
Why did I enjoy it?
And if I'm at home all day long I feel bored
Even if the sun goes down, I think of you,why is it so bright?
Having conversation is joyful only with you
Why? Why? I'm alone again
I still have no desire to have a walk,
Also there is nothing left from the yesterday's sushi,
Have I lost my mind? This walls...
As if they are talking to me, I'm alone again!
With your endless studies
You can't set yourself free
You went away Cherry Pie
You went away Cherry Pie
The stars on the sky
Disappeared in one night,
I'm left alone as the moon
The only one that shines


Don't cry anymore

You qre crying
I am here little girl
Whole my heart feels your sorrow
Wipe away your tears, little girl
Forgive me
I didn't want to leave you
I would, little girl
Chase away your fears, this hurts me a lot
Don't cry anymore
I was sunk (so deep) in my sadness
That I forgot the ever most important thing
I love you so much, my daughter
I would try to make this up for the rest of my life

Don't cry, daddy
It will be all right, daddy
Don't cry (anymore), come
I wipe away all your tears
Forgive me
Daddy, forgive me
I didn't want to leave you
I didn't want you to have pain
Come on. daddy, don't cry
Don't cry, little girl
Forget your grief
My fear has gone away
I will chase away your fears
Now nothing hurts me anymore
It hurts me a lot
Don't cry anymore..


First sex

[Intro: mzlff] Mom said, I became an adult long ago
Hm-hm, yes yes
Hm-hm, ye
Oo-ooh, hm
[Verse 1: mzlff] Mom said, I became an adult long ago
It's time to get answers to your questions
The spanless ocean wraps around the mind
I run to the disco and fix my tie
A picture painted with oil
You would've fucked up the dancefloor, but sadly you weren't invited
I'm looking at many pretty eyes
I'm blushing because I'm having my first time today
[Chorus: STINT] First sex, like rain in May
I wasn't expecting him, but he came
My red fried, my comrade Lenin
He lay down, like a soldier in the mausoleum
[Verse 2: mzlff] I am eighteen years old
Everything lies ahead of me and success awaits me
I walk confidently to the concert
I suddenly notice a Moldovan Gypsy in the crowd
I really want to smoke, butterflies fly
I would like to come over, but I don't know you yet
You're a shy boy, but understood everything yourself
And she just came up
[Verse 3: STINT] You're right in the crowd with Lida and Lex's slam
You want to party, but I want sex
I grab my waist, you are my steering wheel
Don't blush, young lady, I'm a normal guy (normal guy)
The pants I have are Levi's
I hid my Android device behind them
Are you ready for love? So it started
Pimply guy with glasses, ready to fuck
[Bridge: mzlff] And you understood everything from the first word
Now the both of us know, what love is
[Chorus: STINT] First sex, like rain in may
I wasn't expecting him, but he came
My red fried, my comrade Lenin
He lay down, like a soldier in the mausoleum
[Chorus: STINT] First sex, like rain in May (like rain in May)
I wasn't expecting him (wasn't expecting him), but he came (but he came)
My red fried (my red friend), my comrade Lenin
He lay down, like a soldier in the mausoleum
[Outro: STINT] Mausoleum, mausoleum
Mausoleum, mausoleum



The foolish world doesn't know you
It can't see you hidden in the darkness
I know, I can see you
Your wings so radiant to me
Don't be afraid, you can do it
Spread your wings, fluttering so passionately
Fly up into the world
Like the sun shining brightly
Even if this world tries to block you roughly
Oh shining person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you
Even when you're hurt like a broken flower
Even when you're as lowly as a fallen tree
Believe in yourself, believe in me
We believe in each other
Feel the sound of your heart
Spread your wings, once folded with difficulty
Fly up into the world
Oh, you're so breathtakingly beautiful
Even if this world shows its cold back
Oh dazzling person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you
Like the sun shining brightly
Even if this world tries to block you roughly
Oh shining person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you


Confession Is Not Flashy

If there's a good person, please introduce them to me
Sometimes like water, sometimes like fire
I hope they can sincerely love only me
A mature and sincere person would be nice
If there's a good person, please introduce them to me
There's practice even in love
I hope they're someone who pays attention
Even to the smallest things, with lots of love experience
At least once, I want to cry in the arms
Of someone with clear eyes who's been disappointed in love
I want to receive warm comfort
Handing over all my exhaustion from being alone
To someone with gentle hands
If I can forget loneliness
If there's a good person, please introduce them to me
Rather than being too fixed on meetings themselves
Even if we meet just once, someone who tries their best
To match the atmosphere at that time would be nice
I have painful scars
And someone without a past burdens me
At least once, I want to cry in the arms
Of someone with clear eyes who's been disappointed in love
I want to receive warm comfort
Handing over all my exhaustion from being alone
To someone with gentle hands
If I can forget loneliness
Was it cold because it was winter?
Why do my eyes tear up at the sight
Of couples walking arm in arm?
Once, I had those times too
Am I missing a new person?
Or am I longing for an old one?
Am I longing for an old one?


The Drumhead Resounds

The drumhead resounds,
The Landsknecht swings,
Hey, joyous, his girl in a circle.
It sounds so fulfilled, love-struck and crazed,
According to old landsknecht custom.
Farewell, it's over now,
The sun came out,
It greeted through the heath.
Somewhere else one does well,
To make a little wreath.
Come Frundsberg, strike up,
Gather en masse,
Hey, joyous, Romans and Frenchies.
Today we're fired up by the landsknecht custom,
May God bless you with a little dance.
If for you in the field
Your grave is destined to be,
You must neither weep nor mourn.
In the green grass, there one can rest better,
Than in vaults and walls.


I Like You

I still don't know about love, don't know
But still, we're good, good
Your confession, I can't understand
Makes my heart beat faster
But those words are too difficult
I don't like it, I don't like it
Others say to me
That a cute smile is nice
But now, it's not like that anymore
I have my own secret
But still, I like you
Maybe it's love
But still, I like you
Maybe it's love
I still don't know about love, don't know
But still, we're good, good
Your confession, I can't understand
Makes my heart beat faster
But those words are too difficult
I don't like it, I don't like it
Others say to me
That a cute smile is nice
But now, it's not like that anymore
I have my own secret
But still, I like you
Maybe it's love
But still, I like you
Maybe it's love
But still, I like you
Maybe it's love
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la


Rain and You

Now, I don't miss you anymore
I don't even have the desire to see you
Even the love I had is fading away
What I can't understand is my own heart
When it rains, tears fall
Just like the day you left
A long time ago
Now I'm fine, I've thrown away love
But like a fool, will tears still come?
Fading light, hazy memories
How much they torment me
I still miss you, even though I hate you
So much
Now I'm fine, I've thrown away love
But like a fool, will tears still come?
You won't come back again, but I hate that I can't forget
How long will my heart ache?
Now I'm fine, I've thrown away love
But like a fool, will tears still come?
Will tears still come?


Me To You, You To Me

To you, I hope to become like the sunset
A beautiful memory that shines brightly
Remembering the precious days when we were young
I hope to remain like a painting without regrets
To me, you were like the bright sunlight
That illuminated the lonely times of my past
On your small, white hands
I hope to become an eternal promise, like a shining jewel
To you, I hope to become like the sunset
A beautiful memory that shines brightly
Remembering the precious days when we were young
I hope to remain like a painting without regrets
To me, you were like a sad song of green
Residing in my small heart like this
In your sparkling, beautiful eyes
I want to become countless stars and shine forever
To you, I hope to become like the sunset
A beautiful memory that shines brightly
Remembering the precious days when we were young
I hope to remain like a painting without regrets
To you, I hope to become like the sunset
A beautiful memory that shines brightly
Remembering the precious days when we were young
I hope to remain like a painting without regrets
To remain like a painting without regrets