Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 859

Număr de rezultate: 105493


Fii sinceră cu mine

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Fii sinceră cu mine, dragă, orice ai face
Amintește-ți că ești a mea, dragă
Așa că fii întotdeauna adevărată
Oriunde ai rătăci
Pe uscat sau pe mare
Dacă mă iubești cu adevărat
Fii sinceră cu mine
Biata mea inimă s-ar rupe, dragă, dacă ai fi falsă
Adormit sau treaz, draga mea
Te visez pe tine
Oh, tu ești draga mea
Tu ești tot ce văd
Dacă mă iubești cu adevărat
Fii sinceră cu mine
Într-o zi mă voi întoarce, dragă
Și să te fac a mea
Și cât voi tânji, dragă, când voi fi singur
Dar nu voi uita niciodată, dragă, dulcea ta amintire
Dacă mă iubești cu adevărat
Fii sinceră cu mine

Frate, mă poți milui cu un ban?

Ei obişnuiau să-mi spună că îmi construiesc un vis
Și așa am urmat mulțimea
Când era pământ de arat sau arme de purtat
Am fost mereu chiar acolo, gata de muncă
Ei obişnuiau să-mi spună că îmi construiesc un vis
Cu pace și glorie înainte
De ce ar trebui să stau la coadă
Doar să aștept pâinea?
Odată am construit o cale ferată, am făcut-o să meargă
A făcut o cursă contra cronometru
Cândva am construit o cale ferată, acum s-a terminat
Frate, mă poți milui cu un ban?
Odată am construit un turn până la soare
Caramidă şi nit şi var
Odată am construit un turn, acum s-a terminat
Frate, mă poți milui cu un ban ?
Odată îmbrăcați în costume kaki, arătam bine
Plin de acel avânt yankee grozav
O jumătate de milion de cizme au trecut prin iad
Și eu eram copilul cu toba
Spune, nu-ți amintești, îmi spuneau Al
A fost Al tot timpul
De ce nu-ți amintești, sunt prietenul tău
Spune prietene, mă poți milui cu un ban?
Odată îmbrăcați în costume kaki, vai ce bine arătam
Plin de acel avânt yankee grozav
O jumătate de milion de cizme au trecut prin iad
Și eu eram copilul cu toba
Oh, spune, nu-ți amintești, îmi spuneau Al
A fost Al tot timpul
Spune, nu-ți amintești, sunt prietenul tău
Prietene, mă poți milui cu un ban?

Ai văzut vreodată un vis mergând?

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ceva foarte ciudat și mistic mi s-a întâmplat, ooh
Ceva realist și cât se poate de ciudat, ooh
Ceva de care mă temeam, cumva acum îmi este drag
Ce sentiment amuzant, ciudat și totuși atât de adevărat, ooh
Ți s-a întâmplat vreodată așa ceva?
Ai văzut vreodată un vis mergând? Ei bine, eu am văzut
Ai auzit vreodată un vis vorbind? Ei bine, eu am auzit
Ai avut vreodată un vis care te-a încântat?
Cu „Vrei să fii al meu?
Oh, este atât de măreț și este prea, prea divin
Ai văzut vreodată un vis dansând? Ei bine, eu am văzut
Ai văzut vreodată un vis îndrăgostit? Ei bine, eu am văzut
Ai văzut vreodată raiul chiar în brațele tale?
Spunând „te iubesc, te iubesc cu adevărat”?
Ei bine, visul care mergea și visul care vorbea
Și raiul din brațele mele ai fost tu

Ce seară cu lună neagră

Ce seară cu lună neagră,
eu nu mai văd deloc,
dar văd cum moare
sentimentul nostru.
Simt că îmi cad brațele
cum cade ploaia
pe drum de acolo de sus.
Vânt de apă limpede
lovește ici și colo
din din din
din di di.
Ce seară cu lună neagră,
eu nu mai văd deloc,
acel adio îmi pune pe ochi
vălul tristeții.
Iubita mea
tu nu mai ești,
în vreme ce ploaia stinge
zâmbetul tău angelic.
Și melancolia
tună ici și colo
din din din
din di di.
Iubita mea
azi și-a luat zborul,
sunt un om singur,
dar speranța rămâne aici,
îmi dă o mână de ajutor,
în timp ce tu pleci
mă simt singur.
În brațele mele
tu nu mai ești,
e numai ploaie
și o dorință inutilă.
Vânt de apă limpede,
plângi cu mine
din din din
din di di.
Iubita mea
azi și-a luat zborul,
sunt un om singur,
dar speranța rămâne aici,
îmi dă o mână de ajutor,
în timp ce tu pleci
mă simt singur.
Ce seară cu lună neagră,
eu nu mai văd deloc,
acel adio îmi pune pe ochi
vălul tristeții.
În brațele mele
tu nu mai ești,
e numai ploaie
și o dorință inutilă.
Vânt de apă limpede,
plângi cu mine
din din din
din di di.
Vânt de apă limpede,
plângi cu mine
din din din
din di di.

Ce va fi, va fi

--- 1 ---
Când eram copil cu mult timp în urmă
Am întrebat-o pe mama ce voi fi
Voi fi frumoasă sau poate nu?
iar ea mi-a răspuns:
--- R ---
Ce va fi, va fi... în timp, vom vedea
Viitorul care va veni,
Ce va fi, va fi
... Ce va fi, va fi
Melodiile din inima mea
Timpul va trece și iar le voi cânta
--- 2 ---
Crescând apoi, m-am îndrăgostit
Mi-am întrebat iubitul: ce voi fi?
Dacă fericire va exista
Iar el mi-a răspuns:
--- R ---
Ce va fi, va fi... în timp, vom vedea
Viitorul care va veni
Ce va fi, va fi... Ce va fi, va fi
Melodiile din inima mea
Timpul va trece și iar le voi cânta
--- 3 ---
Acum copiii întreabă
pe mama lor: ce vor fi?
Vor fi oare frumoși sau poate nu?
... și eu voi răspunde:
--- R ---
Ce va fi, va fi... în timp, vom vedea
Viitorul care va veni,
Ce va fi, va fi.
--- R ---
Ce va fi, va fi... în timp, vom vedea
Viitorul care va veni
Cum va fi, va fi... Ce va fi, va fi...
Eu voi cânta, tu vei cânta
cu mine vei cânta...

The Pot Man

It's the pot man
Look me in the counter
Find me in the smell
Swoon over me
And give me a bone
One of those with tin foil
I keep myself clean
I define as a Dane
(I'll stay in this hole)
Only operates with gloves on
(Get plastic on the floor)
I not just a beard
When it covers a face
It's a weird fur
(For a weird intention)
I love all sports
Do you understand when I say black1
Warm liver pâté with apples and prunes
Ew, now they stand there and whisper
I say it in a mail
That's what I'm known for
I've scored not nearly enough
Sort of like Bendtner2
Spelling control says 'Neck prostitude'
I think my heart has decided
To be inspired
Here I live
You can look in at me3
It's the pot man
(Hello) It's the pot man
Here I live
You can look in at me
But if you knock
You'll hear a no
You'll hear a no
Clap your fingers
(Your fingers they clap)
Tap your feelings
(Take a nap)
What the hell can I say?
(Please, just say it's for fun)
(And you'll need a ladder
To drink out of your glass)
You call for counterpressure
(You call for a smile)
You call for expression
(You fall on the path
The suit is made in China
(But designed in Brande4)
By a girl from Vesterbro5
(Who just loves Wafande6)
Fuck you, honk-honk
Two hundred cars in a puddle (Honk, swithch)
Benny7 says it's damn good (Good)
I'm chilling in a henpot
Are you standing on your ass
It'll be a disgusting dinner
Are you covering up a spot
It'll never be worn off
Can you handle a bald man
Commenting on your hair
You need a called man
Argue your case
Here I live
You can look in at me
It's the pot man
(Hello) It's the pot man
Here I live
You can look in at me
But if you knock
You'll hear a no
Here I live
You can look in at me
Here I live
You can look in at me
But if you knock
Here I live
You can look in at me
But if you knock
You'll hear a no
(Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes)
(Hello) It's the pot man
  • 1. The word 'sort' is pronounced in a dialect from Jutland
  • 2. Nicklas Bendtner, former soccerplayer, now retired
  • 3. Phrase from an old children's song called Her Bor Jeg
  • 4. city
  • 5. District in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark
  • 6. Singer
  • 7. Fictional character from a series of movies called Olsen Banden

Water's Silhouette

Whether in a city painted all in white in a foreign land
Or in a town next to this one where gentle wind blows
I'll probably be he same traveler
Who casts a faint silhouette onto the water's surface
Time is a river, its banks are the past
Everyone goes on board
A gondola that one day
Leaves the bank
As they wave goodbye to the memories
When I walked away I thought
I felt a silent voice tap on my shoulder
I wish I could have hated you
Enough to make me forget the loneliness of staying behind
The transient world, how smoothly it flows
Too hesitant to jump in, for which I blame my weakness
Yet still, I want to keep
A heart that's pure enough to be broken
Time is a river, its banks are the past
Everyone goes on board
A gondola that one day
Leaves the bank
As they wave goodbye to the memories

(V.G.G.G.) Very Good Glenn Gould

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
I'm not interested in staying on a wagon
I'm not interested in staying here up high
Imagining myself flying above the others
I'm staying on the ground and spinning, spinning, swirling
Mythical moon that seems to be here just for us
Even if now we don't know what to say
And if the real last word
Is not for me to say, not for you to say
Who will ever say it?
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you
The earth crumbles and the stars crumble
And my little bitchy makeup crumbles
Flowers crumble out of my dirty hair
What's left if we're not already dead?
But I surrender for the first time
I've been trying for some time to open this door
I fell on the neighbour's roof
I watched the greenery in his garden
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you
I'm going crazy
I'm going crazy
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you
In my head they won't ever tie me up in knots
What I do in the face of all of you

There were little pigs in the east island vol 2

Away from the east island, talking about the future
Three little pig brothers searching for happiness
Decided to trip and made a big boat
Three little pig brothers joined their strength
The oldest little pig carried straw
The middle little pig carried wood
And the smallest carried a map and a compass
With tail wind (sailing)
Raising the sails (sailing)
Taking their dreams (sailing)
Let's go (sailing)
In one trip to the horizon. All right!
'Across the horizon there's the island of happiness'
Three little pig brothers learned by the jellyfish
Crossing the equator, they felt colder
Three little pig brothers brought their bodies near
The oldest little pig saw dolphins
The middle little pig saw the aurora
And the smallest started crying feeling alone
With tail wind (sailing)
Raising the sails (sailing)
Let's go back (sailing)
To the island (sailing)
Where mom is waiting. All right!
With tail wind (sailing)
Raising the sails (sailing)
Taking their dreams (sailing)
Let's go (sailing)
In one trip to the horizon. All right!
With tail wind (sailing)
Raising the sails (sailing)
Let's go back (sailing)
To the island (sailing)
Where mom is waiting. All right!
With tail wind (sailing)
Raising the sails (sailing)
Let's go back (sailing)
To the island (sailing)
Where mom is waiting. All right!
Where mom is waiting. All right!
Where mom is waiting. All right!

One crisis

Everything's going great for me
And even more
My very own leather jacket
And life within it
Four intact limbs
Which means I have the liberty to take off
And a working bike
on which to cycle south
My own room and a roof over my head
And under my feet an Indian rug
For a while I have stood on this
And realized that equality doesn't live here
When in the middle of all this
At least in this moment
I have only one crisis
only one crisis
In the middle of all this
Now at least in this moment
I have only one crisis:
All these privileges don't fit into this song
For you everything is topsy-turvy
Or even more
Far from it is the garage
Where I play my tunes
I have a lot but I want more
I have an awesome mom and a funny dad
Why are there bars in this city
where I can walk into at nights past the line
And in the middle of all this
Now at least in this moment
I have only one crisis
In the middle of all this
Now at least in this moment
I have only one crisis:
All these privileges don't fit into this song

Isn't that shameful?

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Is life so tough?
Would we be sent off the game if we’re unlike them?
Do we need an alibi?
Have we run out of excuses?
It was such a shame,
It was so shameful
Is life so tough?
Would we trip over hidden-shaped rocks on its path?
Do we need to keep up?
Not a rose has blossomed in our garden
It was such a shame,
It was so shameful
The girl wore her prettiest, most alluring clothes
The boy painted a colorful world
Pitch black doors asked them:
“Isn’t that a shame?
Is such stuff so simple?
Isn’t it shameful?”

For the death of the English lady

With our blossoms she departed·
to find blossoms when she returns·
prepare them, and she has arrived·
she cannot be late·
could it be the one who is approaching
with all-white sails?
Immortal Guardian, you who the heaven and the sea look at and you reside nearby
To the beautiful queen, who has fallen asleep,
allow me to close inside her hands the wreath of my head, so that she feels, when she awakes, as much joy i felt by looking at her.
Soft spoken in abundance, new spirit of the sea,
the beautiful creature is not sunken in sleep.
The rift that the earthquake opened, and at once was filled with blossoms.

Let's Love

Love is our soul
Sisterhood in a smile
It is luck and bliss
It's our date, my love
It's our desired sky
It's the two of us, just the two of us
In an endless embrace
It wanders, wanders in the sensual space
Of our tenderness
Let's love, let's love, our love is greater
It is bigger
Let's love, let's love, our love is greater
It is bigger


I wanna throw myself from a helicopter
That flies in a pink flamingo sky
Or run off the road in Marta's car
The light burns my face, I'll explode
If I don't drink two or three ginger things
I'll lose myself in sleep like a stranger in the subway
The truth is that you're just a deception of my mind
The truth is that you'er just a deception in my mind
And so how is it, how is it, how is it
How is it that we haven't said hi to each other yet
Like how you destroy the photos by setting them on fire
Setting me on fire, setting us on fire
How is it, how is it, how is it
How is it that we haven't said hi to each other yet
I wanna throw myself off the penthouse
Of Maggie, pink sky Superbattito ¹
And then reassemble all the pieces with Marco's polaroids
The moon cools down my face and I'll freeze over
Mixed people in the meltin' pot room
I'll lose myself in your eyes two times a day for sport
The truth is that you're just a deception of my mind
The truth is that you'er just a deception in my mind
And so how is it, how is it, how is it
How is it that we haven't said hi to each other yet
Like you destroy the photos by setting them on fire
Setting me on fire, setting us on fire
How is it, how is it, how is it
How is it that we haven't said hi to each other yet
And so how is it, how is it, how is it
And so how is it, how is it, how is it

hellenic of old

Antioch is boasting of its glorious buildings,
and its beautiful avenues· of the
wonderful nature that surrounds it, and of the great crowd
of residents in it. It's boasting of being the capital
of glorious kings· and of the artists
and the wise men that it has, and of the wealthy
and savvy merchants. But most of all, without
comparison, Antioch is boasting of being a city
hellenic of old· a relative of Argos:
from Ione1 that was founded by Argive
settlers to honor the daughter of Inachus.

In the taverns

In the taverns and the brothels
of Beirut i wander aimlessly. i didn't want to stay
in Alexandria. Tamidis left me·
and went with the Governor's1 son to buy
a mansion by the Nile, a palace in the city.
It wasn't good for me to stay in Alexandria. –
In the taverns and the brothels
of Beirut i wander aimlessly. i spend my days despicably
in cheap drunkeness. The only thing that saves me
like a constant beauty, like a perfume that
has remained on my flesh, is the fact that i had for two years
Tamidis mine, the most wonderful young man,
mine, not for a house or for a mansion by the Nile.
  • 1. administrative position in the roman empire (rector provinciae)

What had to be

Versions: #1
Because in life you were
The last hope.
Finding you turned me into a child
Because you already were mine
Without me even knowing that
Because you are my man and I am your woman.
Because you came to me without telling me that you would come
And your hands calmly were mine,
Because in my soul you were
Like a dawning,
Because you were what had to be.

Theatre of Sidon (400 A.D.)

Son of an honorable citizen — most importantly, good looking
youth of the theatre, liked by many,
oftentimes i compose in greek tongue
very courageous lyrics, which i pass around
in great secrecy, of course — gods! may they not be seen
by those wearing white1, those speaking about ethics —
lyrics of lust, the chosen one, that is going
towards fruitless love and depreciated.
  • 1. probably implying religious or moral authorities


Like beautiful bodies of dead ones that didn't grow old
and were closed, with tears, in a glorious mausoleum,
with roses on the head and jasmines at the feet —
thus resemble the yearnings that passed
without being actualized· without being turned into reality
not a single night of lust, or one of its bright mornings.

Ella Cinderella

Stars in the sky spin around
until they sometimes go out
like the same wishes
that at midnight also fall
Stars wink at Ella, and it seems to her again
that there is a prince waiting for her, all night long
it's already late at the ball and a silver moon
illuminates her hope, Cinderella
Ella Cinderella, Ella -
what does it seem to her, Ella Cinderella
Ella Cinderella, Ella -
that seems to her, Ella Cinderella
and the clock ticks, tick, tok, tok
she doesn't hear, tick, ttok, tok
she is going crazy
and the clock ticks, tick, tok, tok
she sways, tick, tok, tok
she is marvelous
You are beautiful tonight, Ella, like Cinderella
you'll go home, Ella, come with me
and again her eyes are lit up and her lips shine
the prince comes again, Cinderella
Ella Cinderella...

To you, my native land (Carpathian Ruthenia)

Versions: #1
Honor and praise to you, my native land,
Let the wind sing it's song of freedom.
During thousand years your people
Shed tears and blood in captivity.
It stood courageously in the hard fight
For freedom, for it's home country.
It was faithful until death to you, my land,
For the sake of truth, honor and glory.
Our people has risen in free Ukraine!
We must carry the banner of unity,
So that the sun of freedom would shine from the sky
On our green Carpathians.

The Battle of Tannenberg

On Hindenburg's order
We'll take Usdau1
The first army corps
Is already laying siege to Seeben2
The second division
Sits east of Grallau3
The Russian seems
Now totally exhausted
Come into the war
With spade, axe and sword
Bring us victory
The Battle of Tannenberg
Drive them away
By wagon, on foot, on horse
One man, one word
The Battle of Tannenberg
The Battle of Tannenberg
Hindenburg's revenge
All according to the Schliefen plan
We'll break through to Russia
We have surrounded them
Cut off their supply lines
Stop them at Hohenstein
Report to the Army High Command
Now they're capitulating
Unconditional surrender
The reserves at Niedenburg4
Can't change the question of victory
The last troops in battle
Are also pulling back
General Samsonov5
Shot himself in the head
And so the battle was won
The glory at Tannenberg
The disgrace that still hurts
Wiped out after hundreds of years
The glory at Tannenberg
The disgrace that still hurts, wiped out
The first battle, the first glory
A victory that shaped the image of the battle
Many dead to mourn
But this is not what counts
The mass graves are full
Of tens of thousands of dead
Innumerable prisoners of war
Count towards the grisly quotas
The propaganda drum
Touches the German lands
From the Alps to the Baltic
Through every pillbox
Everywhere, historic victory
The newspaper is full of it
The army post sends the news
To every German front
But in the West there's news to share
The joy is not long-lived
The Battle of Flanders beginns
Greets us with iron showers
But in the West there's news to share
The war has just become
The borders are opening
From Flanders to the Argonne
  • 1. The village of Uzdowo in modern Poland
  • 2. The village of Żabiny in modern Poland
  • 3. The village of Gralewo in modern Poland
  • 4. Possibly a typo for Neidenburg (PL: Nidzica)
  • 5. Russian General who committed suicide in 1814

Ask Me How I Am

It so happens that we find ourselves in quicksand.
My head doesn't work like it happens on Mondays,
'cause there's nothing to say, nothing to do,
nothing special, nothing special.
You know that in this desert we're two pyramids,
the light is reflected on arid eyes,
eyes that know how to blow up, like mines,
but it doesn't hurt that much, it doesn't hurt that much
to believe in overcoming vertigo.
Sometimes the art of falling is an attitude.
We'll tell each other that it's easy in spite of
(It not being easy...)
having all the world on our shoulders like Atlas.
We'll succeed in defending ourselves from people
who don't know how to look beyond appearances.
Ask me how I am for real.
(Ask me for real...)
Ask me if it's real and I don't know it.
But I know that fear is like an ocean
at the Mojave desert.
And how many nights we'll spend going down each other
if the memories are endless streets
where we have been together, chainless,
but it doesn't hurt that much, it doesn't hurt that much
to believe in overcoming vertigo.
You know that the art of falling is an attitude.
We'll tell each other that it's easy in spite of
(It not being easy...)
having all the world on our shoulders like Atlas.
We'll succeed in defending ourselves from people
who don't know how to look beyond appearances.
Ask me how I am for real.
(Ask me for real...)
Ask me if it's real and I don't know it.
But with you, fear is like an ocean
at the Mojave desert.
We'll tell each other that it's easy in spite of
(It not being easy...)
having all the world on our shoulders like Atlas.
We'll succeed in defending ourselves from people
who don't know how to look beyond appearances.
Ask me how I am for real.
(Ask me for real...)
Ask me if it's real and I don't know it.
But with you, fear is like an ocean
at the Mojave desert.

The song of the united front

And because man is man,
He needs something to eat, please!
Idle chatter doesn't satisfy him,
It won't bring him anything to eat.
And so: left, two, three!
Where your place is, comrade!
Take your place in the workers' united front
Because you're also a worker.
And because man is man,
He also needs clothes and shoes!
Idle chatter doesn't warm him,
and neither does a drum circle.
And because man is man,
He doesn't like a boot in his face!
He doesn't want to see slaves under him,
Nor masters over him
And because the proletariat is the proletariat,
No one else will seek to free him
The freeing of workers can only be
The fruit of workers themselves

To. Lordfxxker

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Lord God, I don't come to you a fuckin' sinner
Tell them get away from me
Please tell to ya fuckin' believers
I guess you're more priceless than a life of a girl alive
Well I know that you couldn't hear me, go fuck yourself
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of
In the name of
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of
In the name of
In the name of me
I've got goosebumps when I looked at they were prayin'
When I was a kid I thought I was a satan
I realized that you'll never be present
Finally came back to my life
Escaped from the hell, irony, irony
Fundamentalism without the fundamentals, I know no human can do it properly and perfectly
But these bitches ruined my life for good
Don't talk shit about persecution, the stones you threw...
...made me the bitch that I am, 4am, the doors open
I woke up noticing a presence in my room, my uncle, that bastard who claimed to be a pastor
Sometimes he would touch my body and say, 'I prayed for you.'
He was always making a fuss and asking me for money, my parents who were fanatical about religion
were intimidated and powerless against him, I didn't believe in You
it sent shivers down my spine when Sundays came by, inside that dark closet
It's not a metaphor, I was literally inside, I was beaten
My eyes were blank, I was ready to come and meet you, even before I knew the word hate
it was already springing up in my mind, under all the violence and abuse
my breath was already dead, for those bastards, their illusion
and their honor towards Jesus were much more important, I was too young
and my vision was blurred, the violence was fading, it was as if I were dead inside
Now Seoul, the city where I live, is full of red crosses
If I would pray for anything, it would be to remove all of them and turn them into flames
I'm still alive, you son of a bitch, shut up with your bullshit saying you led me down the right path
I only respect those who are still alive, please I want you out of my life
I've got goosebumps
When I looked at they were prayin'
When I was a kid I thought I was a Satan
I realized that you'll never be present
Finally came back to my life
Escaped from the hell
Lord God, I don't come to you a Fuckin' sinner
Tell them get away from me
Please tell to ya fuckin' believers
I guess you're more priceless than a life of a girl alive
Well I know that u couldn't hear me, go fuck yourself
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of
In the name of
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of me
In the name of
In the name of
In the name of me
Please get the fuck out of my life
Oh please get the fuck out of my life
Go to fucking hell
Go to fucking hell
Oh, go fuck yourself

The prayer

The fawns pray for the night,
Watch out!
Half past eight!
Half past nine!
Half past ten!
Half past eleven!
The fawn pray for the night,
Watch out!
They fold the little toes,
the fawns.

In love

Oh la la, la la
Oh night, oh eyes 1
Oh night, oh eyes
Oh night, oh night
I'm in love, in love with you
all the time
I'm patient and my patience
guides me on the path of my love
Night after night
I've not gotten an ounce of sleep
Passion and love
without blame or reproach
I hide, oh I hide
My confusion and my pain
And you're not even aware of it
Oh night, oh eyes 1
Oh night, oh night
You're the one I fell in love with
the one I called for
out of all people
And I said that's it
You on the other hand love me one day
And forget me the other
I can't forget you
When my soul is with you
Oh life
Oh my life, oh
Oh my eyes,
Oh the night and the pain2
Patience is beautiful
They say so in sad songs
And my heart will soon find its desire
Oh turn my passion into night
and my patience into day
Are you able to forget me?
Well then, forget me
But I can't forget you
when my soul is with you
  • This is just the Arabic version of 'oh la la'
  • 2. this part is just rhythmic, not a lot of meaning behind it.

When (will) you return

I opened the window to the heart
I guarded my thoughts
In the name of love in this heart
I asked forgiveness
Now I wish
When (will) you return
We turn a new page
I await your return
I forgive your faults
Yet you still persevere
At the limits of your arrogance
In the name of love I protect
(The) patience in my heart
I still hope
When (wil) you return
We turn a new page
I await your return
I forgive your faults
I wish you return
Bringing a heart shining with love
I have already forgotten
All mistakes of times past
When will you return?
We turn a new page
I await your return
I forgive your faults
I wish your return
Bringing a heart shining with love
I have already forgotten
All mistakes of times past
When ( will ) you return
We turn a new page
I await your return
I forgive your faults

White Seashell

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
You, white seashell, you
who has come down from that wave,
you, who encloses your thoughts in your shell
never noticing me, not even a bit,
little coral weave,
sooner or later I will catch you
in my crystal net.
Because you make me die,
because you make me dream,
because you, only you, are always you.
Love, love, great love, my love,
you don't know it, but your companion is me,
because with you, only with you, I want to live!
You, white heron, you
who flies and never falls down,
but if the wind drags you to my nest,
you'll rest your wings next to me.
Fly away, go ahead and fly,
for I will wait for you
and cover you with my care.
Because you make me die,
because you make me dream,
because you, only you, are always you.
Love, love, great love, my love,
you don't know it, but your companion is me,
because with you, only with you, I want to live!
Because with you, only with you, I want to live!
Love, love, great love, my love,
you don't know it, but your companion is me...

Rainy Country

In the puddles of the capital of Rainy Country
I see my reflection again.
On the land that was mine
I`m not there anymore for a long time.
Pine trees filter the Baltic light.
The rays of light pulsate In the yellow haze.
Life is crossed out by the letter Z
But I'm directing a new one.
***Russian 'рatriot' says:
Why did you run away? Why didn't you go
Barefoot and naked against astronauts(Putin`s armed security forces) with Kalash(AK-47)?
Why didn't you douse yourself with gasoline and set yourself on fire?
What, chickened out? You are such goofy.
What are you mumbling to us about children? I don`t give a fuck about them.
Those who died under shelling, why do you care about their lives as much as about the lives of yours?
If you want to become a 'good Russian' - lie down in a coffin.
Do not grab the chassis - go to Kabul to overthrow the Talibans.
Why did you run away? Why didn't you go
To give back to the Motherland a sacred duty and become the dead member of 'Immortal Regiment'?
It's just that you chickened out, damn, if you were a man
You, shaved bald hero, would fall dead for the palace near Gelendzhik(Putin`s 'secret' luxury palace).
Why are you not 'neither one nor the other', rare asshole
Why you didn’t burn out together with a tank in a whirlwind of furious attacks?
***Noize MC says:
Yes, I'm alive and well. And you (viewers and listeners) screenshot and share this
Bad news for everyone who wishes me death.
Chorus x2:
In the puddles of the capital of Rainy Country
I see my reflection again.
On the land that was mine
I`m not there anymore for a long time.
Pine trees filter the Baltic light.
The rays of light pulsate In the yellow haze.
Life is crossed out by the letter Z
But I'm directing a new one.

Only In My Imagination

I return to you
in my head you are here and nothing has changed
you look at me
with the same pure look like in the beginning
everything is strange now, refuse to get used to it
but i wondered how your day is going
I return to you
i would be ready to try again with a fresh start
that you will look at me
and find within me all that you searched for
i think about us even if it hurts
you are far away now but i still love you.
And who knows where you are?
everything comes back to me suddenly
and for years already you star
on billboards in my memory.
And what is left for me to say?
apparently we'll only see each other in my imagination.
I return to you
in my head you smile just because
around me is shaking suddenly
i wake up, and then everything disappears again
and stars that are shining on me now
will indicate to me the path where we can love.
And who knows where you are?
everything comes back to me suddenly
and for years already you star
on billboards in my memory.
And what is left for me to say?
apparently we'll only see each other in my imagination.

Hassan Bei

Versions: #1
In terror he stares at galloping prince
A thundering bolt in hand thrashing.
In furrows the foes tumble in slashing.
The prince is a ‘slicing, the heathens are minced
Behind him in roar the lads follow and singe,
Romanians doing whacking.
In panic the horses break free and stampede
Charge to the shores and hurdle