Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 105526


Little man

Little man
When you’re here with me
I know I don’t have to hide anymore
I will pray
To be with you
Until you can reach the sun
Little man
You’re running on my lawn
Little man
You’re singing, I heard you
You will become
A man who will understand the truth
And be more free
You will turn on
The light inside me
Because I, I want to believe
Little man
You’re running on my lawn
Little man
You’re singing, I heard you
We're alone
Just you and I
You know what I see around me
Oh, little man
But you also know that there is
Someone else here
Little man
You’re running on my lawn
Little man
You’re singing, I heard you
Little man
You’re running on my lawn
Little man
You’re singing, I heard you



Marilena, from the first time I’ve seen you
My heart hurts because it wants you
Marilena, now you’re with me
And I love you so much
Marilena, I live through your love
But you didn’t understand it and you want to leave me
Marilena, from the first time I saw you
My heart wants only you
Marilena, I live through your love
But you didn’t understand it and you want to leave me
Marilena, from the first time I saw you
My heart wants only you


A sunstroke

A sunstroke made me crazy
The world has changed for me
Baby, I like you more every day
The sunstroke is you
I live for you, I only think of you
Everything has changed for me
Take me dancing, invite me to the bar
To have a drink with you
A sunstroke made me crazy
The world has changed for me
Baby, I like you more every day
The sunstroke is you
I want to swim, dive with you
Nothing is more beautiful than the sea
What will be my happiness
What a joy a summer with you
A sunstroke made me crazy
The world has changed for me
Baby, I like you more every day
The sunstroke is you
I live for you, I love only you
But what did you do to my heart?
Tell me why you made me fall in love
I feel happy with you
A sunstroke made me crazy
The world has changed for me
Baby, I like you more every day
The sunstroke is you
A sunstroke made me crazy
The world has changed for me


Alemge deñişmem

Canım, seni men dünyanıñ alemine deñişmem,
Yanağıñı eki yaraşıq al gülge deñişmem.
Mecnun kibi ettiñ meni sen, dağlarda kezici,
Men dülberligiñni doğrusı Leylağa deñişmem.
Qurban olayım naz ile yürüşiñe er vaqıt,
Inci tişleriñni lal kibi lalege deñişmem.
Umer qulıñı sen bugün yabancığa deñiştiñ,
Amma seni men dünyanıñ alemine deñişmem.


Tears Dry on Their Own

All I can ever be to you is a darkness that we knew
And this regret I got accustomed to
Once it was so right when we were at our height
Waiting for you in the hotel at night
I knew I hadn't met my match but every moment we could snatch
I don't know why I got so attached
It's my responsibility, you don't owe nothing to me
But to walk away I have no capacity
He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
I don't understand, why do I stress a man
When there's so many bigger things at hand?
We could've never had it all, we had to hit a wall
So this is inevitable withdrawal
Even if I stop wanting you and perspective pushes true
I'll be some next man's other woman soon
I cannot play myself again, I should just be my own best friend
Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men
He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
So we are history, your shadow covers me
The sky above a blaze
He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
I wish I could say 'no regrets and no emotional debt'
'Cause as we kiss goodbye, the sun sets
So we are history, the shadow covers me
The sky above a blaze that only lovers see
He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
He walks away the sun goes down
He takes the day but I'm grown
And in your way my deep shade
My tears dry...


Mă Trezesc Singură

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
E în regulă în timpul zilei, sunt ocupată
Destul de ocupată ca să nu mă întreb unde este
M-am săturat să plâng, așa că în ultima vreme
Când mă prind gândindu-mă, fac un 180
Stau trează, fac curat în casă, măcar nu beau
Alerg doar ca să nu mă gândesc la gânduri
Acel sentiment de mulțumire tăcută pe care îl are toată lumea
Dispare imediat ce soarele apune
Acest chip din visele mele îmi ia sufletul
Mă inundă de spaimă
Îmbibat în suflet, înoată în ochii mei lângă pat
Mă torn peste el, luna se revarsă înăuntru
Și mă trezesc singură
Dacă aș fi inima mea, aș prefera să fiu neliniștită
În secunda în care mă opresc, somnul mă prinde, dar sunt fără suflare
Ca și această durere în piept, ca și cum ziua mea este gata acum
Întunericul mă acoperă și nu mai pot fugi
Sângele devine rece, stau în fața lui
E tot ce pot face pentru a-l asigura
Când va veni la mine, voi picura pentru el în seara asta
Înecat în mine, ne scăldăm în lumină albastră
Chipul lui apare în visele mele și îmi ia sufletul
Mă inundă de spaimă
Îmbibat în suflet, înoată în ochii mei lângă pat
Mă torn peste el, luna se revarsă înăuntru
Și mă trezesc singură
Și mă trezesc singură
Și mă trezesc singură
Și mă trezesc singură


Poate Să O Țină

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nu poate s-o țină mult timp
Luminile sunt aprinse, dar nu e nimeni acasă
E atât de goală, încât sufletul îi este luat
El se gândește 'De ce fuge?'
Cum poate avea inima ei
Când a fost furată?
Deși el încearcă să o liniștească
Ceea ce e în ea nu moare niciodată
Chiar dacă ea e mulțumită de căldura lui
Ea se simte îndurerată de urgență
Săruturi urgente
Bărbatul de care îi este dor
Bărbatul cu care tânjește să fie
Acum, cum poate avea inima ei
Când a fost furată?
Așa că el încearcă să treacă pe lângă ea
Pentru că ceea ce e înăuntru nu va muri niciodată
În timp ce el încearcă să o liniștească
Pentru că ceea ce e în ea nu moare niciodată



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ei bine, câteodată ies singură
Și mă uit peste apă
Și mă gândesc la toate lucrurile, la ceea ce faci tu
Și în capul meu pictez o imagine
Pentru că de când am venit acasă
Ei bine, corpul meu a fost un dezastru
Și mi-a fost dor de părul tău roșcat
Și felul în care îți place să te îmbraci
Nu vrei să vii la mine
Nu mă mai face de râs
De ce nu vii la mine, Valerie?
Ai fost nevoit să mergi la închisoare
Ți-ai scos casa la vânzare, ți-ai luat un avocat bun?
Sper că nu te-ai bronzat
Sper că vei găsi omul potrivit care să te repare
Ești la cumpărături pe undeva
Ți-ai schimbat culoarea părului, ești ocupată?
Și a trebuit să plătești amenda aia?
De care te-ai ferit tot timpul, mai ești amețită?
Pentru că de când am venit acasă
Ei bine, corpul meu a fost un dezastru
Și mi-a fost dor de părul tău roșcat
Și felul în care îți place să te îmbraci
Nu vrei să vii la mine
Nu mă mai face de râs
De ce nu vii la mine, Valerie?
Ei bine, câteodată ies singură
Și mă uit peste apă
Și mă gândesc la toate lucrurile, la ceea ce faci tu
Și în capul meu pictez o imagine
Pentru că de când am venit acasă
Ei bine, corpul meu a fost un dezastru
Și mi-a fost dor de părul tău roșcat
Și felul în care îți place să te îmbraci
Nu vrei să vii la mine
Nu mă mai face de râs
De ce nu vii la mine, Valerie?
De ce nu vii la mine, Valerie?


Să îl cunoști trebuie să îl iubești

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Să îl cunoști trebuie,
Trebuie să îl iubești, iubești, iubești
Doar pentru a vedea acel zâmbet,
Face ca viața mea să merite
Să îl cunoști trebuie,
Trebuie să îl iubești, iubești, iubești
Și o fac, chiar o fac, o fac
Oh, voi fi bun cu el,
Îi voi aduce bucurie
Oh, toată lumea spune
Va veni o zi
Când voi merge alături de el
Să-l cunoști înseamnă să-l iubești, să-l iubești, să-l iubești
Și o fac, chiar o fac, o fac
De ce nu poate vedea,
Cât de orb poate fi?
Într-o zi va vedea
Că el a fost făcut pentru mine
Să îl cunoști trebuie,
Trebuie să îl iubești, iubești, iubești
Doar pentru a vedea acel zâmbet,
Face ca viața mea să merite
Să îl cunoști trebuie,
Trebuie să îl iubești, iubești, iubești
Și o fac, chiar o fac, o fac


Între trișori

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Aș muri înainte de a divorța de tine
Aș lua o mie de lovituri pentru dragostea mea
Pentru că ai sărutat o potcoavă norocoasă
Mi-ai băgat-o în mănușa de box
Cine vrea să asculte
La victoriile și înfrângerile noastre stupide
Știe că toate te-au dus la curățătorie
Dacă te bagi între trișori
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Soțul meu este cel mai frumos escroc
Și încă o face pe această gospodină să roșească
Așa că mă duc cu el, mâna mea se mișcă
Stau pe o culoare regală
Femeile îl beau, înoată în ochii lui verzi
Apoi du-te acasă și încasează jetoanele pe care le ai
Și aici poate două, oh, două sticle de
Valetul de inimă e jackpotul meu
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Pentru că toți trebuie să ne privim în ochi
Și eu știu că inima mea bate
Există un secret câștigător pentru amândouă
Și e jurat între cei doi trișori
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh
Între trișori, ooh oh oh ooh oh oh


Ditoso seja aquele que somente

Ditoso seja aquele que somente
Se queixa de amorosas esquivanças

Ia Cutia

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vecinii tăi țipau
Nu am cheia de la parter, așa că am sunat la toate soneriile sperând că nu vei fi acolo
Așa că acum mă doare capul
Tu spui că întotdeauna fac cum vreau eu
Dar tu erai la duș când am ajuns acolo, aș fi vrut să rămân, dar nu am nimic de spus
Pentru că erai atât de frumos înainte de ziua de azi
Dar apoi am auzit ce ai avut de spus, omule, a fost urât
Sutienul Moschino pe care mi l-ai cumpărat Crăciunul trecut
Pune-l în cutie, pune-l în cutie
Frank e acolo și nu-mi pasă
Pune-l în cutie, pune-l în cutie
Doar ia-l
Ia cutia
Ia cutia
Am venit acasă în această seară și nimic nu se simțea așa cum ar trebui să fie
Simt că aș vrea să-ți scriu o scrisoare, dar nu sunt așa, mă cunoști
Mă simt atât de furioasă, nu vreau să-mi amintesc de tine
Dar când mi-am lăsat lucrurile în bucătăria ta, mi-am luat rămas bun de la dormitorul tău, mirosea a tine
Dle Falsă Pretenție, nu are sens
Pur și simplu nu te cunosc
Dar mă faci să plâng, unde e sărutul meu de adio?
Cred că te iubesc
Sutienul Moschino pe care mi l-ai cumpărat Crăciunul trecut
Pune-l în cutie, pune-l în cutie
Frank e acolo și nu-mi pasă
Pune-l în cutie, pune-l în cutie
Doar ia-o
Ia cutia
Doar ia-o, ia-o
Ia cutia
Doar ia cutia
Ia cutia
Ia cutia


Ce se întâmplă cu bărbații?

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Înțeleg că la un moment dat a fost un om de casă
Așa că, cu siguranță, nu aș fi trecut niciodată prin asta
Să imit toate rahaturile pe care mama mea le ura
Nu mă pot abține să nu-mi demonstrez soarta freudiană
Alibiul meu pentru că ți-am luat iubitul
Istoria se repetă, nu reușește să moară
Și agresivitatea animalelor e căderea mea
Nu-mi pasă de ce ai tu, vreau totul
E zidită în capul meu, e băgată sub patul meu
Și mă întreb din nou: ce se întâmplă cu bărbații?
Latura mea distructivă a crescut de o milă
Și mă întreb din nou: ce se întâmplă cu bărbații?
Eu sunt grijulie, vreau doar să-mi fac treaba
Și voi accepta bărbatul nepotrivit la fel de natural cum cânt
Și îmi voi păstra lacrimile pentru a-mi dezvălui temerile
Pentru tiparele comportamentale care se mențin de-a lungul anilor
E zidită în capul meu, e băgată sub patul meu
Și mă întreb din nou: ce se întâmplă cu bărbații?
Latura mea distructivă a crescut de o milă
Și mă întreb din nou: ce se întâmplă cu bărbații?


Каким ты был, таким остался

Каким ты был, таким остался
Орел степной, казак лихой.
Зачем, зачем ты снова повстречался,
Зачем нарушил мой покой?
Зачем опять в своих утратах
Меня хотел ты обвинить?
В одном, в одном я только виновата,
Что нету сил тебя забыть...
В одном, в одном я только виновата,
Что нету сил тебя забыть...
Свою судьбу с твоей судьбою
Пускай связать я не могла,
Но я жила, жила одним тобою,
Я всю войну тебя ждала.
Но я жила, жила одним тобою,
Я всю войну тебя ждала.
Ждала, когда наступят сроки,
Когда вернешься ты домой.
И горьки мне, горьки твои упреки,
Горячий мой, упрямый мой.
И горьки мне, горьки твои упреки,
Горячий мой, упрямый мой.
Твоя печаль, твоя обида,
Твоя тревога ни к чему.
Смотри, смотри, душа моя открыта,-
Тебе открыта одному.
Смотри, смотри, душа моя открыта,-
Тебе открыта одному.
Но ты взглянуть не догадался,
Умчался вдаль, казак лихой.
Каким ты был, таким ты и остался,
Но ты и дорог мне такой.
Каким ты был, таким ты и остался,
Но ты и дорог мне такой.


Ой, цветёт калина

Ой, цветет калина в поле у ручья.
Парня молодого полюбила я,.
Парня полюбила на свою беду:
Не могу открыться, слова не найду.
Не могу открыться, слова не найду.
Он живет, не знает ничего о том,
Что одна дивчина думает о нем.
У ручья с калины облетает цвет,
А любовь девичья н проходит, нет!
А любовь девичья н проходит, нет!
А любовь девичья с каждым днем сильней,
Как же мне решиться рассказать о ней?
Я хожу, не смея волю дать словам,
Милый мой, хороший, догадайся сам!
Милый мой, хороший, догадайся сам!


Poem of the girl and boy of aerodynamics

Angel's science, aerodynamics
Standing on the rooftop wall, the world below
Vanishes, overflowing with words
Come on, leap out, spread your feathers
My wings, now
God's voice, aerodynamics
Standing on the edge, in the world I look up to
Words that have been born, fully fill the sky
Come on, spit it out, rebuild the world
The blue of the sky turns to water
Drowning people, sinking in the world
With my shining wings, I'll cut through the water and go
With the strength to reach you
I'll fly to the sunken world, now
The girl's dream is aerodynamics
Standing beside the one I love, I want to watch them
Few words, just like the air
Come on, exhale, courage
The words 'I love you', so just for now
Let me hear the poem of the girl and boy of aerodynamics
Fish, the symbol of rebirth

Man, my wife fell for you

The competition was unfair
You were the new and I was the old guy
And little by little, with friendly company
Something that happens every now and then in life came to be
Man, my wife fell in love with you
Man, my wife fell in love with you
I'm not saying it was your fault
Neither that it was her fault
And of course, it wasn't my fault either
It was just the crazy game of love
Man, my wife fell in love with you
Man, my wife fell in love with you
Man, my wife fell in love with you
My wife
Has fallen in love with you



[Intro] Huh
[Verse 1: kegøn] I still don't wanna get out of my house
I try re-applying the peeled sticker, highschool days
Now, I'm just at home, alone, feeling heavy
Well, since I got you, it doesn't really matter
You give me a lot of ur friends
And I give you a lot of [them] too
Show me fuckin damn!
[Bridge: kegøn] You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
[Verse 2: kegøn] I told u money is like a 'fuck you'
We don't need that kinda shit
By the time I noticed, I'm running ahead
I'm a rockstar, sorry bitch, don't kill ma vibe
[Bridge: kegøn] You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
[Chorus: kegøn] There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me
[Verse 2: LIL SOFT TENNIS] It always felt like
'What should I do'
I get cocky,
But let's run it back
Come on, let's go beyond the limits with everyone
This a phenomenon
I hurry, I hurry
We overlapped, and I lost the plot
I shook my head, and it started hurting
All I'm doing is saying this that's about that obvious
If a meteor came falling tomorrow, (
I mean, I made one, two more friends
Like a multiplayer RPG,
Bam bam, we bounce,
And we making shit,
Like a piñata game
The two of us, who stuck together and then disappeared
Saying things like 'we were so happy though'
Oh well
Things I don't know,
There's so much more now
So I don't need to do shit
Like making memories
A cigarette that won't go out,
Time is running now
For your annoying ass,
Double Lariat
[Bridge: kegøn] You known all my liе
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
You known all my lie
[Chorus: kegøn] There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me
There is not lie
Between you and me



[Chorus: kegøn] Every night cry, okay, fuckin' I'm cool
From the people around me, I'm just a blue-eyed bad boy
I can't sleep, midnight is boring
Let's go somewhere, cut the first class pass
I been getting the money and fame
Light reflects off my fender
Aquarius stains my uniform
Aquarius stains my uniform
[Verse 1: safmusic] The summer colonies that tangled my foot
A moment, waiting for the present, speed up so fast it's see-through
Dumb boys naked,
An image of the summer
Sprouting at this seaside
A flavor of citrus
How far until we get to the sky?
A Cessna takes off, shoot off a caster
[Verse 2: lilbesh ramko] Fuckin' morning, talking like a working
Fuck bitch, ramko riding in a Ferrari
Distort, I twist the world
'Cause I can't see, can't see, can't see
(Hello, ramko-san!)
That's how it is
Watching anime in the evening, Detective Conan
Happily making music
lilbesh ramko is still walking
[Verse 3: AssToro] Nostalgic, slightly emo effect
Temptations, don't be so easily dragged in
Your collapse is faster,
And closer, closer, closer than you think
Don't let me down
Fire flutters in the air
The rust that takes the light
Turns expectations into carcasses
[Verse 4: lazydoll] iPhone ringing, a call, not interested
The idleness I deceived with a fake smile
Half-transparent, bitch I don't care
Memories of summer, the cries of the cicadas (Drop it—)
Erase it all, summer noise
I don't wanna hear anything
A Saturday after rain, let's go somewhere
The place where you once were, a window with wind blowing in
[Chorus: kegøn] Every night cry, okay, fuckin' I'm cool
From the people around me, I'm just a blue-eyed bad boy
I can't sleep, midnight is boring
Let's go somewhere, cut the first class pass
I been getting the money and fame
Light reflects off my fender
Aquarius stains my uniform
Aquarius stains my uniform
(You're in the mix)
Every night cry, okay, fuckin' I'm cool
From the people around me, I'm just a blue-eyed bad boy
I can't sleep, midnight is boring
Let's go somewhere, cut the first class pass
I been getting the money and fame
Light reflects off my fender
Aquarius stains my uniform
Aquarius stains my uniform


Song in the Lollipop Factory

Where have all the lollipops gone?
This holiday show(?)
Inside the mouth(s) of the children,
That was for sure.
Orange, vanilla, currant flavor.
Raspberry and lemon and licorice are on the ball
They all already knew the way.
Out from every mouth a lolly singing sounds:
Hopp hopp hopp! All lollipops (are) off!
Toot toot toot! Your clothes are awesome.
Hopp hopp hopp! All lollipops (are) off!
Toot toot.toot! Here we go, the Fest will (be) grand!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot.toot!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot toot!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot toot!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot toot!
Orange, vanilla, currant flavor.
Raspberry and lemon and licorice are on the ball
They all already knew the way.
Out from every lolly the singing cheers!
Hopp hopp hopp! All lollipops (are) off!
Toot toot toot! Your clothes are away.
Hopp hopp hopp! All lollipops (are) off!
Toot toot toot! Here we go, the Fest will (be) grand!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot toot!
Hopp hopp hopp!
Toot toot toot!


Public persona

When we step in the place, (uh-uh), all the bitches check us out (bitch)
I'm a public persona, (woah, (woah)
I don't give a fuck if they hate (woah)
(Uh), New telephone subscription from DNA (DNA)
25 grand from this CLA
My life is a movie like GTA
Why? I'm a public persona (uh)
They try to put us down, me and Korelon chill on the lists
If someone talks shit about me, I'll let it slide and fuck their sister
(Uh), if you see me in the club you know it's been paid for
I came in your sister's face, now she's soaked
When I go to the plug, my bills have been counted
What we move hasn't been continued
Whole summer out, active every day (yeah)
We step properly, I spit secretions on their face
When we step in the place, (uh-uh), all the bitches check us (bitch)
I'm a public persona, (woah, (woah)
I don't give a fuck if they hate (woah)
(Uh), New telephone subscription from DNA (DNA)
25 grand from this CLA
My life is a movie like GTA
Why? I'm a public persona (uh)
My teacher told me I won't become anything (nothing)
Now her class listens to me more than her (ha-ha)
I've come so far even though I haven't even rapped for long
I stream millions without a deal, that's how it should go
Many people talk shit about me daily
But when we see they're like 'Bro-bro', 'Brother-Brother'
They try to chase like Tom, but I'm not Jerry (Nah)
My life is a movie, I'm a star, it's in my blood
All the bitches in the front row, no wonder they want to be me
They want to be me, they want to do this
They want all the same I want more
When we step in the place, (uh-uh), all the bitches check us out (bitch)
I'm a public persona, (woah, (woah)
I don't give a fuck if they hate (woah)
(Uh), New telephone subscription from DNA (DNA)
25 grand from this CLA
My life is a movie like GTA
Why? I'm a public persona (uh)
When we step in the place, (uh-uh), all the bitches check us out (bitch)
I'm a public persona, (woah, (woah)
I don't give a fuck if they hate (woah)
(Uh), New telephone subscription from DNA (DNA)
25 grand from this CLA
My life is a movie like GTA
Why? I'm a public persona (uh)



I think of my childhood home and it's yard
I drew angels and glued them to the window
School christmas parties in the gym hall when
With a dress on I sit alone in the back row
I close my eyes for just a moment there
And when I open them next
It's quiet around the apartment
Whatever if I'm ready or not
I'm an adult
I think of the middle school lobby floor
When the heart breaks so you can't almost breathe
And that one friend who we
drank ourselves drunk in the store parking slots with
I close my eyes for just a moment
And when I open them next
It's quiet around the apartment
Whatever if I'm ready or not
I'm an adult
I think of my childhood home and it's yard
It was sold last year because there's no need for that much space
I think of how my parents are getting older too
I close my eyes and a tear rolls to the corner of my mouth


SV 206 Vespro XIII,4 For he that is mighty hath

For he that is mighty hath
magnified me:
and holy is his name.


Aeroplane Song

Careful, dear butterfly,
Because I am a planeflyer.
Careful, sweet birdflock,
I'm flying high and not there yet.
Did you (all) see me,
Ladies and gentlemen in the sky beautiful?
'Toot toot!' How my horn sings
And how beautiful it sounds out in the sky today!
Careful, tender cloudlet small,
My plane is not very fine today.
Careful, flake of ice,
Three little round I (will) fly in a circle.
Did you (all) see me,
Ladies and gentlemen in the sky beautiful?
'Toot toot!' How my horn sings
And how beautiful it sounds out in the sky today!
Careful, tender cloudlet small,
My plane is not very fine today.
Careful, flake of ice,
Three little round I (will) fly in a circle.
Did you (all) see me,
Ladies and gentlemen in the sky beautiful?
'Toot toot!' How my horn sings
And how beautiful it sounds out in the sky today!


Bali (Theme Song)

Come quikly, comon friends
For the Bali meeting
Bali, raises his arms to the sky
Bali, turns around himself
Bali, shakes his butt
And then jumps in the air
Bali, calls his daddy
Bali, jumps into his arms
Bali, kisses his mommy
And shouts 'I'm big enough'
Bali, raises his arms to the sky
Bali, turns around himself
Bali, shakes his butt
And then jumps in the air
Bali, plays with Kikou
Bali, acts a little bit crazy
Bali, loves his friends
And also the music


Upon Naglfar

At the world's end, from Naglfar,
The ark. Gazing, beautiful eyes reflect
The shadow play of the turning heavens
A frozen cocoon shatters
Giving birth to seven birds
Stars of the celestial globe
If you see the form of a child playing
In the time model of billions of years
A sky that never loses its brilliance
But still, towards the endless earth
Naglfar continues to fly
And it will surely overcome.
The last sea, upon the deck of Naglfar
Spreading beautiful
Arms, the shadow play of the turning heavens dances
A frozen cocoon shatters
Giving birth to seven wisdoms
Never even dying
In the infinite corridor world model
If you see the form of a playing toy
The fingerprints of shining gods
Capturing that world map
From the frozen cocoon, Naglfar
Will surely surpass.
Never even dying
In the infinite corridor child model
If you see the form of dancing notes
Billions of shining stars, that celestial globe
Giving birth, continuing to fly
Will surely overcome.


I'm boiling spuds and they are burning

I'm boiling spuds and they are burning
The water's gone, my God, oy vey!
Birds chirp outside: it's not concerning
It's still okay
All's always fixable you know
So long burnt salad let it be
So long to you as somewhere you go
But not to me
My life without you won't be empty
My pain will pass and won't return
I hope the cabbage pie so tempting
Will never burn


I want to go back/return

I want to go back to the times when I was in love with you,
I swallowed my words and stayed silent.
We drifted apart, a distance came between us,
It's been a few months now that my house is silent.
You left and became an impossible hope,
I didn’t know your hands were morphine to me.
I wish I could build a bridge to time,
All the rose flowers would sacrifice for the redness of your lips.
I went crazy after you,
I wasn't like this before you.
Since you won't come this way with me,
At least see me off.
I'm drunk, I see your picture,
Only here in your arms.
My hands drifted away from yours,
I'm in love, unlike you.
I want to return,
See how much I’ve waited,
I twisted every path,
You preferred not to see.
I want to return,
Maybe one day you'll fall in love,
Become the person you used to be,
Don't make your decision too quickly.
If it was up to me, you were always there,
From the start, I was on your mind,
Sharp and aware,
Honest in front of you,
Don’t pull a lie.
But you forgot,
Who you got to know,
Who you fell in love with.
You keep making pointless excuses,
When you mess up, you search my soul,
I’m still that same famous guy,
With his own set of issues,
But I can't apply
because I know my limits,
I draw my line,
I’m crazy and I pass by,
I love you to be here, but
If you leave, I’ll still be here and sort things out.
We have a history,
We are still in love,
The future is up to you, baby,
Just don't grow old alone like Cosette.
I want to return,
See how much I’ve waited,
I twisted every path,
You preferred not to see.
I want to return,
Maybe one day you'll fall in love,
Become the person you used to be,
Don't make your decision too quickly.
Remember how we used to laugh a lot at our jokes,
I didn’t notice whose life came and passed quietly.
All the smiles on faces withered with that,
My heart has become as tiny as the ends of our joints.
For your moon-like eyes in the dark night,
For your words that can't be placed anywhere,
For when you're in love and nothing can be done,
Why can’t I reach you no matter how far I go?
I became an alcoholic from the intoxication of your voice,
I would become blind and do it when looking at you,
After a few years, your image is still in my sleep,
To drown in the depths of your eyes and not be saved.
I can't see, you stay here in your place, I’ll go,
I know I'm very strange to you now,
I wish you could come back too, but I,
I want to return,
See how much I’ve waited,
I twisted every path,
You preferred not to see.
I want to return,
Maybe one day you'll fall in love,
Become the person you used to be,
Don't make your decision too quickly.


Grandizer: The Legend of Orion Quest (Theme)

Out there, out there
Way out in outer space
Between Earth and Venus
The sky still bears the mark
of Orion Quest, Prince of Antares
He dreamed of our Earth,
The blue planet,
Whose light he could see
From a hundred thousand miles away
Out there, out there
Way out among the stars
The Great War broke out
And those of Vega the Strong
launched their last attack
Orion then escaped,
Defeated and alone,
Across the galaxies
of our universe
In his wonderful robot
Made of starlight and steel,
This knight-errant of the new times
Is battling for humanity
Orion at the helm of Grandizer,
This is the legend
That we're about to tell...


We are old but not old*

Verse 1: Sijal
Don't cry so much, take a look at my age,
Don't stare into my eyes like that, it's become midnight,
We'll get together, a visa for chasing good things,
Good deeds high up on the mountain,
Barbecue, Rizla, and smoke,
A text to your ex,
Touch your body, feel good,
So that it tingles in your heart,
If you don't want to, we’ll still go together,
To my good friend’s house,
Do whatever you want and say cheers,
We'll go to a place where there's no more bad,
Where tears aren’t on your face,
Not every idiot can mess it up,
You know the world belongs to the strong,
So get up, fold your clothes,
Let’s go to the train station together,
Don’t say there’s no way to escape.
Chorus: Nassim
But he's my boyfriend, he's my day and night,
He's my soul and body,
I won't let go, you know, We were supposed to stay together,
Every month of the year, eventually leave this place.
Verse 2: JJ
That crying, like it's something trivial,
Eventually, we all end up skeletons under the soil,
Life is short, live your days,
Don't care about others because it’s not worth it,
Your body only shivers with that one,
All these boys around you,
Let another one take you for a fool,
You were his girlfriend,
When he bothered you,
He felt bad, and his friends quickly took him away,
Eventually, it’s you who gets eaten up,
His bad weather takes him away,
Chasing him like a cat and a mouse,
I remember those times,
I was a bit foolish like you,
Until I said it’s okay,
Let the corpse go with someone who drives a Bentley,
I hope, baby, he catches AIDS,
I'm here and have seen it well,
His girls get close and give in quickly,
I’m here, and they devour it,
You too, say to hell with that guy,
Come to your senses a bit.
Chorus: Nassim
But he's my boyfriend, he's my day and night,
He's my soul and body,
I won't let go, you know,
We were supposed to stay together,
Every month of the year, eventually leave this place.
Verse 3: Sijal
Don’t be stubborn in this game yourself,
Don’t judge in any way,
Remember I was with that crazy one too,
You used to say this is the law of the heart,
But we have sense,
Let it rain and flood,
We still smile and eat our food with appetite,
Now it’s your turn,
Don’t let your surroundings close in,
Be firm and solid,
Don’t let it post nine times,
And always go online,
Forget him like someone with Alzheimer’s.
Verse 4: JJ
Life continues,
In front of you is a constant trap,
That people fall into,
Even those with healthy minds,
Don't hide away again,
Don't go back under the covers and tear up your pillow,
He's just a person, after all,
A slave to his hormones,
Even if you're not there, he can wake up with someone else in the morning,
Like trash, he had you,
Passed you off in a midnight escape,
So move on to the next one and don’t even mention his name.
Chorus: Nassim
But he's my boyfriend, he's my day and night,
He's my soul and body,
I won't let go, you know, We were supposed to stay together,
Every month of the year, eventually leave this place together.


In the world of mirrors only I exist

Omnipresent reincarnation, meaning and modality
Possible worlds and mirrors
Transcendental solipsism [1]
Inside the mirror
As if trapped
A feeling covers the world
And then
Everything changes into me
Everything I see is me
My heart duplicates
Even this ugly one
Even that dirty one
Everything I see is me
My heart scatters
It also becomes that beautiful girl
Omnipresent reincarnation, meaning and modality
Co-subjective existence [2]
Transcendental solipsism
The world is inside a mirror hell
I want to be seen
My heart scatters
And then
Everything changes into me
Everything that exists is me
My heart duplicates
Even the handsome him
Even the girl I like
Everything that exists is me
My heart scatters
It also becomes the tainted me
Something that should die
Everything that exists is the heart
I disappear
Even the handsome him
Even the girl I like
If they don't disappear
I continue to exist
The world is me, therefore


Let's Be Platonic

You and I are together, alone at the beach
Time has calmed down, after frolicking too much
You've turned all silent and I wonder why I'm scared of your eyes
The sky, the sea and the waves seem so faraway
Ah, you'd make me short-circuit just by touching me with your pinkie
Please can you hold on for a bit till we've justified our love
As I wipe the sand off my lips
I see myself inside your eyes
Let's go through this platonic love
It's a promise
Let's get through with platonic love
I love you
Then suddenly it rained and we panicked
And ran towards the car beside the road
Ah, don't pull my arm so hard
Else it'll snap, please be gentle
Maybe only the neverending waves would know
What's been decided inside my heart
Let's go through this platonic love
For now
Let's get through with platonic love
It still hurts
To tell you the truth, I actually felt that
If it's just a kiss that would probably be okay
Let's go through this platonic love
It's a promise
Let's get through with platonic love
I love you