Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 105383


Lonely Man

It's a lonely man
Who wanders all around
It's a lonely man
Who roams from town to town
Searchin', always searchin'
For something he can't find
Hopin', always hopin'
That someday, fate will be kind
It's a lonely man
Who travels all alone
When he has no one
That he can call his own
Always so unhappy
Taking shelter where he can
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man
Always so unhappy
Taking shelter where he can
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man


1000 de porumbei

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vreau să mă asculți, te rog să mă crezi
Sunt complet singură, te rog nu mă judeca
Când lacrimile tale vor cădea, le voi prinde când vor cădea
Am nevoie să mă asculți, te rog să nu mă părăsești
Nu sunt perfectă încă, dar voi continua să încerc
Când lacrimile tale vor cădea, le voi prinde pe măsură ce cad
Pentru că înăuntru suntem făcuți la fel
În viață, așteptarea e doar un joc stupid
Ridică-mă, dă-mi un start
Pentru că am zburat cu niște brațe rupte
Ridică-mă, doar o mică atingere
Și voi zbura ca o mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
Aș face orice pentru ca tu să mă vezi cu adevărat
Sunt om și sângerez vizibil
Când zâmbetul tău se clatină, te voi prinde când vei cădea
Pentru că înăuntru suntem făcuți la fel
În viață, așteptarea e doar un joc stupid
Ridică-mă, dă-mi un start
Pentru că am zburat cu niște brațe rupte
Ridică-mă, doar o mică atingere
Și voi zbura ca o mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
Am fost rănită, blocată într-o cușcă
Atât de fierbinte încât inima mea a fost în furie
Dacă mă iubești, atunci eliberează-mă
Și dacă nu mă iubești, atunci pleacă iubitule
Ridică-mă, dă-mi un start
Pentru că am zburat cu niște brațe rupte
Ridică-mă, doar o mică atingere
Și voi zbura ca o mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
Zbor, zbor, zbor ca o mie de porumbei
O mie de porumbei
Zbor, zbor, zbor ca o mie de porumbei
Zbor, zbor, zbor



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Deschisă la minte, sunt atât de oarbă
Om misterios, femeie fantomă
Lumina violetă murdărește atmosfera
Sunt atât de speriată, dar stau aici
Este real ceea ce văd sau este doar un semn?
Este totul doar virtual?
Am putea fi iubiți, chiar și doar în seara asta
Am putea fi orice vrei tu
Am putea fi glumeți, aduși la lumina zilei
Am putea rupe toate stigmatizările noastre
Voi, voi fi enigma ta
Voi fi enigma ta
Voi fi enigma ta
Voi fi enigma ta
Nu mă pot opri din privit, sunt atât de goală
Înfășurată în umbre, inima îmi bate rapid
Ochii dragonului privesc, zeița respiră
Dă-mi ceva în care să cred
Este real ceea ce văd sau este doar un semn?
Este totul doar virtual?
Am putea fi iubiți, chiar și doar în seara asta
Am putea fi orice vrei tu
Am putea fi glumeți, aduși la lumina zilei
Am putea rupe toate stigmatizările noastre
Voi, voi fi enigma ta
Voi, voi fi enigma ta
Voi, voi fi enigma ta
Voi, voi fi enigma ta
Ai auzit ce am spus? (Ce?)
Ai auzit ce am spus? (Da)
E totul în capul meu?
E totul în capul meu? (Ooh, da)
E totul în capul meu?
Am putea fi iubiți, chiar și doar în seara asta
Am putea fi orice vrei tu
Am putea fi glumeți, aduși la lumina zilei
Am putea rupe toate stigmatizările noastre
Voi, voi fi enigma ta, chiar și doar în seara asta
Voi, voi fi enigma ta, aduși la lumina zilei
Voi, voi fi enigma ta, chiar și doar în seara asta
Voi, voi fi enigma ta, aduși la lumina zilei


Distrez În Seara Asta

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Simt ceva ce nu pot explica
Cred că e o rană pe care încă o mai am
Aș face orice ca să amorțesc flacăra
Cred că sunt pe val zilele astea
Nu pot vedea drept, nu mă pot vedea pe mine
Sunt prea multe răni prinse între ele
Aș vrea să pot fi ceea ce știu că sunt
Acest moment mi-a deturnat planurile
Mă simt în felul în care mă simt, mă simt cu tine
Mă uit la fata din oglindă, și ea îmi vorbește
Da, ți-o pot vedea pe față
Nu crezi că nu am făcut nimic
Poate e timpul să ne luăm la revedere, pentru că...
Mă simt așa cum mă simt, mă simt cu tine
Nu mă distrez în seara asta
Îți plac paparazzi, îți place faima
Chiar dacă știi că mă face să sufăr
Mă simt de parcă aș fi într-o închisoare infernală
Îmi bag mâinile printre gratiile de oțel și strig
Ce se întâmplă acum? Nu sunt bine
Și dacă țip, tu pleci
Când sunt tristă, tu vrei doar să te joci
M-am săturat, de ce mai rămân?
Mă simt în felul în care mă simt, mă simt cu tine
Mă uit la fata din oglindă, și ea îmi vorbește
Da, ți-o pot vedea pe față
Nu crezi că nu am făcut nimic
Poate e timpul să ne luăm la revedere, pentru că...
Mă simt așa cum mă simt, mă simt cu tine
Nu mă distrez în seara asta
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Nu mă distrez în seara asta
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Nu mă distrez în seara asta
Da, ți-o pot vedea pe față
Nu crezi că nu am făcut nimic
Poate e timpul să ne luăm la revedere, pentru că...
Mă simt așa cum mă simt, mă simt cu tine
Nu mă distrez în seara asta


Bani, dragă

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ăştia sunt B-A-N-I, atât de sexy
La naiba, iubesc Jaguar-ul, avionul și conacul
Oh, da
Și mă bucur de cadouri și excursii pe insule
Oh, da
E bine să trăiești scump, știi asta, dar...
Genunchii îmi sunt slăbiţi, intens
[Refren] Când îmi dai sărutări
Ăștia sunt bani, dragă
Când sunt iubita ta sau amanta ta
Ăștia sunt bani, dragă
Când mă atingi e atât de delicios
Ăștia sunt bani, dragă
Iubitule, când mă faci bucăți
Ăștia sunt bani, dragă
Ăştia sunt B-A-N-I, atât de sexy
Ăștia sunt bani, dragă
La naiba, mi-ar plăcea o barcă pe plajă pe coasta de vest
Oh, da
Și m-aș bucura de o șampanie fină în timp ce fetele mele fac un toast
Oh, da
E bine să trăiești scump, știi asta, dar...
Genunchii îmi sunt slăbiţi, intens
Știi că apreciez lucrurile fine
Dar nu asta mă face cea mai fericită, iubitule
(Pot trăi fără, iubitule)
Iubirea ta tandră e mai mult decât pot suporta
Niciodată să nu stingi această lumânare, iubitule, iubitule
[Refren x3]


Oh Tată

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
E amuzant în felul în care
Poți să te obișnuiești cu lacrimile și cu durerea
Ce va crede un copil?
Că nu m-ai iubit niciodată
Nu mă poți răni acum
Am scăpat de tine
Niciodată nu am crezut că o voi face
Nu mă poți face să plâng
Ai avut odată puterea
Nu m-am simțit niciodată atât de bine în pielea mea
Parcă ar fi fost ieri
M-am întins lângă cizmele tale și m-am rugat
Pentru ca furia ta să se termine
Oh, Tată, am păcătuit
Nu mă poți răni acum
Am scăpat de tine
Niciodată nu am crezut că o voi face
Nu mă poți face să plâng
Ai avut odată puterea
Nu m-am simțit niciodată atât de bine în pielea mea
Oh tată, dacă n-ai vrut niciodată să trăiești așa
Dacă n-ai fi vrut niciodată să mă rănești
De ce fug?
Poate într-o zi
Când voi privi înapoi voi putea spune
Nu ai vrut să fii crud
Cineva te-a rănit și pe tine


Cum se simte o fată

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Versul 1] Fetele pot purta blugi
Și să se tundă scurt
Să poarte cămăși și cizme
Pentru că e în regulă să fii băiat
Dar pentru un băiat să arate ca o fată e degradant
Pentru că tu crezi că a fi fată e degradant
Dar în secret ți-ar plăcea să știi cum e
Nu-i așa?
Cum se simte o fată
Netedă ca mătasea
Buze dulci ca o bomboană, iubitule
Blugi albaștri strâmți
Piele care se vede pe alocuri
Puternică în interior, dar tu nu știi asta
Fetițele bune nu o arată niciodată
Când deschizi gura să vorbești
Ai putea fi un pic slabă
Știi cum se simte o fată?
Știi cum e lumea asta
Pentru o fată?
Părul care se învârte pe vârful degetelor atât de ușor, iubitule
Mâinile care se odihnesc pe șoldurile proeminente căindu-se
Rană care nu ar trebui să se vadă
Și lacrimi care cad când nimeni nu știe
Când te străduiești să fii cea mai bună
Ai putea fi un pic mai puțin
Știi cum se simte o fată?
Știi cum e lumea asta?
Cum se simte o fată?
Puternică în interior, dar tu nu știi asta
Fetițele bune nu o arată niciodată
Când deschizi gura să vorbești
Ai putea fi un pic slabă
Știi cum se simte o fată?
Știi cum e lumea asta
Pentru o fată?
Lumea asta
Știi cum se simte o fată?
Cum e lumea asta?


Está tan puro ya mi corazón

Está tan puro ya mi corazón,
que lo mismo es que muera
o que cante.
Puede llenar el libro de la vida,
o el libro de la muerte,
los dos en blanco para el,
que piensa y sueña.
Igual eternidad hallara en ambos.
Corazón, da lo mismo: muere o canta.


Anam Babam

Baba ben senin için
Dünyayı değişmem asla
Dünyayı değişmem asla
Dünyayı değişmem asla
Bak oğlun nerde
Terlikleri bügün Balenciaga
Terlikleri bügün Balenciaga
Terlikleri bügün Balenciaga
Anne cennet senin
Ayakların altında
Ayakların altında
Ayakların altında
Senin kokun başka
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Ooh Baba Baba Baba
Elimi artık bırakma Baba
Ooh Baba Baba Baba
Ooh Mama Mama Mama
Elimi artık bırakma Baba
Ooh Mama Mama Mama
O beni yaşatan
O beni doğuran
O beni büyüten
Canim Anam Canim Anam
O bana güç veren
O beni koruyan
O beni adam eden
Canim Babam Canim Babam
Anne cennet senin
Ayakların altında
Ayakların altında
Ayakların altında
Senin kokun başka
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Boşver Loui Gucci Pradayı
Ooh Baba Baba Baba
Elimi artık bırakma Baba
Ooh Baba Baba Baba
Ooh Mama Mama Mama
Elimi artık bırakma Baba
Ooh Mama Mama Mama
Ninni söyledin , Beşik salladın
Geceleri yatayım diye
Gece demedin , gündüz demedin
Ocağımıza Aş getirdin
Ben doyayım diye
Hasta oldum
Derman oldunuz
Üşüdüm Ciğerinizi yaktınız
Hayat verdiniz kanınızdan
Ayrılmadınız hiç yanımdan
Güldüğümde gülen
Ağladığımda aglayan
Düştüğümde kaldıran
Benlen nefes alan
Kurban olam yaradan
Iyi ki var anam babam


Construction guy

There's a mystical silver plumber guy
There's a electrician guy vanished for a week
There's a plate guy seeing flying plates
And a puke guy puking in corner
You knew my commercial name Markku
That company doesn't exist anymore
You tore the pages off the accounting
Now far away from Finland
Construction guy knows the bullshit
That one guy was scarving wooden guys
Even though he was working with hourly wage
Many construction sites are standing and waiting
But somewhere he is making a deal about next one
I come today, no I come tomorrow
Next week is bad but the next one
Well now I just didn't care to answer
And when he finally comes, you won't dare to rage
Cause he will come next time even slower the
Construction guy knows the bullshit
There's a mystical silver plumber guy
There's a electrician guy vanished for a week
There's a plate guy seeing flying plates
And a puke guy puking in corner


Here I am

I crossed fields, mountains, seas and tempests,
I never gave up because I saw hope in you.
I stood alone like a rock over the ocean,
I listened to my heart even when I was abandoned in the crossroads.
And in this race without end or beginning
I find peace
so long as I have love for a strategy.
And here I am
today with my destiny in my hands.
every breath an opportunity
to rewrite my story.
And here I am
with faith and hope in myself.
I kissed fear goodby,
and every morning 'Welcome life!'
And here I am
And here I am, with you...
And here I am
And here I am for you..
I shouted 'Here I am' even when I had no voice
I fell down a thousand times only to get up a thousand and one.
I embraced life's difficulties
and still hold its scars as a sacred treasure.
I hold, I hold...
And here I am
today with my destiny in my hands.
every breath an opportunity
to rewrite my story.
And here I am
with faith and hope in myself.
I kissed fear goodby,
and every morning 'Welcome life!'
And here I am
And here I am, with you...
And here I am
And here I am for you..


Your Love

Oh Fairy! Your Love ignites such a fire in my heart
That tulips grow from the mud when you cross my path.
Oh flower, wine is of no effect on my heart without you.
A flower does not smell of loyalty. Come! Because you are better than a flower.
My drunkenness is from you as you are like a tasty wine to me.
And my life meaning is from you because you have warmed my heart.
The strand of your hair has bound me. Be kind and unbind my feet.
I am tired of the thorn of unkindness. Woe if you are not faithful to me!
You have no eye of kindness and my heart cannot bear it any longer.
Oh beloved, you are not loyal. Have mercy on my faithfulness.


Simple Things

When the night falls, we finally come back home
And as the day was long and tough
At times, you want to forget
The bothersome things and to empty your mind
You would like to live more freely
To listen without really hearing
Sentences that don't mean anything
That come without thought
Simple things
To dream
Simple things
Not complicated
Gadgets of words
To escape
Simple things
At first glance
That actually have
Their importance
That we repeat
Without even thinking
How good it feels to let go
And to merge with simple words
I forget everything when you come and kiss me
When to relax
You say what I love to hear
You know how to put over
The topics that bother me
And in those moments
You come and whisper to me
Simple things
To dream
Simple things
Not complicated
Gadgets of words
To escape
As I listen to you little by little
I come back to the surface
I become myself again
But still, tell me again
Simple things
At first glance
That actually have
Their importance
That we repeat
Without even thinking
Simple things
No speeches
Simple things
Without the shade
Face to face
Before sex


What is happening to me? [Translation]

I lived here happily many years, reveling the bliss.
I just lived, like always, I smiled, but haven't cried.
But a stranger appeared, and everyone call him 'perfection'.
And right now, like tornado, had twisted me like this.
What is happening to me?
What is this?
What is happening to me?
This is so unbearable!
And my friends! - I had good friends for many years ago.
And what I've done everything I could, I have 'em no more.
Nor do honor, nor respect, what I have deserved.
And love faded out, since I have lived with it. And it's very weird that...


No One Has Time Anymore

Who will you ask questions to1
When no one wants to listen to you?
What will you start when you have nothing to do?2
The world is turning, time never stands still
Before you find someone
Who has ten minutes for you
It can take a long time
I hope you'll still be alive
Because no one has time anymore
Only time to hurry
No, no one has time anymore
Too late to think about yourself
No, no, no one has time anymore
No one has time anymore
The tower clock runs, the hands turn
Time is expensive, time is money
Standing still isn't cool anymore
Speed is all that matters
People blast through life
They don't spare time for feelings3
A quick message via computer
Still, a heart doesn't stop beating
Because no one has time anymore
Only time to hurry
No, no one has time anymore
Too late to think about yourself
No, no, no one has time anymore
No one has time anymore
No one has time anymore
No one has time anymore
No one has time anymore
No one, no, no
Hurry up, quick, be fast
It'll soon be high time
To rescue love before time's up
It would be a shame to miss it4
Because no one has time anymore
Only time to hurry
No, no one has time anymore
Too late to think about yourself
No, no, no one has time anymore
Only time to hurry
(No one has time anymore)
(No one has time anymore)
No, no one has time anymore
Too late to think about yourself
(No one has time anymore)
(No one, no, no)
Because no one has time anymore
Only time to hurry
No, no one has time anymore
Too late to think about yourself
No, no, no one has time anymore
  • 1. Literally: Where do you want to go with your questions
  • 2. Literally: What will you start in empty days?
  • 3. Literally: They overtake their feelings
  • 4. Literally: Or else, it would be a shame at the end


A hundred strikes of the stick

For the love of a Lord's lady
I was struck a hundred times
It was the Lord of Saint Martin
From dawn to dusk he pisses wine
But he found me in the castle
And quickly chastised me
Ouch, ouch, ouch, the stick is really hurting me
For the love of a Lord's lady
I was struck a hundred times
It was the Lord of Viella
Who was married with Madiran
But he found me in the castle
And quickly chastised me
Ouch, ouch, ouch, the stick is really hurting me
For the love of a Lord's lady
I was struck a hundred times
It was the Lord of Oloron
Who was baptised with Jurançon
But he found me in the castle
And quickly chastised me
Ouch, ouch, ouch, the stick is really hurting me
For the love of a Lord's lady
I was struck a hundred times
It was the Lord of Astarac
Who fell into Armagnac
But he found me in the castle
And quickly chastised me
Ouch, ouch, ouch, the stick is really hurting me
For the love of a Lord's lady
I was struck a hundred times
It was the Lord of Toujouse
Who doesn't like clear water
But he found me in the castle
And quickly chastised me
Ouch, ouch, ouch, the stick is really hurting me



I meet you once again -
A tit in garden bright,
A path never in vain
For you, my dear, I'll find.
Our fate is marked by stars,
Our love is holy, pure!
Even with miles apart,
Rejoice in this allure.
They say the garden's green,
They say, the garden's green...
They say it's full of love,
The stars that gently fall,
The stars that gently fall,
Stars shimmering above
In harmony of love!
In all this soft caress,
In dreams of youth so long,
We cherish sacredness
Of nature in this song.
Our hopes will stay alight,
Viburnum blossom bright,
Our charming stars that fall,
In palms all this delight.


The priest's daughter

The priest's daughter
To the wood was going
She met Bernard
The one who is bald
'Hello my pretty one,
Where are you going by yourself? '
'I'm going to pick figs
For my friends. '
To hell with the fruit
And without making too much noise
They went behind the oak tree
Oh la doundéne, oh la doundou...
The priest's daughter
To the wood was going
She met Jeannot
The one with the big bar
'Hello my pretty one,
Where are you going by yourself? '
'I'm going to pick pears
For the abbot Taillères. '
To hell with the fruit
And without making too much noise
They went behind the oak tree
Oh la doundéne, oh la doundou...
The priest's daughter
To the wood was going
She met 'little finger'
The clumsy one
'Hello, my pretty one,
Where are you going by yourself? '
'I'm going to pick the plum
Tonight in the moonlight. '
To hell with the fruit
And without making too much noise
They went behind the oak tree
Oh la doundéne, oh la doundou...
The priest's daughter
To the wood was going
She met Michel
The one with the nice hat
'Hello my pretty one,
Where are you going by yourself? '
'I'm going to pick cherries
And take off my shirt! '
To hell with the fruit
And without making too much noise
They went behind the oak tree
Oh la doundéne, oh la doundou...


Bye bye bye

Someone else belongs here, can you sit!?
Can we just not see each other anymore!?
All your excuses have become old
They throw a coin

The day is setting

The sun is setting and its darking again
Trouble and sorrow are raining down on me again
My wound is deep and terrible
Sweet tears from my eyes
It flows slowly
Dont ask me about my troubles and sorrows
My beard and moustache are tangled
Get away from me, get out of my sight
My sorrow and grief always increase when i see you


Panda O Ilios Tha Vgaini

I start my engine
I'm off again and all is known
I'm unraveling another truth
I'm no longer satisfied with a little in my breasts
I'm leaving the city, the streets are open
To see what's going to happen
I'm spreading my soul
In a bag I've only got one bag
A little light and water for the road
And as I walk away from you I know
The sun will always come out without
Never caring if I make it
Or if you ever come to find me
I'm not even thinking about it
I have no solutions, everything is open
I'm still unraveling a truth
Love is not a habit
The road is running and you're right in front of me
My heart is crossing new bridges
A border is looking to open to the light
We'll lose track of each other anyway



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything


I'm Here / I've Arrived

Don't be afraid
Don't cry my little one
Look, I've arrived
Come on wipe your tears away
Forgive me
I have never want to leave you
Don't cry anymore
Look now I've arrived, I'm with you
Don't be afraid
Or did I captured myself too much to life (and so)
did I forget something more important?
I love you so much, my beautiful daughter
I will dedicate the rest of my life to make up for this

Please daddy
Don't cry daddy
I'm really fine here
Don't let your tears drop out
Forgive me
Daddy, you (are the one to) forgive
I have never want to leave you
Don't be in sorrow for me
Please do not cry
Don't cry my little one
I am so happy
When I'm with you
You are (now) with me
Look now I've arrived
I'm with you
I'm here / I've arrived



Pretty girl, you who are a seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I want to be a tailor
I want to be a tailor
I want to close the mouth of my heart
Which is always talking about you, day and nigh
About you, who are made of stone
A marble stone that works
At the Chiaia tailor shop
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Give me a needle and a skein of silk
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
I’ll sew my heart and I won’t talk to you anymore
Pretty girl, if after sewing the heart I will see you
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
I want to be blindfolded
I want to be blindfolded
To see if my eyes in love
Even blindfolded, will still shine for you
For you who
Never look at me
With your beautiful eyes
Ah! Good and bad seamstress
Sew for me a black cloth bandage
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
So I’ll blindfold my eyes and I will not see you anymore
Ah! And if bandage, needle and silk weren’t enough
I wish you would tell me yes so I could live again
You’re a seamstress, sewing a wedding veil
Doesn’t cost you anything


Knight of Sentralha

Nobleman of Gascony
Slayer of scum
Facing the filth
You brought forth justice
Against all those armies
With powder, blade and fist
Our faithful companion
Of the kingdom here and in the heavens.
You ravaged fortresses, burnt to the ground
To rescue your precious Maid
Unwavering, without fear
With wisdom and foresight
Hero of the new era
No peace, no rest
The flame burns brightly in your heart
No peace, no rest
For the knight of Sentralha
Noble by birth
Golden soul,
Always bloodthirsty
From squire to marshal
Alegance to Armagnac
You will never betray
With the Skinners
You plundered before
Alas, death takes the honest ones
In a last calvary change
Caught in their sights
Just like La Hire, you didn't fall straight away
On your tomb the lion sighs


So lonely

I stayed alone
one more night without you
Sad and unloved
with so much to forget about
So lonely, so lonely
My dreams got lost at the moment
you said goodbye
So lonely, so lonely
I got used to seeing life
through the light of your eyes
If you didn't want me
I don't know why you would win my heart
If it was only fantasy
why would you make me fall in love?
[pre-chorus] So lonely, so lonely
My dreams got lost at the moment
you said goodbye
So lonely, so lonely
I got used to seeing life
through the light of your eyes
[chorus] You talked about love
You deceived me and left
You talked about love
You used me and threw me away
You talked about love
You deceived me and left
You talked about love
You used me and threw me away
If you didn't want me
I don't know why you would win my heart
If it was only fantasy
why would you make me fall in love?