Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 1286

Număr de rezultate: 105342


Cum ne afectează pe noi

Sunt un orgolios indiferent, beau prea mult
Mintea îmi este mereu adormită, tot timpul mă pun pe primul loc
Însă tu erai mereu foarte frumoasă, mereu alegeai dreptatea
Cea mai mare greșeală, desigur, eram eu
Minciunile tale nu se iartă ,dar planurile nu sunt deloc inocente
Poate că așa bărbat sunt eu, că m-ai iubit ,e vina ta
De acum , fără să o lungim ,ar trebui să pleci iubito
Sunt frumoși, foarte frumoși, ne rănim unul pe altul
Nu suntem noi cei care ne-am desprins din inima ta a peștilor?
Îmi povesteai mereu

Imnul Bisexual

Îmi plac fete, îmi plac băieți
Îmi place să mănânc păsărică mă rog îmi place și să călătoresc
Da iubesc să sărut fete și dupaia pun pula în mine
Sunt o curvă bisexuală și nu am nimic de ascuns
Da târfele ăstea mă urăsc pentru că am încredere în mine
Să nu uiți B din LGBT
Și ei le plac să zic că suntem egoiști, da voi spune-ți că nouă ne place să înșelăm
Dar eu nu ies cu amândoi în aceeași timp, urător așează-te jos
Îmi plac fete vai de mine cur mare țâțe mari
Dar îmi plac și de băieți pula sexy mare
Și dacă mă urăști zdreanță atunci haide, un rahat mare
Și dacă ești curioasă eu am grijă de tine fată, se rezolvă repede
[Verse 1]
“Cum dracu poți să ieși cu un tip când ești bisexuală
Tu ești o lesbiană falsă nu-mi place de tine, eu n-o să mint
Nu poți să-ți placă de amândoi, alege o parte, alege o parte
Îți place să fuți fete sau îți place să fuți băieți?”
Îmi place de amândoi, mândrie bisexuală mă ridic pe picioare
Îmi place una mică feminină și tipul meu să fie masculin
Pășesc în clubul de strip și dupaia arunc niște bani
Dupaia când el mă face udă și îi place să-mi aruncă mâinile în sus
Dacă vreau să am o iubită și nu ne merge totul este bine
Sexualitate este maleabilă, este ok să ies cu băiat
Și dacă am ieșit cu un drac de bărbat și ne-am despărțit este ok să merg la întâlnire cu o fată frumușică, nu-i nevoie de iubirea falsă
Îmi plac fete, îmi plac băieți
Îmi place să mănânc păsărică mă rog îmi place și să călătoresc
Da iubesc să sărut fete și dupaia pun pula înauntru
Sunt o curvă bisexuală și nu am nimic de ascuns
Da târfele ăstea mă urăsc pentru că am încredere în mine
Să nu uiți B din LGBT
Și ei le plac să zic că suntem egoiști, da voi spune-ți că nouă ne place să înșelăm
Dar eu nu ies cu amândoi în aceeași timp, urător așează-te jos
Îmi plac fete vai de mine cur mare țâțe mari
Dar îmi plac și de băieți pula sexy mare
Și dacă mă urăști zdreanță atunci haide, un rahat mare
Și dacă ești curioasă eu am grijă de tine fată, se rezolvă repede
[Verse 2]
Am cunoscut o gagică drăguță și scurtă mult timp în urmă în ‘08
Chiar am fost în negare, eram gen “nu, stai puțin”
Am întâlnit un tip în liceu, eram atât de confuzată
Cum dracu îmi plac de fete și dupaia mi-o început să-mi placă băieții
Dupaia mi-am dat seama, nu sunt regule
Nu este o crimă să-mi placă vagini, nu este o crimă să-mi placă pulă
Nu este o crimă să fi cine vrei, oricând frate sunt nebună
Sunt o fată bi, zdreanță, una mică și deosebită
B-I la S-E-X-U-A
Deja ai pierdut dacă mă urăști, curvă eu te omor
Nu nu sunt gay și nu nu sunt heterosexuală
Eu sunt B-ul în situația asta, mândrie bisexuală toată ziua
Îmi plac fete, îmi plac băieți
Îmi place să mănânc păsărică mă rog îmi place și să călătoresc
Da iubesc să sărut fete și dupaia pun pula înauntru
Sunt o curvă bisexuală și nu am nimic de ascuns
Da târfele ăstea mă urăsc pentru că am încredere în mine
Să nu uiți B din LGBT
Și ei le plac să zic că suntem egoiști, da voi spune-ți că nouă ne place să înșelăm
Dar eu nu ies cu amândoi în aceeași timp, urător așează-te jos
Îmi plac fete vai de mine cur mare țâțe mari
Dar îmi plac și de băieți pula sexy mare
Și dacă mă urăști zdreanță atunci haide, un rahat mare
Și dacă ești curioasă eu am grijă de tine fată, se rezolvă repede
Da sunt bi, sunt bi
Și îmi place de amândoi, am mândrie
Da sunt bi, sunt bi
Eu sunt B-ul în situație asta, tu știi de ce
Da sunt bi, sunt bi
Eu sunt B-ul în situație asta, tu știi de ce

Vei pleca, voi pleca

Nu fii tristă,
Vei pleca, voi pleca,
va fi așa.
După ce am vorbit
de tine, de mine,
s-o sfârșim e mai bine,
fără să ne rănim.
Până acum a fost frumos...
De ce eșuează?
Vei pleca, voi pleca,
va fi așa,
fără un adio,
fără o întrebare,
fără resentimente, fără reproșuri,
fără durere, în pace.
Să nu uităm că am fost
până ieri...
E mai bine așa...
De ce să continuăm,
dacă știm amândoi că nimic nu mai e ca înainte?
Vreau să încerci să mă uiți,
cel puțin așa vom fi foarte fericiți
de fiecare dată când ne amintim tot ce-am trăim
în timp ce eram îndrăgostiți.

Iubire de-o vară

Acest soare nu e același,
Nici măcar marea, marea noastră,
Nici eu, ceea ce am fost pentru tine.
Și căldura s-a dus, când ieri
Fără să vrem, ne-am spus adio...
Credeam că pot să mă prefac
Că nu era o dragoste adevărată,
Că totul putea trece,
Credeam că pot uita.
Ai rămas lipită de pielea mea
Cu sărutări de sare și de miere

Her, you love her

Her, you love her, so much, so much
To the point, I know, you'd be lost without her
Her, you love her as much, I believe, as I need you
Me, I lock my life into your silence
Her, you love her, that's what makes all the difference
Her, you love her, to the point - certainly -
Of having a fire in your heart that goes ever on
Her, you love her and me, without you, bathed in sunshine, I'm cold
The more my pain grows in your absence
The more you love her, that's what makes all the difference
Her, you love her, so much, so much
To the point, I know, that you could die for her
Her, you love her so much, and me, I still only love you

She wants me

She wants me-ee-ee
It was late, I wanted to go
Next to the wardrobe and I had my coat on already
She said: will you wait a little while?
And just fifteen seconds later
Her lips had left a print on my neck
No, she is not shy
I see that every boy secretly looks at her
She has everyone in easy reach
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
On the way to her house
I pay for the taxi and her shoes are already off
Because we couldn't wait anymore
She closes the door, turns off the lights
Clothes on the staircase and my fingers on her skin
It will be a sleepless night
I see that every boy secretly looks at her
She has everyone in easy reach
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
I cannot believe that I am here, I am here
She wants me alone but even closer, nooo
I cannot believe that I am here, I am here
She wants me alone but even closer
But she wants me and wants that to be known
She wants me, and she is far too ambitious
But still before I could have imagined possible
Her name is all over my body
She wants me-ee-ee, yes she wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh, oh
She wants me-ee-ee


Do tell, when shall I perish? (may that day be so very distant!)
too arrogant and thus disdainful, yet prodigal and turbulent in,
thus, the alive unconsciousness forever insatiable,
he was just a flame in the cool wind…
He went, so sensuous, weary, through islands of his America,
in pine woods, there, of Honduras, his breath was what he had strengthened,
his Mexican, true homeland bestowed him his great rebellion,
his liberty, his pure strength…. and he was just a flame in the cool wind.
He'd go to reach the bright stars from chasms so quite unsounded

Be Grateful to our Parents

During the long night feeling emptiness I reminisce about the past
When the moon is clear I think about my mother
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
How can't you be sad when you miss them
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents
We should repay kindness to our parents
We should fulfill our filial duties
However I have left
and can't be with them
Softly playing a melody and sending it in my dreams
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents


Pola, please, wake up
The dream about power is over
You can't last this long in your illusion
The round-up speaker's fooling you
Awakens the nationalist myth
It doesn't matter, it's just the autumn weather
And you have your own problems, your world isn't perfect
In the streets you cover your face like a lot of us
Like a lot of us
You need to stand up from your knees
Because there's just nothing to take
On train you feel the scent of civil war
Even though you aren't the prettiest
In fashion shows you get worse places
Is there anyone this lone on the continent?
And you have your own problems, your world isn't perfect
In the streets you cover your face like a lot of us
Like a lot of us
And you?
And I?
And him?
And her?
And us?
And them?
And them?
Oh Pola, they cheat on you
And they keep using you
And violating you
And praying to you
Oh Pola, don't give up on them
Oh Pola, don't give up on them
Oh Pola, no
You'll make it, I believe in you
I know you have your own problems, your world isn't perfect
In the streets you cover your face like a lot of us
And you?
And I?
And him?
And her?
And us
And them?
And them?

Zaporozhye Ukraine

Russian warship, idi nahui.
'Russian warship, idi nahui.'
This is the only option, we have no fear.
We are moving forward, victory awaits us.
'Get out of Ukraine' is the only requirement.
We will never forgive this war,
Burned cities, squares, hospitals, schools.
Revenge awaits you for all the crippled lives.
'Welcome to Hell' - repentance will not help.
We are - Zaporizhia. We are - Zaporizhians.
We are - Zaporizhia. We are - Ukrainians.
This is our land, and we are at home here.
Ready to defend, we are not afraid of fatigue,
And you, the occupier, like came to protect us,
And you have a choice - to flee or to die.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!
It's not just words, it's our statement,
That we won't give up, that we will not break.
We will stand together for a free Ukraine.
We are - Zaporizhia. We are - Zaporizhians.
We are - Zaporizhia. We are - Ukrainians.
'Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!'
Instead of an alarm clock, the people woke up from explosions.
Once - the Nazis, but now it was you.
You shout that we are brothers, that you came to save us,
But instead of a brotherly shoulder - tanks, bombs and 'Grads'.
People will remember, people will not forgive.
The whole world will open its eyes and everyone will see
How we will defeat the Moscow penguin.
Everything will be fine. Everything will be Ukraine.
We are Zaporizhia. We are from Zaporizhia.
We are Zaporizhia. We are Ukrainians
We are Zaporizhia. We are from Zaporizhia.
We are Zaporizhia. We are Ukrainians

I don't sob

1. Girls girls shed a tear and they like it
Yes they do
They dance around the circle singing on
Friday night
Girls girls shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't
I don't shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't but
melt, melt
In love
2. Girls girls they lie
And they like it
They don't say their secrets loud
Their white faces are blushed
I don't sob
No I don't
I don't shed a tear
I don't sob
No I don't but
melt, melt
In love

The Dragon's Successor

Walls enclosing a city, days that keeps on repeating,
And then there is you, who is just living happily
By a stranger's sudden wish, enforced to you is a dream,
Embrace it all within your chest, tucked comfortably
A future that's already forgiven, is still ever so suffocating
It is painful and incommodious, however...!
The dragon's successor that flew over that horizon,
Builds a rainbow bridge to a new future for us all
Opening an already enclosed world towards a new beyond to face,
With only using a single blade
At this very moment, It's about to begin,
A new story forged only for us all
Lasting 'til the end of eternity...!

The Sum of Us

Working forward sometimes, and working backward sometimes
Who came up with this complicated and unsolvable question?
The paper bin has been filled with mistakes, I’ve tried to fall asleep
Getting used to form-filling as we grow
Forgetting that as we flip, those blank spaces were meant for us too
Sometimes being muddle-headed could be a way of happiness, a way of recovery without remedy
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistakes are inevitable, and we should try our best to eliminate
Biting our pencils and thinking with tilted heads
We move about the decimals
Trying to simplify into our desired appearances
By the way, I have my reason
Arithmetic has been my biggest weakness
No matter how I dissect the graph of life, I couldn’t find you
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistakes are inevitable, and we should try our best to eliminate
I pause and stay in your past, subtracting my present
Between lines and within words, multiplying them by the number of years, how much fun and joy
No one could elaborate perfectly, or sum up totally
To me, it’s still beautiful
Wouldn’t dream that we could find any evidence
To prove who has given love, and publish our findings into a book
We were told that mistake is inevitable, you fell asleep before me
Only I am awake, solving this problem step by step


Where is your hand?
I can't find my way home
Why did you let me go?
Why did you let me go astray?
Where is your hand?
I can't find my way
Where should I go
when I go astray?
Lost and afraid
Lost and cold
Dark places
Cold like frost in the ground
Restless and wild
Lost and afraid
Lost and cold
Lost and afraid
Lost and cold

Deceiving Love

Showing off his good looks,
a man tips a glass to his thin lips.
Skilfully teasing the distance
between touching and not touching, the woman returns his gaze.
“Let’s keep drinking somewhere quiet, just the two of us”.
With that, it’s decided.
“But first, let me ask you something. What is it about me do you like?”
After all, you’re the same, right?
This night of deception has only just begun.
Let’s fool each other enough that we get impatient.
It’s raining outside, how convenient.
We’ll take shelter from the rain a little longer, our shoulders softly touching.
“Come tomorrow, I’ll pretend it never happened”.
I’m so sorry for the bother.
“I’d like to see your face in the daytime, when can I see you again?”
After all, you’re the same, right?
Let’s lick each other’s false wounds and bask in them.
Let’s fool each other to the point of trembling.
“I was going to pretend to be in love, but you’re on my mind.”
I’ve gone out of tune, haven’t I?*
“Every lonely night, I think of you.”
I can’t tell which one is a trap.
This night of deception has only just begun.
Let’s fool each other enough that we get impatient.
Let’s lick each other’s false wounds and bask in them.
Let’s love each other to the point of trembling.

Walk Through

Never believing in legends,
it is the fog that covers reality.
Despite passing through all obstacles,
everything hasn't ended.
Looking at the face in the mirror
after waking up from dreams many times,
It's as if it's saying
that there's no turning back.
Walking side by side
through deserts and swamps,
Not backing down
no matter how dangerous the mountain peak is.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.
Never believing in legends,
it is the fog that covers reality.
Despite passing through all obstacles,
everything hasn't ended.
Looking at the face in the mirror
after waking up from dreams many times,
It's as if it's saying
that there's no turning back.
Walking side by side
through deserts and swamps,
Not backing down
no matter how dangerous the mountain peak is.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.
Reversing time and space,
but the answer to the mysteries hasn't appeared.
Cut off everything that stands in the way,
just for that wish.
History cannot be repeated,
times are rapidly changing,
No matter what the final outcome is,
I will bravely go forward with you.

Your Gaze

Everyone is born towards kindness,
Destiny yearns.
Head to toe fearlessly in gear,
Wandering this world.
No one wants to be forgotten,
Names give that hope.
Filled with uncompromising faith,
Even facing enemies isn't a problem.
Even if fate is a dangerous piece of the game,
In the end, we sign onto it forever.
As long as we trust and rely on each other,
PingXie*, Iron Triangle*, HeiHua*
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
No one wants to be forgotten,
Names give that hope.
Filled with uncompromising faith,
Even facing enemies isn't a problem.
Even if fate is a dangerous piece of the game,
In the end, we sign onto it forever.
As long as we trust and rely on each other,
PingXie*, Iron Triangle*, HeiHua*
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
If I were to disappear from this world,
Your gaze would be the only one to notice.
With each other's unshakable companionship,
On this journey, I have you by my side.
On this journey, I have you by my side.


All my fleeting attacks,
they surprise me at dinner time.
Because they float in the glass of February's rain,
that do not wet, nor sadden the city.
Every moment of grief, every first moment,
Every sorrow or solace, every transient pain,
Every mania or attachment, every sincere lament,
Every lousy Sunday, every scary Monday,
Every day of the goalkeeper, me and my mendicant look,
All the layers of the sky, all the things that I want,
Every day in the world, there's a way resurrect.
Every night, every place.
The moments that we have left.
And an absurd opportunity to live,
to live my life.
Music, there's music while we're falling,
Although everything is wrong out there,
It's the talking of my dramatic city,
The hour of pain and nobody has peace,
I still won't listen
Slow, infinite,
the minutes of winter,
they dissolve in the mouth
of a chattering devil.
Because I only take the glory of having in my memory
A magical story in your hours of euphoria
Every day in the world, there's a way resurrect.
Every night, every place.
The moments that we have left.
And an absurd opportunity to live,
to live my life.
Music, there's music while we're falling,
Although everything is wrong out there,
It's the talking of my dramatic city,
The hour of pain and nobody has peace,
I still won't listen.
The voices of distress and loneliness,
The indeclinable absence of freedom,
I'm living the most fanatic routines,
that're born from problematic mornings
I'm still not waking up.

Don't Know

It's not just you who can say, the voice of the person who can see it clearly matters too
Ignorance is everyone's injury, sensitive people will cry
It's not just you who can say, the voice of the person who can see it clearly matters too
Ignorance is everyone's injury, sensitive people will cry
The coffee is on the table, sometimes I will casually think
Beauty is on your face, I casually sing in my dreams
The coffee is on the table, sometimes I will casually think
Beauty is on your face, I casually sing in my dreams
You say you know everything, and say I don't know
But baby, no, don't be indifferent to me
No, don't leave me
Your figure keeps appearing in my mind
You say you know everything, and say I don't know
But baby, no, don't be indifferent to me
No, don't leave me
Your figure keeps appearing in my mind
It's not just you who can say, the voice of the person who can see it clearly matters too
Ignorance is everyone's injury, sensitive people will cry
It's not just you who can say, the voice of the person who can see it clearly matters too
Ignorance is everyone's injury, sensitive people will cry
The coffee is on the table, sometimes I will casually think
Beauty is on your face, I casually sing in my dreams
The coffee is on the table, sometimes I will casually think
Beauty is on your face, I casually sing in my dreams
U give ma life I don't deny
Loving u right Baby u right
U give ma life I don't deny
Loving u right Baby u right
You say you know everything, and say I don't know
But baby, no, don't be indifferent to me
No, don't leave me
Your figure keeps appearing in my mind
You say you know everything, and say I don't know
But baby, no, don't be indifferent to me
No, don't leave me
Your figure keeps appearing in my mind

Glances That Mirror the Ocean

Burn all the pictures we own
I don't want to see who we were
Before we knew what was
Waiting for us
Just give me a boat
And an infinite ocean
And promise me that you won't
Ask me why
I'm leaving
Smiles that don't hide any
Glances that still don't know
That don't mirror the ocean
Smiles that don't hide any
Glances that still don't know
That don't mirror the ocean
Far away somewhere
Forget our history
Just burn my heart, burn
Once you have looked towards the sea
You can never fully look away again

Fucking 80's

Left on the airport
Grew up backstage but
Picks up at daycare
Nobody can flee, lives like everyone else
Somebody's messed with me
Remain on the pew
Forgotten trends, oh when
The sea beats against Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Falls asleep, too busy eh
See ya after the weekend
More cash and parts
Gladly inside the customs
A game to come with
Too late in life, it's
Forgotten friends and when
The wind overthrows Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya' cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Please do take the cash with ya
Before you slam my door
Who cares 'bout what remains
I may be young n' quiet
But when I speak I mean what I say
Well how sensational
Without ever putting down ya foot
You see heads leaned against the pews
N' every Sunday in clothes someone else wants
You can fuck around in Vasa
Much as you want

Scapă-mă din Iad

(Odihnă eternă, oferă-le, Doamne)
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Vlagă pentru oameni, vlagă pentru vise
Bucăți pierdute împrăștiate peste tot
Noi suntem cei mai uimitori soldați subterani
Vezi cum pe toți noi doborâm
Săpăm spre nucleu pentru lumină
S-o tulim drago, asta e un stil de trai
Ascultă atent, căci eu sunt pe loc
Fă imposibilul, crezi că tu nu poți?
Multe lucruri tot se schimb
Noi nu facem mai nimic
Fără durere nu ai ce câștiga
Vai, tonții vor să mă provoace
Scuze, rimele vă vor lăsa fără cap doi
Încă tot lupt pentru al meu talent
Acum voi compune versuri nebune de tot
Fii gata de luptă, un sfat de-al meu, uh huh
De nu știai, acum vei ști
Baftă, băieți!
(Scapă-mă, Doamne, de moartea eternă
A acelei zile cumplite. În ziua aia,
când se va mișca raiul și pământul,
vei coborî să ne judeci pe toți
prin foc și pară.
Ființa îmi tremură și eu mă tem de ce vine
De judecata noastră și mânia care se va vărsa.)
Strofa a două dedic celor ce mă ascult
Tot ce avem de spus, totul e real căci
Revoluția nu apare la televizor
Vorbe să curgă, fenotip de microfon
Deschide ochii și percepe suprafața
Fii gata pentru un țipăt subteran
Oraș plin de gust cibernetic
Băieții sunt în zonă, suntem o enigmă confuză
(În ziua aia, ziua mâniei,
calamități și nenorociri)
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(În ziua aia)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
(Ziua amarului)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(mare și profund)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
(mare și profund)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Odihnă eternă)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Oferă-le, Doamne)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
(Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!)
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Odihnă eternă)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Atinge neatinsul, sparge inspargibilul
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Oferă-le odihnă)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
(Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!)
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Ceea ce vrei să faci e ceea ce trebuie să faci
(Fie ca lumina să-i lumineze)
Căci deasupra ta răspunsul vei găsi
Ascultă sfatul care vine în direcția ta!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Fă imposibilul, vezi invizibilul
(Scapă-mă, Doamne)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
(Scapă-mă, Doamne!)
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!
Hai! Hai! Luptă înapoi!

Copie a unei copii a unei copii

[Strofa 1]
Este un blestem vechi, visătorii se scufundă cu capul înainte
Ciocuri sparte şi păsări moarte
Nu pot trece prin sticlă
Nu are niciun rost să plângi pentru sângele vărsat
Grija doar ucide dragostea
Un sărut nu o va aduce înapoi
Ştiu că prima suflare te loveşte greu
Tinere, potoleşte-ți plânsul şi usucă-ţi lacrimile
Nimic nu este original, nu mai este nimic de zis
Nu vei fi primul sau ultimul să sângerezi
Fiecare inimă frântă cât de departe poate vedea ochiul tău
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
[Strofa 2]
Te pot auzi, urlând până te dor plămânii
Aşa că lasă asta să fie consolarea ta
Nu eşti singurul, nu.
Într-un fel ciudat, toţi în asta împreună
A fost aşa mereu, nu eşti singurul.
Ştiu că prima suflare te loveşte greu
Tinere, potoleşte-ți plânsul şi usucă-ţi lacrimile
Nimic nu este original, nu mai este nimic de zis
Nu vei fi primul sau ultimul să sângerezi
Fiecare inimă frântă cât de departe poate vedea ochiul tău
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Tinere, potoleşte-ți plânsul şi usucă-ţi lacrimile
Nimic nu este original, nu mai este nimic de zis
Nu vei fi primul sau ultimul să sângerezi
Fiecare inimă frântă cât de departe poate vedea ochiul tău
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii
Este o copie a unei copii a unei copii


Suntem băuți și veseli, parcă-s ani de tinerețe
Ne prindem într-un dans și ținem buzele aproape
Nimeni nu înțelege, de ce râdem atâta
Tot vorbim numai noi, parcă avem un alt grai
Vai, ce frumoasă ești
Vai, buze cu gust de mandarină
Vai, totul va fi bine
Vai, deoa-deoarece
Asta, asta, asta, asta, asta-s sentimente
Ale, ale, ale, ale noastre nebunești
Periculoasă ești, te dezlănțui și faci spume.
Asta, asta, asta, asta, asta-s sentimente
Ale, ale, ale, ale noastre nebunești
Periculoasă ești, te dezlănțui și faci spume.
Tu mă scoți din minți, de ce mă tot atragi?
Noi doi ne potrivim ca cola cu vanilie
Mergem oriunde ai vrea, chiar până la hotar de lume
Să nu-ți fie rușine, hai tulim iepurește
Un, doi, trei, patru și cinci, tot fugim fără opriri
Șase, șapte, orice ai vrea
Putem chiar încă și zbura
Ambii tineri încă suntem
Buzunarele pustii
Dar noua deloc ne pasă
Mergem de mână ca un cuplu
Vai, ce frumoasă ești
Vai, buze cu gust de mandarină
Vai, totul va fi bine
Vai, deoa-deoarece
Asta, asta, asta, asta, asta-s sentimente
Ale, ale, ale, ale noastre nebunești
Periculoasă ești, te dezlănțui și faci spume.
Asta, asta, asta, asta, asta-s sentimente
Ale, ale, ale, ale noastre nebunești
Periculoasă ești, te dezlănțui și faci spume.
Vai, ce frumoasă ești
Vai, buze cu gust de mandarină
Vai, totul va fi bine
Vai, deoa-deoarece

Into the fog

My dear little one
Are you lost?
Because this road doesn’t lead anywhere
Mother told me
Make gold out of silver
Then we live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
La dolce vita
So many tears
That I’ve saved under the stars tonight
And mother told me
Everything will be okay
As long as you live as if there was no tomorrow
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Now we’re gonna dance until we die
Sing for everything we’ve destroyed
La bella noche
When we reach the bottom
We will rise up again
Into the fog, the fog, yes, now we’re gonna live
We’re gonna live as if there was no tomorrow
Now the whole world will finally know
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
That we will go the whole, whole, whole way in

The usual

I woke up and bade my heart good morning
Dawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
  • 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.

Mom doesn't want

I sowed a field of accidents

u want

I’m about to be spoiled by ordinal coziness, and the clocks are rushing me up
It is lost in the song that I listen within my arm
I take it all in, and it melts within me
I wanna say goodbye to these days that doesn’t have no meaning
I still can’t get along with her, I hate my whole life
And they don’t treat me right yet
Lick my scratch and let me punch you really strong
I’m not guilty, because I’m honest to reality
I don’t look adorable inside the mirror
I’m about to be spoiled by ordinal coziness, and the clocks are rushing me up
It is lost in the song that I listen within my arm
I take it all in, and it melts within me
I can’t live selfish against the crowd, don’t wanna disgrace myself
My life sucks
Therefore, we are spending days that is not feeling like to meet someone
I want to touch your warm right hand when we’re half asleep
I’m not guilty, because I’m honest to reality
I don’t look good inside the mirror
it’s not fun to be alone in the dried spring time
Hold my hand and lace your tantalizing finger
I refrain thinking about someone while I’m in a dream
Drop of out sweat falls onto ground
I want still your loving
it’s working, jump up
You want still,
I’m listening, but guilty of melting me.
I want still your loving,
it’s working, jump up.
You want still, I’m listening...
I’m about to be spoiled by ordinal coziness, and the clocks are rushing me up
It is lost in the song that I listen within my arm
I take it all in, and it melts within me

The Last Say

Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
How easy it is to hurt each other
How easy it is to cry salt
We're all brave in playing the victims
But how much does putting pride out cost?
As we're afraid of confrontation
'I'm sorry' sounds too weak
We're nuclear bombs
In an unstable heart
Because, if love is strong,
Who tries it is weak
This life is too tight on me
But with you it's more comfortable
In your embrace, fear slides away
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
Your eyes have words I'd like to live in them
Between merits and flaws, I choose both
In love, those who know how to lose win
As 'sorry' isn't a word, but a gesture
And if you don't talk to me now
I'll get over my pride to take
A pencil for your silence
We're nuclear bombs
In an unstable heart
Because, if love is strong,
Who tries it is weak
This life is too tight on me
But with you it's more comfortable
In your embrace, fear slides away
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
To you
Even if you blame me
Even if you close the door
I come back home
I come back home
Even if anger burns
And making an apology isn't enough
I come back home
I come back home
To you
I come back home
I come back home to you
To you
We're only two stubborn folks
But my head is harder
I always want to have the final say, so
I'm sorry

She stole my heart

I saw her, and everything became different
I saw her, and my heart hit me
I saw her, my joy increased, and I flew
When she passed in front of me
With one look, I was frozen
I fell in love
With one look,
I became in love
Suddenly, I'm caring
Suddenly I'm singing
Suddenly I'm overwhelmed in love
She take my heart without permission
She made me thinking on her
She made me yearning on her
And that's my problem
I become in love, yearn, jealous
I'm not stable anymore
I saw her and this is what happened to me
I became selfish
I want her to miss me, love me
I became selfish,
I became indeed selfish

The Ballad of Soda (Go, go ..)

-It was 1912 when the Belgian
Ernest1 arrived in Rosignano
and alas, wretch, he wanted to build
a baking soda factory.
He first asked the inhabitants of Cecina2 but they told him:
'No, we don't want you here!' 'Well...
But you still have to put up with the river water anyway! '
So on the shores of the sea,
the mega big factory was born.
Not content with the salt of the sea,
he also went to Volterra the Saltworks to slaughter.
The new product was born:
here's the baking soda!
Ecological and convenient,
but how it had never occurred to us before!
But what was the price
of such brilliance?
In the sea and beyond, a lot
of garbage and metals to unload.
And here they are,
ladies and gentlemen:
arsenic, copper and chlorides,
lead, cadmium and mercuries.
So go, go, go to the Solvay3, to the Solvay
So go, go, go to the Solvé4 you have to go!
The sea was filled with industrial mud
and the posidonias5 were no longer born.
To curb marine erosion
Ernesto thought there was Jesus.
The fish began to desert
the polluted sea near the Solvay.
And the fishermen saw no more
even the shadow of half a vaìno
And here you are introduced to
the Tuscan Ilva as it was born.
For this and other reasons
'De 'Soda Sisters' and no other names.
So go, go, go to the Solvay, to the Solvay
So go, go, go to the Solvé you have to go!
Word reached Neptune, the king of the sea
that in Rosignano6 there was a great death.
In the ammonia they must not stay
so he ordered all the fish to go away...
They certainly couldn't blame him
they answered him in a chorus: 'So be it!'
They left without peeking again
and in their place appeared ... (Oh, who is it?) the Florentine!
We came from Florence and its provinces,
we left in the morning in great crowds,
We ran along the road
and for the place we fought!
They said to us, 'Where are you going?'
'We're going to the Caribbean Sea.'
Little or near nothing is spent
the only flaw is that there are too many people.
So go, go, go to the Solvay, to the Solvay
So go, go, go to the Solvé you have to go!
But then the hoped dream
it soon turned.
There are those who went to bathe
and from the peaty water never returned.
The postcard beach,
in a short time it revealed itself
not much less than a carnage
for those who returned with burnt skin.
So go, go, go to the Solvay, to the Solvay
So go, go, go to the Solvé you have to go!
So go, go, go to the Solvay, to the Solvay
So go, go, go to the Solvé you have to go!
There is no future for me, good tumor Sorvé!
There is no future for me, good tumor Sorvé!
There is no future for me, good tumor Sorvé! Sorvé!
Good tumor Sorvé! Sorvé!
Good tumor Sorvé! Sorvé!
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. .
  • 4. misrepresentation of 'Solvay', sound similar to the dialectal form of this name.
  • 5.
  • 6.

Tell them

Tell them who I am in your life?
In your feelings, in yourself
Tell them about my place in your memories
Tell them about my heart
How became the most precious to you
Tell them how my sound
became the best voice to you
Tell them more about me
Tell them who I am
Just don't say a word
Tell them by your silence
I accept
If you find me by whisper
If you see me clearly
Through your feelings, Through your soul
Through your smile,
Through your longing and passionate
And If someone discovers you through your shyness,
Or they saw you in my life
Or, by mistake, you mentioned my name
Through your lips when you spoke because of love, because of longing
Tell them more about me
Tell them who I am
Just don't say a word
Only, Tell them by your silence