Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 105450


Deade soarle

Deade soarle trei brățate,
I'ali pre-ayalea o lai frate!
Deade soarle păn' di noru,
I'ali pre-ayalea o lai soru!
Și tu doauă trei stămîńi
Si-umplu calea di-Armăńi.
Și tu patru ținți meși
Si-umplu calea di-Arbineși.
Și tu ținți șasi ańi
Si-umplu calea di nizańi.
Cînd va ni yini mșatlu Maiu,
Lilici ditu Maiu,
Aidi cu munțîli di virdeațî.
Bre gioni armîtuladz.
Ca s'easî Armînl'i pri tu munț,
Aidi ș-mușatili de-Armîni.
Ca s'easî și-oili-ațeali lăi,
Aidi cu cloputli de-asimi.


Taci (şi culcă-te cu mine)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Îmi place trupul tău
nu aşa mult, îmi place mintea ta
De fapt eşti plicticos
pretinzi că nu eşti genul meu
Îmi tot vorbeşti
de ceva fată pe care n-o ştiu
când oare ai să taci
şi când vom pleca
Eşti tânăr, eşti liber
de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Eşti tânăr, eşti liber
de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Nu asculta de toate vechile convenţii
nu ascunde surpriza
adevăratele tale intenţii,
eşti deschis
Cel puţin, ce tot spui
nu te teme să faci
ce poţi tu cel mai bine
Taci, taci,
Taci, taci
Taci, taci,
Taci, taci
Eşti tânăr, eşti liber
de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Eşti tânăr, eşti liber
de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Hai, de ce nu te culci cu mine?
Taci şi culcă-te cu mine
Vino, aha, şi culcă-te cu mine


Frumoșii ochi căprui

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Spui că ai terminat acum cu el,
Dar e ușor de văzut
Că tu încă îi aparții,
Nu ești fericită cu mine.
Îți poți ascunde toate sentimentele
Până când trece el.
Atunci văd melancolia
În frumoșii tăi ochi căprui.
Frumoșii tăi ochi căprui
Îmi tot spun minciuni,
Dar nu poți ascunde durerea
Cu un zâmbet disimulat.
Îți poți ascunde toate sentimentele
Până când trece el.
Atunci văd melancolia
În frumoșii tăi ochi căprui.
Frumoșii tăi ochi căprui
Îmi tot spun minciuni,
Dar nu poți ascunde durerea
Cu un zâmbet disimulat.
Îți poți ascunde toate sentimentele
Până când trece el.
Atunci văd melancolia
În frumoșii tăi ochi căprui.
Atunci văd melancolia
În frumoșii tăi ochi căprui.


Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi
S-a spus că dragostea noastră e doar o emoție
Pe care timpul o va stinge încet, încet,
Dar timpul doar mi-a aprofundat devotamentul,
Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi.
În ziua când ai făcut lângă mine acele tandre jurăminte
Bucuria mi-era mai mare decât se poate spune în cuvinte,
Și draga mea, ea tot crește și crește în mine,
Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi.
În ziua când ai făcut lângă mine acele tandre jurăminte
Bucuria mi-era mai mare decât se poate spune în cuvinte,
Și draga mea, ea tot crește și crește în mine,
Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi,
Te iubesc tot mai mult cu fiecare zi.


Всичко е вече било

Нека си тръгнем полека,
утро е нашият съд.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Аз предварително зная,
че ще заминеш, но пак
в миг натроши се нетраен
крехкия вечерен мрак.
Твоята дума последна –
малка и умна лъжа.
Няма след да погледна,
няма след теб да тъжа!
Нека си тръгнем полека,
утро е нашият съд.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
В непреболялата рана
обич ще търси подслон.
С още невярващи длани
аз ще ѝ свия гнездо
и ще очаквам във мрака
да ме погали крило.
Може би да не дочакам,
всичко е вече било.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
утро е нашият съд.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
вика ни вече денят.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
утро е нашият съд.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
вика ни вече денят.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
утро е нашият съд.
Нямаме обща пътека,
имаме общ кръстопът.
Нека си тръгнем полека,
вика ни вече денят…



Не искам да ти бъда божество,
че божествата лесно се разлюбват.
Човек не сеща как, кога, какво,
но нещо, нещо непременно ги погубва.
Човек не сеща как, кога, какво,
но нещо, нещо непременно ги погубва.
И най-голямата любов, прости,
за тебе не желая да съм също…
Човек тъй рядко се досеща, знаеш ти,
че любовта му е във къщи…
Човек тъй рядко се досеща, знаеш ти,
че любовта му е във къщи…
Аз искам просто с искрени очи
с теб да делим и хляба, и леглото.
И колкото и смешно да звучи,
аз искам твой другар да съм в живота.
Че лесно своя бог човек мени.
Че новата любов е най-голяма.
А със другаря в трудните му дни
смъртта едничка го разделя само.
А със другаря в трудните му дни
смъртта едничка го разделя само.
Аз искам просто с искрени очи
с теб да делим и хляба, и леглото.
И колкото и смешно да звучи,
аз искам твой другар да съм в живота.


I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)

The smoke cloud billows out his mouth
Like a freight train through a small town
The jokes that he told across the bar
Were revolting and far too loud
They shake their heads, saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man'
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no really I can
And only I can
The dopamine races through his brain
On a six-lane Texas highway
His hand, so calloused from his pistol
Softly traces hearts on my face
And I could see it from a mile away
A perfect case for my certain skillset
He had a halo of the highest grade
He just hadn't met me yet
They shake their heads, saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man'
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no really I can
And only I can
Good boy, that's right, come close
I'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel all night
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man
No, really I can
The dopamine races through his brain
On a six-lane Texas highway
His hand, so calloused from his pistol
Softly traces hearts on my face
And I could see it from a mile away
A perfect case for my certain skillset
He had a halo of the highest grade
He just hadn't met me yet
They shake their heads, saying, 'God help her'
When I tell 'em 'He's my man'
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no really I can
And only I can
Woah, maybe I can't


My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys

Oh, here we go again
The voices in his head
Called a ring to end our days of wild
The sickest army doll purchased at the mall
Rivulets to send my plastic smile
But you should've seen it when he first got me
My boy only breaks his favorite toys, toys, oh woah-oh-oh
I'm queen of sandcastles he destroys, oh woah-oh-oh
Cause it fit too right
Puzzle pieces in the dead of night
Should've known it was a matter of time, oh-woah-oh oh
My boy only breaks his favorite toys, oh-oh-oh
There was a litany of reasons why
We could've played for keeps this time
I know I'm just repeating myself
With me back on my shelf
But first pull the string
And I'll tell you that he runs because he loves me (He loves me)
'Cause you should've seen it when he first got me
My boy only breaks his favorite toys, toys, oh woah-oh-oh
I'm queen of sandcastles he destroys, oh woah-oh-oh
'Cause I knew too much
There was danger in the heat of my touch
It's all forever so he smashed it up
My boy only breaks his favorite toys, oh-woah-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, once I fix me
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, he's gonna miss me
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, once I fix me
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, he's gonna miss me
Just say when I'll play again
He was my best friend
Down at the sandlot
I felt more when
We played pretend
Than with all the Kens
Cause he took my by box
Stole my tortured heart
Left all these broken parts
And told me I'm better off
But I'm not, I'm not
I'm not


The Tortured Poets Department

You left your typewriter at my apartment
Straight from the tortured poets department
I think some things I'll never say
Like, 'Who uses typewriters anyway?'
But you're in self sabotage mode
Throwing spikes down on the road
But I've seen this episode
And still loved the show
Who else decodes you?
And who's going to hold you like me?
And who's going to love you, if not me?
I laughed in your face and said
'You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith'
This ain't the Chelsea Hotel
We're modern idiots
Who's going to hold you like me?
No fucking body
You smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate
We declared Charli Puth should be a bigger artist
I scratch your head you fall asleep
Like a tattooed golden retriever
But you awaken with dread
Counting nails in your head
But I've left this one
Where you come undone
I chose this cyclone with you
And who's going to hold you like me?
And who's going to love you like me?
I laughed in your face and said
'You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith'
This ain't the Chelsea Hotel
We're modern idiots
Who's going to hold you like me?
Sometimes I wonder if you're going to screw this up with me
But you tell Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave
And I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen
Every we know understands why it's meant to be
'Cause we're crazy
So tell me, who else is going to love me?
At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger
And put it on the one people put wedding rings on
And that's the closest I've come to my heart exploding
Who's going to hold you? Me
Who's going to know you? Me
And you're not Dylan Thomas
I'm not Patti Smith
This ain't the Chelsea Hotel
We're two idiots
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
Who's going to hold you?
You left your typewriter at my apartment
Straight from the tortured poets department
Who else decodes you like me?


I Can Do It With a Broken Heart

I can read your mind
'She's having the time of her life
There in her glittering prime
The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night'
I can show you lies
'Cause I'm a real tough kid
I can handle my shit
They said, 'Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it,' and I did
'Lights, camera, bitch, smile
Even when you wanna die'
He said he'd love me all his life
But that life was too short
Breaking down, I hit the floor
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting more
I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday every day
I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like a plague
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
I can hold my breath
I've been doing it since he left
I keep finding his things in drawers
Crucial evidence I didn't imagine the whole thing
I'm sure I can pass this test
'Cause I'm a real tough kid
I can handle my shit
They said, 'Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it,' and I did
'Lights, camera, bitch, smile
Even when you wanna die'
He said he'd love me all of time
But that time was quite short
Breaking down, I hit the floor
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting more
I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday every day
I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like a plague
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
You know you're good
You're good
'Cause I'm miserable
And no one even knows!
Try and come for my job



Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway
We embroidered the memories of the time i was away stitching
We were just kids babe
I said i don't mind it takes time
I thought i was better safe than starryeyed
I felt a glow like this never before and never since
If you know it in one glimpse it's legendary,
You and I go from one kiss to getting married
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery
Never quite married
And your suit and tie, in the nick of time
You're low-down boy, you're stand-up guy,
You're holy ghost,
You told me I'm the love of your life
You said I'm the love of your life
About a million times.
Who's gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate
And told me I reformed you
When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes
Well you took me to hell too
And all at once, the ink bleeds
A conman sells a fool a get love quick scheme
But I felt a hole like this, never before and ever since
If you know it in one glimpse it's legendary,
What we thought was for all time was momentary
Still alive, killin time at the cemetery
Never quite buried
You cinephile in black and white
All those plot twists and dynamite
Mr. 'Steal your girl, then make her cry'
You said I'm the love of your life
You shit-talked me under the table
Talking rings and talking cradles
I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all
Dancing phantoms on the terrace
Are they second-hand embarrassed that I can't get out of bed?
Is something counterfeits dead?
It was legendary.
It was momentary.
It was unnecessary
Should I let it stay buried?
Oh, what a valiant roar
What a bland goodbye
The coward claimed he was a lion
I'm coming through the braids of lies 'I'll never leave'
Never mind
A field of dreams involved in fire
Your arson match
Your somber eyes
And I'll still see it
Until I die, you're the loss of my life


So Long, London

(So long, London...)
(So long, London...)
(So long, London...)
(So long, London...)
I saw in my mind ferry lights through the mist,
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift,
pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away.
My spine split from carrying us up the hill.
Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill.
I stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe.
Thinking how much sad did you think I had,
did you think I had in me? Oh, the tragedy.
So long, London,
you’ll find someone.
I didn’t opt in to be your odd man out,
I founded the club she’s heard great things about.
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the heath.
I stopped CPR - after all, it’s no use.
The spirit was gone, we would never come to
and I’m pissed off, you let me give you all that youth for free,
For so long, London,
stitches undone.
Two graves, one gun,
I’ll find someone.
And you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it,
my white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment,
and my friends said it isn’t right to be scared.
Every day old love affair,
every breath feels like rarest air
when you’re not sure if he wants to be there.
So how much sad did you think I had,
did you think I had in me? How much tragedy?
Just how low did you think I’d go ‘fore I’d self-implode?
‘Fore I’d have to go be free?
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof.
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days.
And I’m just getting color back into my face,
I’m just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place
For so long, London,
had a good run,
a moment of warm sun,
but I’m not the one.
So long, London,
stitches undone.
Two graves, one gun,
you’ll find someone.



I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me.
I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic.
All of this to say, I hope you're okay, but you're the reason,
And no one here's to blame but what about your quiet treason?
And for a fortnight there, we were forever running to you,
Sometimes, ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard, turn into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her
All my mornings are Mondays, stuck in an endless February.
I took the miracle, move on drug, the effects were temporary.
And I love you, it's ruining my life.
I love you, it's ruining my life.
I touched you for only a fortnight.
I touched you. But I touched you.
And for a fortnight there, we were forever running to you,
Sometimes, ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard, turn into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her
And for a fortnight there, we were forever running to you,
Sometimes comment on my sweater.
Now you're at the mailbox, turn into good neighbors.
My husband is cheating, I wanna kill him.
And I love you, it's ruining my life.
I love you, it's ruining my life.
I touched you for only a fortnight.
I touched you. But I touched you.
I'm calling you, but you won't pick up.
Another fortnight lost in America.
Move to Florida, buy the car you want.
But it won't start up till you touch, touch, touch me.


But Daddy I Love Him

I forget how the west was won
I forget if this was ever fun
I just learned these people only raise you
To cage you
Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best
Clutchin' their pearls saying, 'What a mess'
I just learned these people try and save you
'Cause they hate you
To high a horse for a simple girl
To rise above it
They slammed the door on my whole world
The one thing I wanted
Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
Screamin', 'But, daddy, I love him'
I'm having his baby, no, I'm not
But you should see your faces
I'm telling him to floor it through the fences
No, I'm not coming to my senses
I know it's crazy
But he's the one I want
Beautiful daughter on the plans relate
Tendrils tucked into a woven braid
Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
You're this chaos he was revelry
Bedroom eyes like a remedy
Soon enough the elders had convened down at the city hall
'Stay away from her,' the saboteurs
Protested too much
Lord knows the words we never heard
Just screeching tires of true love
And I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
Screaming, 'But daddy I love him'
I'm having this baby
No, I'm not, but you should see your faces
I'm telling him to floor it through the fences
No, I'm not coming to my senses
I know it's crazy
But he's the one I want
I'll tell you something right now
I'd rather burn my whole life down
Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'
I'll tell you something 'bout my good name
It's mine along with all the disgrace
I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empire's clothing
God save the most judgmental creeps
Who say they want what's best for me
Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me
And counteract the chemistry
And undo the destiny
You ain't gotta pray for me
Me and my wild boy
And all of this wild joy
If all you want is gray for me
It's just white noise
It's just my choice
There's a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles
Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer
We came back when the heat died down
Went to my parents and they came around
All the wine moms are still holding out
But fuck 'em, it's over
Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and
Even my daddy just loves him
I'm his lady
And oh my God you should see your faces
Time, doesn't it give some perspective
I know you can't come to the wedding
I know it's crazy but he's the one I love
I'll tell you something right now
You ain't gotta pray for me
Me and my wild boy, and all of this wild joy
[?] it was revelry
It's all you want, it's gray for me
It's just white noise, it's my choice
Screaming, 'But, daddy, I love him'
I'm having this baby
No, I'm not
But you should see your faces
And oh my God you should see your faces
[?] it was revelry


Down Bad

Did you really beam me up?
In a cloud of sparkling dust
Just to do experiments on
Tell me I was the chosen one
Showed me that this world is bigger than us
Then sent me back where I came from
For a moment I knew cosmic love
Now I'm down bad, crying at the gym
Everything comes out teenage petulance
'Fuck it if I can't have him'
'I might just die, it would make no difference'
Down bad, waking up in blood
Staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
Fuck it if I can't have us
I might just not get up
I might stay down bad
Fuck it if I can't have him
Down bad
Fuck it if I can't have him
Did you take all my old clothes?
Just to leave me here naked and alone
In a field in my same old town
That somehow seems so hollow now
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about
The existence of you
For a moment, I was heavenstruck
Now I'm down bad, crying at the gym
Everything comes out teenage petulance
'Fuck it if I can't have him'
'I might just die, it would make no difference'
Down bad, waking up in blood
Staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
Fuck it if I can't have us
I might just not get up
I might stay down bad (Like I lost my twin)
Fuck it if I can't have him (Down bad)
Down bad (Waving at the ship)
Fuck it if I can't have him
I loved your hostile take-overs
Encounters closer and closer
All your indecent exposures
How dare you say that it's–
I'll build you a fort on some planet
Where they can all understand it
How dare you think it's romantic
Leaving me safe and stranded?
Cause fuck it, I was in love
So fuck you if I can't have us
Cause fuck it, I was in love
Now I'm down bad, crying at the gym
Everything comes out teenage petulance
'Fuck it if I can't have him'
'I might just die, it would make no difference'
Down bad, waking up in blood
Staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
Fuck it if I can't have us
I might just not get up
I might stay down bad (Like I lost my twin)
Fuck it if I can't have him (Down bad)
Down bad (Waving at the ship)
Fuck it if I can't have him
Like I lost my twin
Fuck it if I can't have him
Down bad (Waving at the ship)
Fuck it if I can't have him


Fresh Out the Slammer

Now pretty baby
I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
Another summer, taking cover, rolling thunder
He don't understand me
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
He was with her in dreams
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
For just one hour of sunshine
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
In the shade of how he was feeling
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Now pretty baby
I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
I will never lose my baby again
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Watched me daily disappearing
For just one glimpse of his smile
All those nights you kept me goin'
Swirled you into all of my poems
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Now pretty baby
I'm runnin'
To the house where you still wait up and that porch light gleams (Gleams)
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up, now that I know what's at stake here
At the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Wearing imaginary rings
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time


Un motiv să lupți

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Imaginea din ochii tăi
Reflectând durerea care te-a luat
O aud în vocea ta
Atât de rușine de ceea ce te doare
Eu nu voi renunța
Deci nu ceda
Ai căzut, dar te poți ridica din nou
Deci nu renunta
Când demonul care este în tine
Este gata să înceapă
Și parcă e o luptă
Că nu vei câștiga niciodată
Când te doare de foc
Și apoi cerșind pentru păcatul tău
Când nu mai rămâne nimic înăuntru
Mai există un motiv să lupți
Pierdut în lumea ta de minciuni
Îmi este atât de greu să cred în tine
Poate fi real de data asta?
Sau doar o parte din acest joc prin care ne jucăm
Eu nu voi renunța
Deci nu ceda
Ai căzut, dar te vei ridica din nou
Eu nu voi renunța
Când demonul care este în tine
Este gata să înceapă
Și parcă e o luptă
Că nu vei câștiga niciodată
Când te doare de foc
Și apoi cerșind pentru păcatul tău
Când nu mai rămâne nimic înăuntru
Mai există un motiv să lupți
Nu-l lăsa să-ți ia sufletul
Uită-te la mine, preia controlul
Vom lupta cu acest război
Nu este nimic pentru care merită să mori
Ești gata să începi
Aceasta este o bătălie pe care o vom câștiga
Când te doare de foc
Și apoi cerșind pentru păcatul tău
Când nu mai rămâne nimic înăuntru
Mai există un motiv
Când demonul care este în tine
Este gata să înceapă
Și parcă e o luptă
Că nu vei câștiga niciodată
Când te doare de foc
Și apoi cerșind pentru păcatul tău
Când nu mai rămâne nimic înăuntru
Mai există un motiv să lupți
Voi fi motivul tău de a lupta
Dă-ți un motiv să lupți



You can beat the heat if you beat the charges too
They said I was a cheat, I guess it must be true
And my friends, all smell like weed or little babies
And the city reeks of driving myself crazy
Little did you know your home's really only
A town you're just a guest in
So you work your life away just to pay
For a time-share down in Destin
Is one hell of a drug
Can I use you up?
The hurricane with my name when it came
I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away
Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine
Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time
Yes, I'm haunted, but I'm feeling just fine
All my girls got their lace and their crimes
And your cheating husband disappeared
Well, no one asks any questions here
So I did my best to lay to rest
All of the bodies that have ever been on my body
And in my mind, they sink into the swamp
Is that a bad thing to say in a song?
Little did you know your home's really only
The town you'll get arrested
So you pack your life away just to wait out
The shitstorm back in Texas
Is one hell of a drug
Can I use you up?
I need to forget, so take me to Florida
I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida
Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable
At least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up, Florida
I need to forget, so take me to Florida
I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida
Tell me I'm despicable, say it's unforgivable
What a crash, what a rush, fuck me up, Florida
Is one hell of a drug
Is one hell of a drug
Love left me like this and I don't want to exist
So take me to Florida
Little did you know your home's really only
A town you're just a guest in (Florida)
So you work your life away just to pay
For a time-share down in Destin (Take me to Florida)
Little did you know your home's really only
The town you'll get arrested (Florida)
So you pack your life away just to wait out
The shitstorm back in Texas
Is one hell of a drug
(Take me to) Florida
Can I use you up?
Is one hell of a drug
Go on, fuck me up


Guilty as Sin?

Drowning in the Blue Nile
He sent me downtown lights
I hadn't heard it in a while
My boredom's blown deep
This cage was once just fine
Am I allowed to cry?
I dream of cracking locks
Throwing my life to the Wolves or the ocean rocks
Crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox
I'm seeing visions, never mad or bad or wise
What if he's written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
Oh what a way to die
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our tryst
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
I keep these belongings locked
In lower case inside a vault
Someone told me, 'There's no such thing as bad fights, only your actions talk'
These fatal fantasies given way to labored breath taking all of me
We've already done it in my head
If it's make believe
Why does it feel like a vow?
We'll fold apart somehow
What if he's written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
Oh what a way to die
My bed sheets are a blaze
I screamed his name
Building up like waves crashing over my grave
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
What if I roll the stone away?
They're gonna crucify me anyway
What if the way you hold is actually what's holy?
If long suffering propriety is what they want from me
They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly
I choose you and me, religiously
What if he's written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind
One slip and I'm falling back into the hedge maze
Oh what a way to die
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our tryst
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
He sent me downtown lights
I hadn't heard it in a while
Am I allowed to cry?


Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?

The who’s who of who’s that is poised for the attack
But my bare hands paved their paths
You don’t get to tell me about sad
If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said
Nothing makes me feel more alive
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who’s afraid of little old me?'
You should be
Her scandal was contained
The bullet had just grazed
At all costs keep your good name
You don’t get to tell me you feel bad
Is it a wonder I broke?
Let’s hear one more joke
Then we could all just laugh until I cry
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who’s afraid of little old me?'
I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean
Don’t you worry folks, we took out all her teeth
Who’s afraid of little old me?
Well you should be
You should be, you should be
You should be, you should be
You should be
So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?
Then say they didn’t do it to hurt me, but what if they did?
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs
I’m always drunk on my own tears, isn’t that what they all said?
That I’ll sue you if you step on my lawn
That I’m fearsome, and I’m wretched and I’m wrong
Put narcotics into all of my songs
And that’s why you’re still singing along
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
'Who’s afraid of little old me?'
I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean
Don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth
Who’s afraid of little old me?
Well you should be
You should be, you should be
Cause you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me
You caged me and then you called me crazy
I am what I am 'cause you trained me
So who’s afraid of me?
Who’s afraid of little old me?
Who’s afraid of little old me?


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

Was any of it true?
Gazing at me starry-eyed
In your Jehovah's Witness suit
Who the fuck was that guy?
You tried to buy some pills
From a friend of friends of mine
They just ghosted you
Now you know what it feels like
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give
A message to the smallest man who ever lived?
You hung me on your wall
Stabbed me with your push pins
In public, showed me off
Then sank in stoned oblivion
'Cause once your queen had come
You'd treat her like an also-ran
You didn't measure up
In any measure of a man
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give
A message to the smallest man who ever lived?
Were you sent by someone
Who wanted me dead?
Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
Were you writing a book?
Were you a sleeper cell spy?
In fifty years will all this be declassified?
And you'll confess why you did it
And I'll say, 'Good riddance'
'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden
I would've died for your sins
Instead I just died inside
And you deserve prison, but you won't get time
You'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars
You crashed my party and your rental car
You said normal girls were 'boring'
But you were gone by the morning
You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing
And in plain sight you hid
But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived


The Alchemy

This happens once every few lifetimes.
These chemicals hit me like white wine.
What if I told you I'm back?
The hospital was a drag,
worst sleep that I ever had.
I circled you on a map.
I haven't come around in so long
but I'm coming back so strong.
So when I touch down
call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team.
Ditch the clowns, get the crown,
baby, I'm the one to be
'cause the sign on your heart
said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Hey, you, what if I told you we're cool?
That child's play back in school
is forgiven under my rule.
I haven't come around in so long
but I'm making a comeback to where I belong.
So when I touch down
call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team.
Ditch the clowns, get the crown,
baby, I'm the one to be
'cause the sign on your heart
said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
These blokes warm the benches,
we've been on a winning streak.
He jokes that 'It's heroin, but this time with an E'.
'Cause the sign on your heart
said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads.
Beer stickin' to the floor, cheers chanted 'cause they said,
'There was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league'
Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me.
Touch down,
call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team.
Ditch the clowns, get the crown,
baby, I'm the one to be
'cause the sign on your heart
said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
These blokes warm the benches,
we've been on a winning streak.
He jokes that 'It's heroin, but this time with an E'.
'Cause the sign on your heart
said it's still reserved for me.
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
This happens once every few lifetimes.
These chemicals hit me like white wine.


The Manuscript

Now and then she rereads the manuscript
Of the entire tournament affair
They compare their licenses
He said, 'I'm not a downer but
I'd give you my heart if you needed it'
She rolled her eyes and said
'You're a professional'
He said, 'No, just a good samaritan'
He said that of the sex was half as good as the conversation was
Soon they'd be pushin' strollers
But soon it was over
At the age of him, she wishes she was thirty
And made coffee every morning in a french press
Afterwards she only ate kids cereal
And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed
Then she dated boys who were her own age
With dark boards on the back of their doors
She thought about how he said since he said she was so wise beyond her years
Everything was been above board
She wasn't sure
And the years passed
Like seems of a shoulder
Professor, said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards
Might be the only way to move forward
Then the actors
Were hitting their marks
In the slow dance
Was a light with the spark
And the tears fell
With synchronicity with the scars
And at last
She knew what the agony has been for
The only thing that's left is the manuscript
One last trip from my trip to your shores
Now and then I reread the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore


The Manuscript

Now and then she rereads the manuscript
Of the entire tournament affair
They compare their licenses
He said, 'I'm not a downer but
I'd give you my heart if you needed it'
She rolled her eyes and said
'You're a professional'
He said, 'No, just a good samaritan'
He said that of the sex was half as good as the conversation was
Soon they'd be pushin' strollers
But soon it was over
At the age of him, she wishes she was thirty
And made coffee every morning in a french press
Afterwards she only ate kids cereal
And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed
Then she dated boys who were her own age
With dark boards on the back of their doors
She thought about how he said since he said she was so wise beyond her years
Everything was been above board
She wasn't sure
And the years passed
Like seems of a shoulder
Professor, said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards
Might be the only way to move forward
Then the actors
Were hitting their marks
In the slow dance
Was a light with the spark
And the tears fell
With synchronicity with the scars
And at last
She knew what the agony has been for
The only thing that's left is the manuscript
One last trip from my trip to your shores
Now and then I reread the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore


Your Little Star

Through the universe I'm looking for you ambidextrously,
Terrestrially (and through land)
Cause no one has what you do
I lay down my ego
(They) All are echoes and I forget the rest'
Cause nobody has what you do
You don't know, my love
what have you've done to my life
You don't know, my love
what have you've done to my life
But no matter how much we've got, you want the whole world
I know tomorrow I will fall
(for) One night I am your star
But no matter how much we've got, you want the whole world
I know tomorrow I will fall
(for) One night I am your star
How could I stop you?
You fly over the world and dream
That no one has what you do
And the stars, they want you too
They want you with them
Cause no one has what you do


Empty Table and Empty Chairs

I have never known this pain,
unfortunately now i do
empty table and empty chairs,
my friends, why am I alone in here?
Here it is the flame flared up within us,
We went ahead to meet the word 'TOMORROW'
today, a cruel censor
has distorted the little word to 'never more'
Here in the corner used to sit Grantaire,
Enjolras and Jean Prouvert,
Here, a deed was born out of faith,
and maybe fear along with it.
But the dream held more weight,
a beautiful dream that called
to the last barricade there in the dark.
Boys, forgive me please,
That I am alive, that I am still here
How much anguish, life without you,
how many tears and torments it cost me.
I keep seeing you as apparitions,
you're just an illusion, just a shadow.
Empty table and empty chairs,
why be here, when there's no one to be with.
Don't let any of you ask,
if the sacrifice was worthwhile
Empty table and empty chairs
don't believe in anything anymore, like me.


The song of a snake

I am a snake, always slithering
But also I have feelings
People always step on me
And the rain gets my skin wet
But I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
I am a snake and I like apples
But I'm not able to climb a tree
If someone shoke the tree
An apple would fall down for me
Because I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
If you just knew that I secretly cry sometimes
Because no-one likes snakes
All they do is throw a rock at me
Or push me aside with a stick
But I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy
My true purpose is to look for a friend
But no-one would ever take a snake
Even though I don't lie, and I don't steal
And I owe nothing to anyone
Because I am not that bad after all
Even though I have a slimy tummy


I am a tree

When it's hard for me to be myself
My step is like a feather
My day is consuming
I become a tree
To no longer feel
That the wind is quivering
Like a distant party
I am a tree
My roots are oblivion
I'll become an old branch
I won't bear fruit
Despite my trunk size
The birds land
They rest on me
My feet are like an ostrich
And me, I'm like a log
I am a tree
I am a tree
I've give up
The fires, the artifice
Moving is risky
Sacrifices has to be made
I am a tree
I am a tree
I look like a soldier
We hesitate twice
To disturb marble
I am a tree
I'm prone to love at first sight
I don't want to end up in powder
I'd rather watch
The tractors passing
And the sprinkles
Leave the pots of flower (blue)
The beautiful plants
Potted, arrogant
I am a birch
A lot of work to be done
So that I don't end up a plank
What's the point of fighting?
Just to be cut down
My real victory is
Scoping the distance
I am a tree
I am a tree
I am a tree
People are like trains
Passing and passing away
I'm letting my turn pass
I'm fine with what's going to happen
I am a tree
I am a tree
My cypress friends
Are neither far nor near
And they leave me thinking
I am a tree
I am a tree
People are like trains
Passing and passing away
I'm letting my turn pass
I'm fine with what's going to happen
I am a tree
I am a tree
My cypress friends
Are neither far nor near
And they leave me thinking
And they leave me thinking
And they leave me thinking


I haven't seen you for a month

I haven’t seen you for a month
I don’t wish you anything vile
Gloomy sadness shan’t reach you
Grief shan’t reach you
Neither the air
Two into the heart
One into the head
Why has everyone became identical?
Would you like to differentiate yourself?
While you are indistinguishable
Mass produced
You’re speaking in the same way
You’re feeling in the same way
You’re dying in the same way
You look the same
You are the one, who with the Earth protects itself
Anyone can just exist
Being born was a nuisance for this
I am lonely
Especially when
You hold the two hands of mine
I haven’t seen you for a month
I don’t wish you anything vile
Gloomy sadness shan’t reach you
Grief shan’t reach you
Neither the air
Maybe I am pathetic
But worthy for love
What you say about me
Doesn’t concern me because you’re behind my back
When I’ll hear your voice, I’m already far away
Further than you think
I haven’t seen you for a month
I don’t wish you anything vile
Gloomy sadness shan’t reach you
Grief shan’t reach you
Neither the air
I’m the quiet layer
Who hears everything but unnoticeable
I decide your destiny
Like the fear controls the common man
Your lip is smiling but your eyes are crying
If you don’t love me then you should loathe yourself
Two into the heart
One into the head
I am lonely
Especially when
You hold the two hands of mine
I haven’t seen you for a month
I don’t wish you anything vile
Gloomy sadness shan’t reach you
Grief shan’t reach you
Neither the air



I'm tired of waiting for you
awake until three in the morning
And without looking at you, I ask where you're coming from
And you don't want to answer me
I warned you, I can't stand it anymore
I can't stand being next to you anymore
Because life is too short1
I'm not wasting it with you anymore
Today, I want to fly like a breeze
Today, I want to fly like a breeze
Today, I want to fly like a breeze
Nana nanana
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
Oh oh oh
I'm tired of listening disguised lies in your words
I don't feel like living another adventure if you're close to me
I warned you, I can't stand it anymore
I can't stand being next to you anymore
Because life is to short
I'm not wasting it with you anymore
I know you'll keep
an eye on my loneliness
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
May everyone learn that you're poison
May everyone learn that you have an ice heart
Today, I'm leaving with the suitcases of my freedom
Oh oh oh
  • 1. lit. 'Life lasts three days'


SV 206 Vespro 12 Sei gegrüßt, Stern des Meeres.

Sei gegrüßt, Stern des Meeres,
erhabene Mutter Gottes
und stets Jungfrau,
glückliches Himmelstor.
Die du das „Ave“ nahmst
aus Gabriels Mund,
verankere uns im Frieden,
die du Evas Namen ändertest.
Löse die Fesseln der Sünder,
bring den Blinden das Licht,
vertreibe unsere Sünden,
erbitte für uns alles Gute.
Zeige dich als Mutter


There isn't even a reason
that accuses a heart of being immoral
For falling in love
For falling in love
Feelings can't be seized
They travel through time
They're like the air
They're like the air
And passion is a volunteer
Ah, passion
It's a deserted beach
fabricated by our subconscious
You don't eat, you don't sleep
You only live on love
Natividad1 left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
Discovering a new world
as was done yesteryear
And such is the power of love
To be able to live a dream
We must surrender to our heart
Neney, ney, ney, to the heart
Neney, ney, ey, ey, to the heart
Natividad left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
Natividad left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
Round trip message, because I have no credit left
Round trip message, because I have no credit left
I might call you later
Dare I come back one day
Natividad left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
Discovering a new world
Natividad left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
Natividad left to Havana
Natividad, Natividad
And among so much rumba and singing
Natividad didn't ever come back
And she writes to me every now and them
to tell me about pretty things
that the Caribbean sun has got
  • 1. a name, lit. 'Nativity'